Tuesday, March 22, 2016

“Cmdr Bluefin” (USN) Pursuant to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), Pro Se Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II United States Crooked Ninja Navy (Cmdr. Bluefin) herein “Owner” of Bluefin Inc. (American) private Intelligence ...

You lash out when you get upset Donald John Trump Sr. (Klansmen) et al and attack NATO after my yesterday posting on you ……Creepy don’t you think

In Donald Trump outlined an unabashedly noninterventionist approach to world affairs Monday, telling The Washington Post's editorial board that he questions the need for the “NATO”

North Atlantic Treaty Organization, which has formed the backbone of Western security policies since the Cold War.

 And started an Uncalled for Killer Explosions at the airport and a downtown metro stop which rocked Brussels today, killing at least 26 people and wounding more than 100. 26 dead, 130 hurt in Brussels

Over your KKK 2016 Election in The Crooked United States of America, as you threaten “Live” to the World on social media as always

Donald John Trump Sr.

 “There will Be More”

As you mock the dead you caused in disgrace of how Brussels is a Trump responds to Brussels attack by insulting the 'city' of Belgium —
and calling for torture which “I already told the World They are in Trouble fu-cking dragging there asses playing with Confederate Secret Services Killer and

Leader of The Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen and his Crude world of like a shot, like a flash, on the double, at the speed of light;  

Killing for votes all over the World as he is doing in the “United States of Trump”

So ignore me long, enjoy your booming swiftly, speedily, briskly, at speed, at full tilt; More hastily, hurriedly on the double, at the speed of light within a short time while “Trump keep’s dig for gold in this Reality TV Show of a Presidential election and his entire Z-World "they think they're going to get rich fast" firmly or securely in Rioting and Plundering and Booming mayhem President Barack Obama, CIA, FBI, ATF, NATO, British Empire,

 Her Majesty The Queen, MI6, and sorry for very sorry for your loss killing at least 26 people and wounding more than 100.

26 dead, 130 hurt in Brussels “ which “Until “United States of America Wakes up  or The World Court Justices of The Hague or NATO…

Democracy of the world you all are in XXX “Booming Trouble fu-cking dragging your nut’s playing with a Madman “Donald John Trump Supremacy of the World Order……………………….


Remember the 2011 World Financial Crash to attempt to Defeat President (Obama) in not being a (Negro) President caused by USA,

 Well welcome to 2016 reality TV “I already Motherfucking VIP told the Entire Fu-king Retard Slow World They is in XXX KKK CSS ISIS Major Booming Trouble fu-cking dragging your “loser asses”

 Playing nice with “Killer” Klansmen “Donald John Trump Sr. and “Killer” Klansmen “Donald John Trump Jr.

And his whole Klan’s on the Loose with David KKK Duke too, and the shitty Terrorist rest, America refused to declare a Terrorist Organization” to Protect White Only World Supremacy” ruled by Crooked Absolute Immunity Crooked Courthouse KKK and

Mitch McConnell and His (KKK) Congress still fu-cking over 44.5 Millions of Slaves which this is all about Trillions of Dollars ripping off the “N-i-gg-ers Races of America from August 20th 1619 – 2016

 No citizenship just “Abused NIGGER Property” supporting Donald Trump actually owner of (America) because he the fu-cking Leader of The KKK and whoever the leader owns the Nigg-ers Slaves you dumb “Bitches”
So just enjoying “Trump” Klan’s fucking the raw explosive rioting shit out of you “Loser” extra special so smart American inbred bootleg drunken

Whites American Crooked Billionaires Only “LIVES MATTER”………………………

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