Thursday, November 19, 2015

Cmdr. Bluefin (USN) Negro Sherlock Holmes”, 2015 Holiday XXX Christmas Scrooge “Special Report”

TO: President Barack Obama, and “Commander in Chief”

To: University of Missouri in Columbia

To: Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare”, “Sherlock Holmes” case of “The Crooked Spotted Cheetah”

To: Doctor Samuel Benjamin Magnus Lawson MD, “Sherlock Holmes Case of “Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor,

To: Harry C. Arthur “Infamous” Houston Scrooge Attorney Esq., “Sherlock Holmes Case of “The Talking Treasury Box”

To: Crooked Hurricane Katrina Attorney “Willie M. Zanders” Esq.,

            (Once) again Morning Mr. President (Obama) here a little “Cajun Bonjour” to the “France Ninja’s” on the “Abdelhamid Abaaoud” XXX thanks Fed-X express trip to the “Deep Blue Sea”  having a meeting with the 1619 kidnap and abducted Sovereignty rights of the (Negro) America (race) “

Well got a little special for you again, ha ha :)

First Mr. President (Obama) you thought I “Cmdr. Bluefin (US Ninja Navy) forgot you did in fact own 44.5 Million plus Negro “Slaves” ha ha when you “Sworn” into Oval office Da”.

Omg, If I was first (Negro) President and found out “Mississippi” did not end slavery when I sworn in the “Oval Office” of the United States of America”,  Grrrrrrrrr.

 First I would of called in my Chief of Staff, tell him go get a strong rope, go deep in the Dark basement of the “White House” and lynch himself”  ha ha :)

Then I would called in the U.S. Marines, all (Negro) U.S. Marines and arrested every “Secret White Society Congressman”, on Earth and drag his “Crooked Cracker Ass” to the “House of Congress”, and “lock it down”……..and said listen extra close, “Bitches”

You “twisted alcoholic meth head prick bitches” got 2 exact full hours,  to fully draft a bill, pass the Bastard, ratified the “mother-f=cker, and have it in black ink printed…for my Presidential Signature stating Your (Negro) President of Crooked Cracker America not a Dam “Negro Slave”,

And I not   pursuant 100% “Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), some funky “Property” of Crooked Cracker USDA America…!

Second Mr. President (Obama) Now you did in fact own 44.5 Million plus Negro “Slaves” when you “Sworn” into Oval office did you not……Da”.

And when you grew up…. you did in fact Said… (I) want be a ….“Mr. President” of the “United States of America”…..did you not…..?....Hun……????

So then (Negro) President (Obama) you have to “cook” for the entire White house “Kitchen staff”, some (Negro) slave “black eyes peas, with nice ham chunks, not any fat at all,

Big pot of fluffy white rice, big old mess of them mustard greens, some sweet golden honey yams, nice oven baked 5 cheese creamy macrons, and (Negro) butter top corn bread,

From scratch too, not that add water crap……Pecan Pie, and poor man drink special ice cold (Negro) Kool-aid…….”

Wash all the dishes, and make sure your Presidential professional in moping all the floors too, and then and only then you can go back playing “Commander in Chief” in “War”, with stupid “Syria”

 And whatever else them “Crooked Congress American Crackers” got you doing……….you Tell the “Entire World”

 I President (Obama) being punished for having “Negro Slave”, ha ha  :)

And when you finished, your owing salve punishment as being such a Good First Negro President of the “United States of America”

 I “Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) 2015

“We Thee Abused (American) “Negro Race”… “World Court of Justice” The Hague (Petition)

Officially reward “you” Barack Hussein Obama II the all new 100% “Freedmen’s Bureau” :)    Congratulations

P.S. make sure you soak them Presidential (Negro) “black eyes peas” the night before your cooking detail  :) ha ha,

Have a Nice day (Too)  Smooches…xoxoxox

To: University of Missouri in Columbia, and Missouri US State

Listen extra special Legally 1000% closely all Those (Negro) “University of Missouri” student belong to Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) 2015

“We Thee Abused (American) “Negro Race”… “World Court of Justice” The Hague (Petition)

All 44.5 plus (Million) Negros, in United States of America. …

….belong to 1619-2099 “We Thee Abused (American) “Negro Race”…(I) am there Pro Se (Petitioner) pay extra (dam) close attention,

I will descend (legally) down on your “University of Missouri in Columbia”, and Missouri US State”, them (Negro) at the “University of Missouri”

Students belong to Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) 2015

“We Thee Abused (American) “Negro Race”… “World Court of Justice” The Hague (Petition) if they not smiling and Happy feeling racial equality………(Asap)………my official ETA before “World Court of Justice” The Hague (Petition) is T-Minus a few days and counting,

Trust what I am saying…” respect the American (Negro) abused race…!

To wit:

“Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), was a landmark decision by the U.S. Supreme Court in which the Court held that African Americans,

Whether enslaved or free, could not be American citizens and therefore had no standing to sue in federal court”

The “Deep Dark Ages” Defendant “United States of America” herein 100% still maintain a legacy of

“All for one and one for all” in the full cooperation, complicity, collaboration, complying, collusion, conspire and the actual controlling “Government” entity in allowing its territory namely

“The State of Mississippi” to continue on after 1865-1995 in the “full throttle inequality institutional murderous race inducement” actions of continual imposed

 “Slavery” against We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race of (America) after “Slavery” fraudulent claimed ended back in 1865,…………………………..”

One state -- Missouri -- stands out as the site of two of the most pivotal moments in the resurgent national discussion on race: the unrest in Ferguson and the protests at the University of Missouri.

That Missouri is at the heart of the country's recent racial tensions is no coincidence.

Although other states face similar challenges, Missouri’s status as a border state between the North and South makes it one of the country’s most fertile breeding grounds for racial strife.

The state suffers from some of the worst racial pathologies of both regions.

At the same time, that environment spawned a vibrant tradition of African-American activism, which contributed to the rise of a contemporary civil rights movement that got its start in Missouri.

Now African-American-led efforts to address longstanding racial grievances elsewhere in the country have taken their cues from the Show-Me State.


To: Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare”, Cmdr. Bluefin (USN) 18 U.S.C. § 371 “Sherlock Holmes” case of “The Crooked Spotted Cheetah”

 “Little Crooked Mean little India and Thailand Pirate”,  Dude  you sloooooow, but very, very (Billions) in Crooked Dollars so wealthy rich  :)

 Did you give to the Poor…..? ……Hun……..?



Hey Louis,


Got this information. The engineer and my colleague who can explain the issue that is happening are still in another meeting.


I understand now why we were both confused. It's very strange, but I will get to the bottom of this so I can best help you!


Thanks for your patience. I'm glad we are figuring this out together.




Kate Fernandez

Kate Fernandez

Oct 29
to me

Hi Louis,


This is the same situation as before. The search term is pulling up, but they are not the actual companies. The search terms just match terms in the company/shipment pages on our site.


For example, in the link you sent last ( it says results matching Plk LLC -- under neath the light gray where it says shipments total there is a snippet of where on the website the search term you entered pulled up. In the first match, Pro Tect Associates Inc., you will see that Plk LLC only matched with this company because of the phrase "Wuxi Plk Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd.".

 This does not mean that the company is Plk LLC, only that the search term Plk matched with the Plk in that profile. See below:

The site works a lot like a Google search would. It pulls up results based on terms in your search. 


Both of the companies you referenced are not on Panjiva.


            The only reason for this that I can think of is the same as before, they ship under a different name. I cannot find this information for you. 


I don't think we can help you with the data that you need.


If you need me to clarify again, let me know.




Louis Hamilton <>
Nov 3
to Kate

i have a answer will send later so happy for your efforts...thanks (Louis)


To: Doctor Samuel Benjamin Magnus Lawson MD, “Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor, U.S. Docket No. Houston Division Civil No. 4:10-CV-02220.

Hello ex “Brother” in Law the “Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor,

Doctor Samuel Benjamin Magnus Lawson MD, you truly care to f=c=k=ing explain why, United States of America” (Houston Division) on my cell phone for only 5-6 minutes asking me about your Crooked “Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor, Ass”….?  Hun….?

You tell “United States of America, as I explained twice, on my “cell phone” that my natural only sister, as this was not getting into a confused thought process of (America)

I did not say my pet negro dog, or a kidnap negro chicken, or a shiny sport car,….you  “Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor”,

Doctor Samuel Benjamin Magnus Lawson MD,

 Was f=c=king messing with (OK)……..consider yourself “Legally Lucky” messing with my family……Doctor”………………and I will not say (More) about your “Luck”

………….Your an owner of “Justice”………too…………but not ………Cmdr. Bluefin (United States Ninja Navy)……………….me,………………..Got it”…

..Joey   still,   very pissed off at you…(too)……stay away from my family…..learn your lesion once….(OK)…I do not care about your (Money)……………………

……I saw you at a Church; simply (I) walked (Away) in the House of the Lord, because you know me …..(OK)………

But I was very confused, because your “Sherlock Holmes” Case of the “Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor, and you in the House of the Lord…..?

 I have your deposition too, and all your corrupted evidence legally was filed in once again a “Federal Court of Law, clerk of Court office

In Houston we Have a Problem……………….”

P.S. your (Millions) is crap, (Nothing) you move to number 3 spot of the “Infamous” Sherlock Holmes” non-fiction online Mysteries,

Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare”, Cmdr. Bluefin (USN) 18 U.S.C. § 371 “Sherlock Holmes” case of “The Crooked Spotted Cheetah”, he has mega (Billions), in mystery pirate loot, he now #1

 As “Doctor Watson” and Negro Sherlock Holmes, dancing about in his “International tracks”

o    Cached

Sep 15, 2011 - Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor, “Himself” Doctor Samuel Benjamin Magnus ... see ya in (My) Print with my Non-fiction “Sherlock HolmesCase of:.


Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare”, “Sherlock Holmes” case of “The Crooked Spotted Cheetah”

Doctor Samuel Benjamin Magnus Lawson MD, “Sherlock Holmes Case of “Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor,

Harry C. Arthur “Infamous” Houston Scrooge Attorney Esq., “Sherlock Holmes Case of “The Talking Treasury Box”

And Crooked Hurricane Katrina Attorney “Willie M. Zanders” Esq.,

Paying   y’all special legal attention to The “Internet World” and the “Global News”,

 I “Negro Sherlock Holmes” herein having officially notice something quite XXX special odd as of elementary late indeed  :)   and I like it”

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