Saturday, March 26, 2016

Pro Se Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II USN vs U.S. Vets United States Veterans Initiative et al, Joe Czyzyk, Chairman, CEO, Board of Directors,


Pro Se Plaintiff Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II USN Affirm, state and fully declare all allegation, contention, disputes, disputation, argument, Conflict and disharmony, fully furtherance’s cause of action as follows:       

Defendant(s) and Co-Defendant(s) Herein collectively knowing, wanton, licentious, and immoral intentionally committed, conspire with malice, prepare or directed and orchestrated,
Keeping the United States Mail Away from the “PLANTIFFS” Veterans from the exact Hour of 0800 -2:30 @ 7 days of a single work week which is a grand slam total of 44.5 Hours a week

Plus the Chief Defendant Joe Czyzyk, Chairman, CEO, and the Board of Directors 5 employees salary on payday of the 0800 -2:30 @ 7 days of a single work week for = 45.5 total working week Hours

In addition a funky “MIA” must be drunk “Program Manager” cannot hand out the USDA Government mail and

Plus a funky sorry “Van Driver” who refuses to transport Disable Vet with Wheelchair Because  he always “Ni-gg-ers Ass lazy and always on fu-cking God Attitude soap box and off his VAMC Med’s all on payroll…?

 “While” the little “Butch lesbians” Ho’s Ghetto Crew “raw and tough” in treatment in fucking up and with the Vets’ like “We” all Ho Dog Street Trash Scary Punk Bitches” 

“Leaving Pro Se Plaintiff Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II USN # 2712, under hostile enemy (RICO) enterprise fire scheme of things “already wanting to physically assault these

“Butch lesbians” Ho’s Crew raw and extra tough “Bitches” using the “Police as there attack dogs while destroying “Vets” Lives but America say take them Funky Ho’s to Crooked America Federal Court, as furtherance’s explain before The “Courthouse”

While a scheme involving  Federal Civil Fraud in USA official “Federal United States Government” MIA Mail @ 2 “Counts” mail directly stolen by U.S. Vets United States Veterans Initiative et al , Co-Defendant(s) et al in a

Grand Conspire “scheme of things” in order to run the Pro Se Plaintiff physically off the property, as many other having the same done unto them and will testify under “Oath”

Upon which Pro Se Plaintiff Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II USN # 2712 “Affirm and Declare”
As previously having hostile wording with staff for such “Nasty” attitudes directed at “Plaintiffs” already with 3 to their direct funky face, upon which one actually physically snatch a

Free Vet lunch out of my while not looking after roughly tapping my should to blind side mew to seal the funky free “Vets” Meal out of my hungry “Hand” while telling Pro Se Plaintiff being “Now” forever Band from Funky U.S. Vets United States Veterans Initiative et al , Joe Czyzyk, Chairman, CEO, Board of Directors et al,

“While” posting on the U.S. Vets United States Veterans Initiative et al Co-Defendant “Door” Attached exhibit (A) Herein stated as Follows:

“The Sole Function of this Program is to assist homeless “Veterans Achieve their highest level of Independence as Rapidly as Possible”


“While” Joe Czyzyk, Chairman and CEO of Los Angeles-based Mercury Air Group, has been elected chairman of U.S.VETS, the nation’s largest nonprofit serving homeless and at-risk veterans.

Czyzyk, 68, was born in Poland, the son of Holocaust survivors, and grew up in Canada. At the age of 16, he moved to the United States with his parents and soon became a citizen. A graduate of California State University at Los Angeles, he volunteered for two tours of duty with the U.S. Navy Mobile Construction Battalion (Seabees) in Vietnam.

He is a board member of the CEC/Seabee Historical Foundation, who built and operate a museum commemorating the CEC/Seabees in Port Hueneme, CA.

“Our veterans who have so bravely fought for our freedom deserve someone to fight for them,” said Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti. “As the new chair of U.S.VETS,
 I am confident that Joe Czyzyk will do exactly that. I look forward to our continued work together to take care of our veterans who have sacrificed so much for us.”

Czyzyk, who was elected to the U.S.VETS board in 2012, serves on the Board of the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce, where he was Chairman in 2011, and also serves as Treasurer of the Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC).

He is a member of Governor Brown’s Military Council and is Chairman of the Board of Visitors, Graduate School of Public Policy at Pepperdine University.

“Having spent most of my personal and professional career in support of our country’s military infrastructure and efforts, I now have the opportunity to commit myself to improving the lives of those who have bravely served our country,” Czyzyk said.

 “A homeless vet is a national disgrace and U.S.VETS will continue to lead and grow in providing housing and rehabilitation for our veterans.”


Czyzyk’s election was also praised by U.S. Congressman Ted Lieu, whose district includes the West Los Angeles VA Campus.

“I wholeheartedly congratulate Joe Czyzyk on being named chair of U.S.VETS,” Lieu said. “As a veteran of the United States Navy who has worked tirelessly for decades on veterans issues, Joe is the perfect person to lead U.S.VETS vital and urgent mission to address veterans homelessness.

We will not solve veterans homelessness in America unless we solve it in Los Angeles County and I greatly look forward to working with Joe on crucial issues such as revitalizing the campus of the West Los Angeles V.A.

 So that it provides the best possible care, support and housing for our community’s veteran heroes.”


Chief Defendant Joe Czyzyk, Chairman, CEO, Board of Directors Selling this this “Hooker Ho Street Trash and stealing my mail and free food” to include as follows:

U.S. VETS is the largest organization in the country dedicated to helping homeless veterans, and a nationally recognized leader in the field of service delivery to veterans.


The successful reintegration of homeless veterans

U.S.VETS is an innovative public-private partnership between a 501(c)(3) non-profit service provider, United States Veterans Initiative, and a for-profit real estate development company dedicated to designing special needs housing, Cloudbreak Development.

This is a unique way to address social service issues facing our nation today. It calls upon the strengths of each of its partners to affect change where other models have failed.


Pro Se Plaintiff Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II USN Affirm, state and fully declare all allegation, contention, disputes, disputation, argument, Conflict and disharmony, fully furtherance’s cause of action as follows:       

Defendant(s) and Co-Defendant(s) Herein collectively knowing, wanton, licentious, and immoral intentionally committed, conspire with malice, prepare or directed and orchestrated,

 Falsified their “Massive work load hrs.”  and provision proving thereof while (RICO) enterprising scheme involving a nature of
Embezzling Conversion Plundering and all theft from Funding both public-private partnership between a 501(c)(3) non-profit service provider,

as described above in paragraph (13) the Chief Defendant Joe Czyzyk, Chairman, CEO, and the Board of Directors 5 employees salary on payday of the 0800 -2:30 @ 7 days of a single work week for = 45.5 total working week Hours

In addition a funky “MIA” must be drunk “Program Manager” cannot hand out the USDA Government mail and Plus a funky sorry “Van Driver” have received paid in full for what..?

Defendant(s) and Co-Defendant(s) Herein fraudulent conversion of an office which no one is allowed in or have usage thereof and theft of Filed February 4th 2016 civil docket No. 1-16-CV-00-185 before his

Honorable James Emanuel "Jeb" Boasberg, a District Judge on the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, Government mail at two Counts

In the mad process hostile theft of actual physical Food from a Homeless Ni-gg-er Vet pissed off Pro Se PTSD herein. With physical missing SSI in the amount 130.00 per month since last year, while being official

Pursuant forever to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857) MIA 14th Amendment Property of USA “Ni-gg-er ADA”


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