Tuesday, March 8, 2016

“We Thee Entire 44.5 plus (American) 2016 “Negro Race” vs. Donald John Trump, Sr. Before His/her Honorable “World Court of Justice” The Hague (Petition) “Subpoena Duce Tecum” #1

Pro Se Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN), herein reincorporates and State fully all of the above set forth herein below brief paragraph (s) and Identified each for said
“Individually and Collectively “Subpoena Duce Tecum” #1 involvement with
“Chief Defendant” Donald John Trump, Sr. herein be held to Deepest Dark Ages “Third Party” United States of America 1000% official Royal “Knights of the Klu Klux Klansmen” et al herein,
Being held to appearance “Pro Se and or with “Very” adequate legal counsel under
A subpoena duces tecum (pronounced /səbˈpiːnəˌduːsəsˈteɪkəm/) (or subpoena for production of evidence)  Officially being 1000% present in the respectful appearance collectivlly before His/her
Honorable World Court Justices 1000% honorable Court summons as (Required) herein ordering the recipient to appear
Respond/reply to said petition and supplies answer “Pro Se and or with Adequate “Legal Counsel” Appearance Respectfully before his/her
“Honorable Presiding “World Court Justices”, Before the Honorable World Court of The Hague
Respectfully “Affirm”, “State” and fully 1000% “Declare” all absolute being “Just” “Fair” and required relief in “Sworn under oath” testimony and “Production of document as described as follows:


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