Friday, March 4, 2016

Pro Se Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II USN vs U.S. Vets United States Veterans Initiative et al, Joe Czyzyk, Chairman, CEO, Board of Directors,


Defendant(s) and Co-Defendant(s) Herein collectively, Breach of Fiduciary Duty” “Civil Fraud”, Conspire and 1000% engaged in the criminal abduction and theft thereof of United States Mail Signed by Judge James E. Boasberg on 2/3/16. (md) and Order Dismissing Pro Se Case  Fri 9:30 AM  with intent malice, intent to defraud, to steals, takes, or abstracts, or by fraud or deception obtains,
or attempts so to obtain, from or out of any mail, post office, or station thereof, letter box, mail receptacle, or any mail route or other authorized depository for mail matter, or from a letter or mail carrier, any letter, postal card, package, bag, or mail,
or abstracts or removes from any such letter, package, bag, or mail, any article or thing contained therein, or secretes, embezzles, or destroys any such letter, postal card, package, bag, or mail, or any article or thing contained therein; or
steals, takes, or abstracts, or by fraud or deception obtains any letter, postal card, package, bag, or mail, or any article or thing contained therein which has been left for collection upon or adjacent to a collection box or other authorized depository of mail matter; or

Defendant(s) and Co-Defendant(s) Herein U.S. Vets United States Veterans Initiative et al having Slave Negro Pro Se Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II” USN 1418 Preston Houston, # 2 TX  77002  mailing address as being cause of action “Theft or receipt of stolen U.S. Mail” among other legal cause of actions in that

On or about the exact dates of February 4th 2016 – March 3rd 2016 Defendant(s) and Co-Defendant(s) Herein U.S. Vets United States Veterans Initiative et al having committed to steals, takes, or abstracts,

 or by fraud or deception obtains and destroyed, from a letter or mail carrier, from United States District Court for the District of Columbia “Clerk of Court”

Address: 333 Constitution Ave NW #4400, Washington, DC 20001 Phone: (202) 354-3080 addressed to:

 “Louis Charles Hamilton II” 1418 Preston street # 2 Houston, TX  77002  mailing address as being cause of action, Defendant(s) and Co-Defendant(s) Herein U.S. Vets United States Veterans Initiative et al

Collectively receives, or conceals, or unlawfully has/had in his/her possession, United States Mail Signed by Judge James E. Boasberg on 2/3/16. (md) and Order Dismissing Pro Se Case  Fri 9:30 AM


 HAMILTON, II v. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA et al District Of Columbia District Court  Case #: 1:16-cv-00185   Nature of Suit 440 Civil Rights - Other Civil Rights contained therein,
Pro Se Plaintiff Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II USN Affirm, state and fully declare all allegation, contention, disputes, disputation, argument, conflict and disharmony,
fully which has been so stolen, taken, embezzled, or abstracted, as herein described, knowing the same to have been stolen, taken, embezzled, or abstracted- Namely
United States Mail Signed by Judge James E. Boasberg on 2/3/16. (md) and Order Dismissing Pro Se Case  Fri 9:30 AM 
United States Mail MEMORANDUM AND OPINION. Signed by Judge James E. Boasberg on 2/3/16. (md)

United States Mail Ordered that the application of the plaintiff to proceed in forma Pauperis is granted. This is a final appealable Order.

United States Mail SO ORDERED. Signed by Judge James E. Boasberg on 2/3/16. (md) in direct violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1708 : US Code - Section 1708:
                         “Theft or receipt of stolen U.S. Mail”

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