Saturday, March 19, 2016

“We Thee Abused United States American Veterans et al (American) “Negro DNA Race”… Donald John Trump Sr and Trump Jr. ,.“The Donald J Trump Foundation, ” NASCAR et al, Sarah Palin, Bristol Palin, David Ernest Duke,

In The United States District Court

For The Southern District of Texas

Houston Division

Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II USN

         Pro Se Plaintiff                                                                                 Civil Complaint

                                                                                                        Jury Demand

Co-Plaintiff Slave Negro US Veteran Jeffery Tavery Last Four SS # 3120

Co-Plaintiff Slave Negro US Veteran Robert Vaughan Last Four SS # 9279

Co-Plaintiff Slave Negro US Veteran Avery Brown Last Four SS# 6612.,

Co-Plaintiff Slave Negro US Veteran all others similarly the same situated, Further appearances



Donald John Trump Sr.

Chief Defendant


Donald John Trump Jr.


“The Donald J Trump Foundation a 501(c)(3) “Nonprofit Organization,”



Sarah Palin


Bristol Palin


Ike Perlmutter


Laura Perlmutter


NASCAR et al


CEO and chairman Brian France of “NASCAR”


David Ernest Duke


The Ku Klux Klan (KKK), or simply "The Klan",


James Edwards


White Nationalist


Marvel Worldwide Inc., commonly referred to as Marvel Comics and formerly Marvel Publishing, Inc. and Marvel Comics Group,


“Katrina Pierson”

Co-Defendant(s) Collectively

                                                            Civil Complaint

                                                              Jury Demand

            Comes Now the Slave Negro Pro Se Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II” USN files “Complaint” with the above Honorable U.S. District Court

And for Just Cause, Slave Negro Pro Se Plaintiff herein will show before the “Honorable U.S. Court” all facts, circumstances, detailing “among other things”

18 U.S. Code § 1031 –“Fraud against the United States”

18 U.S. Code § 1341 - Frauds and swindles

18 U.S. Code § 1343 - Fraud by wire, radio, or television

18 U.S. Code § 1349 - Attempt and conspiracy

18 U.S. Code § 1347 - Health care fraud

18 U.S. Code § 1956 - Laundering of monetary instruments

Laundering of monetary instruments fund in direct violation of “Executive Order 13224 (designed to impede terrorist funding),

 of 2016 official The Knight of The Klu Klux Klansmen within “The United States of America”

Title 42, Chapter 21 of the U.S. Code prohibits discrimination against persons based on age, disability, gender, race, national origin, and religion (among other things) in a number of settings -- including education, employment, access to businesses and buildings, federal services..

“We Thee Abused United States American Veterans et al (American) “Negro DNA Race”… Appearance Respectfully before his/her “Honorable Presiding “Justices”,

Further cause of actions Financial Crimes against the Elderly or Disabled 2012 Legislation of The United State of America on rules of Governing Laws

“Civil Financial Exploitation Statutes Code of Ala. § 38-9-2 (2013). TITLE 38 Public Welfare CHAPTER 9 Protection of Aged or Disabled”

“Exploitation as “the illegal or improper use of a Disabled Adult”

    “The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act,”

                 “Honest Services Fraud 18 U.S.C. § 1346”

         “Fraudulent Concealment”, “Embezzlement”, “Conversion”, and “Misrepresentation of Material facts”, “Deceptive Trade Practices”, “Public Nuisance”, “Common law Fraud”, “Aiding & Abetting”, “Assisting or Encouraging”, “Assistant & Participating”, “Concert of Actions”, “Harassment”, “Reckless Conduct”,  “Rude Behavior

To include but not limited to Affirm state and fully declare all allegation, contention, disputes, disputation, argument, conflict and disharmony, fully cause of action as follows:

      “Good and sufficient cause and reasoning exist why procedure issuances of a “Permanent Injunction” and Emergency application accompanying herein

“Gag Order” Chief Defendant Donald John Trump Sr. and Donald John Trump Jr. all Described Co-Defendant(s) collectively described herein

And there acting White Supremacy agents, associates and rioting Confederate (KKK) profession agents of the Defendant(s) collectively from furtherance’s Criminal (RICO) enterprising in continual “endangering the National Security of the United States of America”

  Other than notice of motion is necessary, for an Order to show cause for why the following Identified Chief Defendant Donald John Trump Sr. and

Co-Defendant(s) et al “Collectively” collectively knowing, wanton, licentious, and immoral intentionally committed, conspire with malice, prepare or directed and orchestrated,

1000%  having engaging in conspiracy to commit to massive Laundering of monetary instruments fund in direct violation of “Executive Order 13224 (designed to impede terrorist funding),

 of 2016 official The Knight of The Klu Klux Klansmen within “The United States of America” against the Peace of Recovering August 20th 1619 - Februarys 7th 2013 “Slavery Servitude of USA Victims”

RICO The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, stir up, whip up, encourage, fan the flames of, stoke up, fuel, kindle, ignite, inflame, stimulate, instigate, provoke, excite, arouse, awaken, inspire, engender, trigger, spark off, ferment, foment;

To “Inciting Hatred” UN-provoke Physical assault having occurred, with wrong full loss of life in escape thereof cause by suicide,

Furtherance’s RICO the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, such inciting Massive Racial Rioting “patter and practices” of “Discrimination Nature” fully 1000% directed against

Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II USN (Veteran) Pro Se Plaintiff

And Co-Plaintiff Slave Negro US Veteran Jeffery Tavery Last Four SS # 3120, Co-Plaintiff Slave Negro US Veteran Robert Vaughan Last Four SS # 9279,

Co-Plaintiff Slave Negro US Veteran Avery Brown Last Four SS# 6612., Co-Plaintiff Slave Negro US Veteran and all others similarly the same situated, Further appearances “PLANTIFFS”

Defendant and Co-Defendant(s) collectively engaging 1000% in a furtherance’s described nature of RICO The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, of Conversion,
Fraud, Civil Conspirer, in this inciting Massive Racial Rioting “among others”

 Criminal/civil acts as described as follows:

Pro Se “Slave Negro” Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) herein reincorporates Respectfully “Affirm”, “State” and fully 1000% “Declare” all absolute “Just” “Fair” and required relief in “Law and Equity” being before the Lord “As of the undersigned “Sealed Date”

That 44.5 Million abducted, kidnapped, abuse from exact date of August 20th 1619 –February 7nd 2016 wrongfully still being the official “Property” in a “Slavery Servitude”

 False Imprisonments state of residing in said time frame by United States of America” and all “White Supremacy Controlling Corrupted Class” upon

All of which is among other things being 1000% in direct Human Right violation in a nature involving Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act...“Slavery Servitude” money laundering statutes, 18 U.S.C. 1956 and 1957, “Slavery Servitude” money laundering statutes, RICO statute (18 U.S.C. § 1961(1)



(America) unjust U.S. Trillions in “free labor” 1619-1865 (246) years in excess easy estimate of $8-$24 Trillion of “unjust enrichment” the Deep Dark ages “The United States of America”

Herein 1619-2099 fully committed continual with “White Only” prosperity of hostile nature of 10,000 and 500 % physically (already) received “forced (Negro) race death” made fully payment thereof

 As a result of their criminal acts of forced “Institutional Slavery”,

Pursuant to” the Deep Dark ages “The United States of America” herein “on rules of governing laws” pursuant to “Racketeering Influenced and Corruption Organization” (RICO) in this ongoing 2015-2099 Secretly “Slave Regime” (RICO) fully furtherance’s committed continual on with

 “White Only” prosperity of hostile nature of 10,000 and 500 % physically in “Black Codes Laws”,” Jim Crow Laws”, While “Slavery Servitude” furtherance’s “Racketeering Influenced and Corruption Organization” (RICO) secretly “Slave Regime” enforced until February 7th 2013

As thee ever almighty pure “White Race” controlling details of other people of color lives, being obsession, preoccupation, addiction, compulsion

And “Hostile” racial exploration of Planet Earth as thee Deep Dark ages Defendant “The United States of America” herein being obsession, preoccupation, addiction, compulsion in this 1619

            Continual being “ungodly” 1000% Corrupted further by imposed, oppressed, and held in legal corrupted limbo “captured” and “enslavement” by legally laws Pursuant to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857) 1619=2099

 In which the Deep Dark ages (United States of America) Federal Absolute Immunity Corrupted “White Only” Judicial Court and their Busted up missing, invalid, unworthy, 13th and 14th Amendment Constitution held that

“We Thee Abused United States American Veterans et al (American) “Negro DNA Race”… Appearance Respectfully before his/her “Honorable Presiding “Justices”,

Whether enslaved or free, (Negro) race could not be made American citizens and therefore had no standing to sue in federal court “Ever” being just, fair, or equal from 1619-2099 Pursuant to “White Only, established

“We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, ‘Provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, Do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”                       

“We Thee Abused United States American Veterans et al (American) “Negro DNA Race”… PLANTIFFS”

 Legally “State”, “Affirm” and “Declare” before the “Honorable Justice” Pursuant to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857) “We Thee Abused United States American Veterans et al (American) “Negro DNA Race”… PLANTIFFS” herein collectively Affirm” 1000% now after

February 7th 2013 (Negro) race are not official legal citizens at all of “The United States of America” The 13th and 14th Amendment of Deep Dark Ages Defendant “The United States of America”

Do not even exist at all after 1865-at the latest 1868 “Slavery servitude” continual onward precisely 145 years secretly later until February 7th 2013, “fully void”, “not valid” or “not ever legally binding”

The 14th Amendment to the Constitution which in the past was legally ratified on July 9th, 1868, Pursuant to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857)


“We Thee Abused United States American Veterans et al (American) “Negro DNA Race”… PLANTIFFS” herein now after February 7th 2013 in this present date of 2015-2099 are the “Legal official Chattel Property”

 of “The United States of America” there after Deep Dark Ages “The United States of America” having executed the direct destruction of “Freedmen's Bureau”,

 “We Thee Abused United States American Veterans et al (American) “Negro DNA Race”… PLANTIFFS” being abducted, and Kidnap from our very own Free Sovereign, thereby now Pursuant to

 “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857) being “criminally” subject to a  (RICO) “Racketeering Influenced and Corruption Organization” (RICO) in this ongoing 2016-2099

Secretly “Slave Regime” (RICO) fully furtherance’s “Deep Dark Ages Donald John Trump Sr. Chief Defendant ,Donald John Trump Jr., “The Donald J Trump Foundation a 501(c)(3) “Nonprofit Organization,” , ,Sarah Palin, Bristol Palin, Ike Perlmutter,

Laura Perlmutter, Marvel Worldwide Inc., commonly referred to as Marvel Comics and formerly Marvel Publishing, Inc. and Marvel Comics Group, Co-Defendant(s) Collectively described herein

committed continual on with “White Only” prosperity of hostile nature of 10,000 and 500 % physically in Secret “Black Codes Laws”,” Jim Crow Laws”,

While engaging in a past nature of “Slavery Servitude” furtherance’s “Racketeering Influenced and Corruption Organization” (RICO) secretly “Slave Regime” enforced until February 7th 2013 under such

 “Sovereign Immunity” prevents a sovereign state or person from being subjected to suit without its consent.

The doctrine of sovereign immunity stands for the principle that a nation is immune from suit in the courts of another country. It was first recognized by U.S. courts in the case of The Schooner Exchange v. M'Faddon, 11 U.S. (7 Cranch) 116, 3 L. Ed. 287 (1812).

 At first, courts espoused a theory that provided absolute immunity from the jurisdiction of a U.S. court for any act by a foreign state. But beginning in the early 1900s, courts relied on the political branches of government to define the breadth and limits of sovereign immunity.


In 1952, the U.S. State Department  reacted to an increasing number of commercial transactions between the United States and foreign nations by recognizing foreign immunity only in noncommercial or public acts, and not in commercial or private acts.

However, it was easily influenced by foreign diplomats who requested absolute sovereign immunity, and the application of sovereign immunity became inconsistent, uncertain, and often unfair.

Complaints about inconsistencies led to the passage of the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act of 1976 (28 U.S.C.A. §§ 1 note, 1330, 1332, 1391, 1441, 1602–1611).

            By that act, Congress codified the theory of sovereign immunity, listing exceptions for certain types of acts such as commercial acts, and granted the exclusive power to decide sovereign immunity issues to the courts, rather than to the State Department.

Indian tribes have been granted sovereign immunity status by the United States, and therefore they generally cannot be sued without the consent of either Congress or the tribe.

This immunity is justified by two considerations: First, historically, with more limited resources and tax bases than other governments, Indian tribes generally are more vulnerable in lawsuits than are other governments.

Second, granting sovereign nation status to tribes is in keeping with the federal policy of self-determination for Indians.

Indian tribes are immune from suit whether they are acting in a governmental or a proprietary capacity, and immunity is not limited to acts conducted within a reservation.

However, individual members of a tribe do not receive immunity for their acts; only the tribe itself is immune as a sovereign nation.

Governmental Tort Immunity

Sovereign immunity may also apply to federal, state, and local governments within the United States, protecting these governments from being sued without their consent.

            The idea behind domestic sovereign immunity—also called governmental tort immunity—is to prevent money judgments against the government, as such judgments would have to be paid with taxpayers' dollars.

As an example, a private citizen who is injured by another private citizen who runs a red light generally may sue the other driver for Negligence. 

But under a strict sovereign immunity doctrine, a private citizen who is injured by a city employee driving a city bus has no Cause of Action against the city unless the city, by ordinance, specifically allows such a suit.

Governmental tort immunity is codified at the federal level by the “Federal Tort Claims Act” (28 U.S.C.A. § 1291 [1946]), and most states and local governments have similar statutes.

Courts and legislatures in many states have greatly restricted, and in some cases have abolished, the doctrine of governmental tort immunity


“We Thee Abused United States American Veterans et al (American) “Negro DNA Race”… PLANTIFFS”,

Further state Defendant(s) and Co-Defendant(s) Herein collectively knowing, wanton, licentious, and immoral intentionally committed, conspire with malice, prepare or directed and orchestrated,
Violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 Provision provided under (ADA) American with Disability Act;  

And Defendant(s) and Co-Defendant(s) Herein collectively knowing, wanton, licentious, and immoral intentionally committed, conspire with malice, prepare or directed and orchestrated,
“Violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964” (Pub.L. 88–352, 78 Stat. 241, enacted July 2, 1964)”


Defendant(s) and Co-Defendant(s) Herein collectively Acquiring accumulative, compensatory, consequential, continuing, expectation damages, foreseeable, Future, incidentals, indeterminate, reparable,

Lawful, proximate, prospective, special, speculative, substantial, exemplary/punitive, and permanent damages directed against the “Peace, Will, and Dignity of

Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II USN (Veteran) Pro Se Plaintiff

And Co-Plaintiff Slave Negro US Veteran Jeffery Tavery Last Four SS # 3120, Co-Plaintiff Slave Negro US Veteran Robert Vaughan Last Four SS # 9279,

Co-Plaintiff Slave Negro US Veteran Avery Brown Last Four SS# 6612., Co-Plaintiff Slave Negro US Veteran

And all others similarly the same situated, Further appearances “PLANTIFFS” in excess of 2.8 (Billion) US Dollars

With direct damages thereof to

Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II USN (Veteran) Pro Se Plaintiff 5.8 (Million) US Dollars

And Co-Plaintiff Slave Negro US Veteran Jeffery Tavery Last Four SS # 3120, Plaintiff 5.8 (Million) US Dollars

 Co-Plaintiff Slave Negro US Veteran Robert Vaughan Last Four SS # 9279, Plaintiff 5.8 (Million) US Dollars

Co-Plaintiff Slave Negro US Veteran Avery Brown Last Four SS# 6612., Plaintiff 5.8 (Million) US Dollars


 “We Thee Abused United States American Veterans et al (American) “Negro DNA Race”… PLANTIFFS” being 1000% now thee official “Property” of Deep Dark ages United States of America et al from

 February 7th 2013-2099, with such Mutable of “thousands upon thousands” counts of    

  “Wrongful Death” in concert with Mutable of “thousands upon thousands” counts of18 U.S. Code § 1341 - Frauds and swindles

18 U.S. Code § 1343 - Fraud by wire, radio, or television

18 U.S. Code § 1349 - Attempt and conspiracy

18 U.S. Code § 1347 - Health care fraud

18 U.S. Code § 1956 - Laundering of monetary instruments

Title 42, Chapter 21 of the U.S. Code prohibits discrimination against persons based on age, disability, gender, race, national origin, and religion (among other things) in a number of settings -- including education, employment, access to businesses and buildings, federal services..

In a grand scheme involing (RICO) Election for President of The United States of America in Laundering of “monetary instruments funding” in direct violation of “Executive Order 13224 (designed to impede terrorist funding), of 2016 official

The Knight of The Klu Klux Klansmen within “The United States of America” being official and having 1000% past and present, future committed already to having achieved “Mail and Wire” Fraud to engage in


“Assault, “Battery”, “Infliction of Bodily Injury”, “Offensive Physical Contact”, “Threat of Bodily Contact”, resulting in direct “Wrongful Deaths”

 Pursuant to direct Violation of the Deep Dark ages (United States of America) very own on rules of Governing laws, set by their very own

“Supreme Court of The United States of America” namely ”, Pursuant to Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857),

In this “Grand Scheme of “White Only” forever Lynching invite from the spoiled bootleg liqueur Drunken prosperity in now the Official (Civilization) claim date of 2016 Twisted Never ending (RICO) ongoing “Slave Régime” as “White Only” forever of the “Deep Dark Ages Donald John Trump Sr. Chief Defendant ,Donald John Trump Jr.,

“The Donald J Trump Foundation a 501(c)(3) “Nonprofit Organization,” ,  ,Sarah Palin, Bristol Palin,

 Ike Perlmutter, Laura Perlmutter, “NASCAR”, CEO and chairman Brian France of “NASCAR”, David Ernest Duke, The Ku Klux Klan (KKK), or simply "The Klan",

White Nationalist,  Marvel Worldwide Inc., commonly referred to as Marvel Comics and formerly Marvel Publishing, Inc. and Marvel Comics Group, “Katrina Pierson”, Co-Defendant(s) Collectively described herein.








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