Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Cmdr. Bluefin (USN) Negro Sherlock Holmes”, 2015 Holiday XXX Christmas Scrooge “Special Report”

To: “Law office of Harry C. Arthur “Infamous” Houston Scrooge Attorney Esq. Address: 1305 Prairie St # 200, Houston, TX 77002

Phone:(713) 224-7996

                        Harry C. Arthur “Infamous” Houston Scrooge Attorney Esq.

            You do know that building belong to the “official” site of “President The “Sam Houston” of the Republic of Texas…..?   Hun…….?

            As you’re letting it just sit there in years of “Decay” as you did “attacked” officially “Christ Church Cathedral” homeless soup kitchen for $250,000 U.S. Dollars

            And all of the “Homeless” Houston Texas Street people including stilled pissed off Now once again Homeless (Me)……….

            Well I never knew I had a son, 1985 because I feed the homeless very long time ago and I am not even not mad at my ex (Lover) then…. we was just not ever meant to be,

            “However”, I protect the “Homeless” then, when I had a home too …..Scrooge”………………………..

            So nothing change (Now)…Grrrrrrr……in 2015…………..Da

            I counting the exact seconds…………………………….have a sweet day, please be careful on your fire escape, it is the same sorry state as I stated in my Pro Se (Plaintiff) Building report many years ago…….

            And the crap stain you filed suit and attacked officially “Christ Church Cathedral for $250,000 U.S. Dollars well it burned  off ya paint Job, ha ha  Omg….peeled off some of your Bricks too…..ha ha Dude   who (actually) officially clean (Ya) building…..?   Ewwwwwwwww    Yuck “

            Did you know (I() actually did own a Construction, company……yep”…three times……just never can get paid………too many “Crooks”…and from April 15th to September 31st I had contract in excess of 5.4 Millions U.S. dollars….well    Hopefully one day (Negro) abuse race be soon allowed to be free of

            “Jim Crow Laws, and “Black Code Laws”, I thinking this still being enforced….in (America)….they kept “Slavery Servitude a secret from 1619- February 2013 if you miss the memo Slavery of Negro (Race in America) Houston (Scrooge) Attorney Harry C. Arthur Esq.

            ….Well,    See ya so very “VIP” Soon in Washington D.C.  (Scrooge) Attorney at law and the “Hole in the Wall gangbang….and also

            Before Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) 2015 “We Thee Abused (American) “Negro Race”… “World Court of Justice” The Hague (Petition)

            “You Houston Texas Scrooge Esq. at Law (all)  having a 4 star “Special” hot spot in the abused homeless “Negro Race” petition of (America)…….xoxoxoxooxoxo

             Cajun Holidays (Smooches) to you all,   and Happy “New Years” in 2016,

            I shall sing “We all “Negro blacks” and “real poor whites” and “homeless Mexican whom getting pee on and “Asians”
and all people of color living in (America) “shall hopefully overcome some day”……



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