Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Pro Se Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II USN vs U.S. Vets United States Veterans Initiative et al, Joe Czyzyk, Chairman, CEO, Board of Directors,

“Defendant and Co-Defendant(s)” herein collectively to pursue to the same Criminal Monetary (RICO) enterprise monetary racket Objective(s) involving against the Pro Se Plaintiff herein will, and personal property

Public-private partnership between a 501(c) (3) non-profit service provider, Negligent Misrepresentation & Constructive Fraud that by undertaking “the duty to assure”
 As claimed in U.S. VETS is the largest organization in the country dedicated to helping homeless veterans, and a nationally recognized leader in the field of service delivery to veterans.
The successful reintegration of homeless veterans Being actually “meaningful and effective” other than what’s described against Defendant(s) and Co-Defendant(s) collectively,”
Also undertook a “duty of due care” with providing physical usage of Houston Texas Homeless Veterans access “Toilets” which was MIA from the exact year of 2011- 2014 being Degrading and against Human nature direct to the “PLANTIFFS”

Defendant(s) and Co-Defendant(s) collectively,” also undertook a “duty of due care” and with providing usage of “health working (9) computers’ other than broken down
 “Virus” infected trash always needing fixing and one you cannot use because it has to purchase online services just to use the garbage”.

Defendant(s) and Co-Defendant(s) collectively,” also undertook a “duty of due care” for (3) months in providing “sack lunches” which they at first did “clearly back when “Katrina” was
Office manager and staffed was even less in 20111 number physically present employees on payroll…? Well under 6 to 4 as

Defendant(s) and Co-Defendant(s) collectively,” “Knowingly and willfully” engaged in skill (RICO) enterprise “pattern and practices” – to falsifies, all facts and circumstances surrounding the (3) months MIA Vets Homeless lunches and all real effort involved thereof while all being on “payroll”…?

Which Negro Slave Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II USN # 2712 herein States, Affirm, and Declare Before the “Honorable Justice” of a simple Internet request to as always Commander in Chief (Obama) of providing the return of the pissed of PTSD always Hungry vet’s “sack lunches

And Thanks to both him (Obama) and Sen. Ted Cruz on behalf of Defendant(s) and Co-Defendant(s) collectively, described herein ” being posted “Live” from

 “Cmdr. Bluefin United States Crooked Ninja Navy”

Being provided during the “Trial” of this “Subject Matter” which there after the Co-Defendant(s) collectively,

 “Physically Snatch” said pissed of PTSD always Hungry vet’s “sack lunches from Negro Slave Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II USN # 2712 herein States, Affirm, and Declare Before the
“Honorable Justice” on the last week of February after direct refusals to hand over the second set of

Federal Court orders of by Judge James E. Boasberg on 2/3/16. (md) and Order Dismissing Pro Se Case Fri 9:30 AM
“Theft thereof” by Co-Defendant(s) collectively with intent malice, intent to defraud, to steals, takes, or abstracts, or by fraud or deception obtains.
Negro Slave Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II USN # 2712 Pro Se “and all “Plaintiffs” herein seeks Actual, Accumulative, Compensatory, Consequential, Continuing, Expectation Damages, Foreseeable, Future, Incidental, Indeterminate,

Reparable, Lawful, Proximate, Prospective, Special, Speculative, Substantial, Declaratory Judgment, Punitive, Exemplary and Permanent Damages;

Negro Slave Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II USN # 2712 Pro Se “and all “Plaintiffs” herein seeks also Actual Awards for “Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress” and “Mental Anguish”.

Negro Slave Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II USN # 2712 herein States, Affirm, and Declare Before the “Honorable Justice” moves the Cost of the Honorable Court,
 and for the Pro Se Plaintiff and “PLANTIFFS” legal fees, any Attorney Fee’s occupied herein

And such other further relief as Pro Se Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II may be deeming entitled to in Law or in Equity as described as follows:



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