Friday, November 20, 2015

Cmdr. Bluefin (USN) Negro Sherlock Holmes”, 2015 Holiday XXX "Solar Energy" Christmas Scrooge “Special Report”

TO: President Barack Obama, and “Commander in Chief”, “Happy Holidays”

To: New 2016-2099 “Freedmen's Bureau”,

To: “United States of America” et al,   

                        Mr. President Barack Obama,

“Solar Energy” being claim by the official new 2016-2099 “Freedmen's Bureau”, construction business and We are in the official engineering designed phase for

The full entire distance required of the U.S. Border with Mexico”, is roughly, 2000 miles long and 3,987 miles long of “Northern” Boarder Walls between

“United States of America” and “Canada”, of “Pure Clean Sound Miles of Free Solar Energy” of sound constructed efficient, organized, skillful, labor saving,

Productive (American) “Boarder Walls” of solar thermal power, and accompany power transfer power plants,

All being 100% “logical” and “orderly designed businesslike” Power Plant protected and practical free energy for future in a simple

“Boarder Walls”, design of a well-organized and competent way to build a protected boarder wall other this lame, Secret White Society” and

Their Election (Billionaire) “Front Man” Pursuant to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857),

 “White Only” prosperity society of “extra slow” thinking of “America” lame design in “Dirty Concrete” full of “useless” International “Gang graffiti”. :)

This Project is Ours, Productive (American) “Boarder Walls” of solar thermal power, and Accompany power transfer power plants,

As well as the New 2016-2099 “Freedmen's Bureau”, secret “exploration” of

Alaska, northwest of Canada, is the largest and most sparsely populated U.S. state.

It's known for its dramatic, diverse terrain of wide-open spaces, mountains and forests, which has a future unexplored, source of hidden untapped clean energy other than

“Solar Energy” contained in the “United States of America” which has been officially over looked for over 280 years….!

“Being also soon secure from “Official Plagiarism” of “White Only” prosperity and

 All being 1000 and 100% “logical” and “orderly designed businesslike” In (America) new 2016-2099 “Freedmen's Bureau”,

Cmdr. Bluefin (United States Ninja Navy) : )

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