Sunday, March 20, 2016

“We Thee Abused United States American Veterans et al (American) “Negro DNA Race”… Vs. Donald John Trump Sr and Trump Jr. ,.“The Donald J Trump Foundation, ” NASCAR et al Sarah Palin, Bristol Palin, David Ernest Duke,

                            “Donald Trump’s Veteran  Scams I”

Donald Trump raised nearly $6 million for veterans groups, he announced during an impromptu event he held in Des Moines in protest of the Fox News debates.
One million dollars of that sum came out of the real estate billionaire’s own pocket he said during the rally, which was held at Drake University. Other fellow billionaires, such as famed investor Carl Icahn  
And real estate developer Phil Ruffin, contributed $1 million, too. And a website that Trump set up early Thursday morning brought in another $500,000, the presidential candidate said.
Other big donors Trump identified are real estate billionaire Richard LeFrak, who gave $100,000, Marvel Comics CEO Ike Perlmutter, who gave $1 million, and an anonymous donor who gave another million”

Trump announced the vet-oriented donor drive earlier this week after he said that he would not be taking part in the GOP debate if the network allowed anchor “Megyn Kelly” to moderate the event. Trump has feuded with Kelly since the first debate in August”

Fox declined Trump’s demand, and so the GOP front-runner set up a veterans event to run on other networks at the same time as the debate, the final one before Monday’s Iowa caucuses.

“I’m not going to do the debate out of respect for myself,” Trump said Thursday
He set up a website early Thursday morning to accept donations from the public. That move drew controversy because, as the website noted, the donations would be routed through Trump’s private foundation, the Donald J. Trump Foundation.

That charity has given just $57,000 to veterans groups while giving more than $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation. (RELATED: Donations To Trump’s Pro-Vet Website Go To His Personal Charity, Which Gave To The Clinton Foundation)

Trump’s fellow GOP competitors, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum and former Arkansas Gov.

Mike Huckabee, graced the stage at the protest event, which aired on CNN, C-SPAN, and MSNBC. Both took part in the undercard debate and had announced on Thursday that they would show for the Trump fundraiser. Trump also brought several veterans on stage Thursday night.

It is still not clear how Trump plans to disperse the money he raised Thursday. Santorum told CNN after the event that he had received assurances that the money would be given to veterans groups that have been properly vetted.

10:34 PM 01/28/2016


                            “Donald Trump’s Veteran  Scams II”

One of the most perplexing parts of the Donald Trump experience is that his fans don’t seem to believe in anything. They hold no principles they won’t instantly abandon on a whim; they never practice what they preach, and what they preach has absolutely no relation to reality.

This bizarre lack of ideological cohesion is particularly galling when it comes to our veterans – publicly, they put our fighting men and women on a pedestal to use for political brownie points, but when it comes down to it, your religion means more to them than the sacrifices you’ve made to keep them free.

That disgusting hypocrisy put on full display today when a Muslim-American Navy veteran was forcibly ejected from a Trump rally – his crime was holding up a sign saying “Stop Hate Speech Against Muslims!”

Nate Terani is an exemplary man of unquestioned commitment to his country, far more deserving of the noble title of “American” than the racist scumbags who threw him out of the rally.

He served his country for over ten years as the Special Assistant to the Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy,

 A member of the Presidential Honor Guard, and worked for the “Defense Intelligence Agency” before hanging up his uniform in 2006.

After he served his country, he dedicated his life to the men and women he served with.

He is the Veterans Coordinator at an Arizona nonprofit called Soldier’s Best Friend, which provides and trains service and therapeutic dogs to our warriors who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder or a traumatic brain injury:

Trump supporters claim to be true patriots that are proud of their military, but apparently that respect and pride only extends to white Christian veterans.

How dare these ignorant bigots treat a man who has put his life on the line for their country with such callous disrespect?

They claim to love their country and want to make America great again, but they hate everything that made this country great in the first place.

 They hate our democracy and seek to undermine it at every turn; they hate the diversity that founded our nation; they hate the justice system for passing rulings they don’t agree with;

 they hate the public institutions that educated them, that made sure their parents didn’t starve, that gives them the freedom to behave in such an appalling manner.
We applaud Mr. Terani for his courage in standing up to Trump’s hate and apologize for the disrespect he has endured at the hands of cowards

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