Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Pro Se Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II USN vs U.S. Vets United States Veterans Initiative et al, Joe Czyzyk, Chairman, CEO, Board of Directors,


Pro Se Plaintiff Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II USN Affirm, state and fully declare all allegation, contention, disputes, disputation, argument, Conflict and disharmony, fully furtherance’s cause of action as follows:       

Defendant(s) and Co-Defendant(s) Herein collectively knowing, wanton, licentious, and immoral intentionally committed, conspire with malice, prepare or directed and orchestrated, as follows “Timeline”

a.     First fired Trina” over silly catfight gay/lesbians Bull crap and after this “Ghetto Ho” event the place went to the motherfu-cking dog’s…as well as Trina hand out the “Mail” without holding it hostage or destruction thereof in “Spite”,
       or just Crude Theft”, as “Trina” having full knowledge of “Tons of Federal Court Mail being direct to the Defendant(s) and Co-Defendant(s) Herein collectively during from the exact years of 2011-2016 as on or about as stated filed to “President Obama….

Sep 13, 2011 - Houston Texas City Hall Meeting Notes..for a Toilet and Shower for the Poor. ... “Cmdr. Bluefin” to Dear Santa “President Barrack Obama”… ... <br />To: President (Obama)…xoxoxoox<br />To: Mayor Annise D. Parker

Defendant(s) and Co-Defendant(s) Herein collectively knowing, wanton, licentious, and immoral intentionally committed in “September 13th 2011 refusal to allow Pro Se Plaintiff Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II USN #2712 usage of the toile upon which carp on himself as “Bitch Lesbian Crooked Ass Mayor” taking care of her

 “Gay Interest but except for the “Niggers” poor and sorry “Loser City of Houston refusal to simply provide portal potty during a time frame of 2 years upon which

 Pro Se Plaintiff Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II USN #2712 “went directly to City Hall on “Live News “ feed asking What is your dizzy problem as in PLANTIFF having to bath in River because of

Defendant(s) and Co-Defendant(s) Herein collectively knowing, wanton, licentious, and immoral intentionally committed in “September 13th 2011 refusal to allow
 Pro Se Plaintiff Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II USN #2712 usage of the toile upon which carp on himself as this was the nature of scheme of things of U.S. Vets United States Veterans Initiative et al

To include the inquire in the absolute “State of Texas Crooked Hostile Gov. Rick Perry theft of Hurricane MIA Hurricane Ike Federal Funds belong to the poor Blacks always Ni-gg-er’s of Texas…?

As so Identified by “Mayor A. Parker” Pro Se Plaintiff Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II USN #2712 on record.


Pro Se Plaintiff Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II USN # 2712 Affirm, state and fully declare all allegation, contention, disputes, disputation, argument, Conflict and disharmony, fully furtherance’s cause of action as follows:

2015 Pro Se Plaintiff Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II USN Affirm,        

Defendant(s) and Co-Defendant(s) Herein collectively knowing, wanton, licentious, and immoral intentionally committed in a hostile manner refusal to aid “Vets” in computer simple skills or advice of a broken computer to get it to working when asking during hours of operation of certain hostile

“Negro Race” employees whom always Tough with attitude “Black Male” who snatch Food from Pro Se Plaintiff Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II USN Affirm, wrongfully on the last week of February 2016  


 Pro Se Plaintiff Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II USN Affirm, and PLANTIFFS”, Affirm, state and fully declare all allegation, contention, disputes, disputation, argument, Conflict and disharmony, fully furtherance’s cause of action as follows:

Defendant(s) and Co-Defendant(s) Herein collectively knowing, wanton, licentious, and immoral intentionally committed in a hostile manner refusal to discharge several employees on a favor hire base as
“Office Manger” Fired Black Male Employee whom complained of

“Bitch Mean Blind Girl” as he was in fact doing her “Job” but was wrongfully discharged thereof for complaint as the normal no “Complaint your Band police are called and your fired if employee U.S. Vets United States Veterans Initiative et al in this
“Hostile Environment Defendant(s) Joe Czyzyk, Chairman, CEO, Board of Directors and Co-Defendant(s)  U.S. Vets United States Veterans Initiative et al


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