Saturday, November 28, 2015

Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) 2015 “We Thee Abused (American) “Negro Race”… “World Court of Justice” The Hague (Petition)


                                     “Spoliation of Evidence”

We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race 2015-2099, “Affirm”, “State”, and “declare” legally,

Appearance Respectfully before his/her “World Honorable Presiding “Justices”, To the Honorable “World Court of Justice” The Hague

 Upon which  We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race, affirm, state and fully declare all allegation, contention, disputes, disputation, argument, conflict and disharmony, fully cause of action as follows:        

 Pursuant to Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), and the 1000% in house whole sale “drunken bootleg stale white only back wood inbreed rot gut liquor destruction of

The 13th Amendment to the Constitution officially falsely and quite fraudulently declared that

"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted,

 Shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

" Formally abolishing slavery in the United States,

 The 13th Amendment was passed by the Congress on January 31, 1865, and ratified by the states on December 6, 1865

The “Dark Ages” Defendant “United States of America” and there secret white controlling society” imposed “Slavery Servitude”, and “Jim Crow Laws” at the same precise time frame against 

We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race of (America) from the exact time frame of “1865”- February 7th 2013

“Exactly each and every year (394) years in the exact time frame of 1619- February 7th 2013 the “Deep Dark Ages” Defendant “United States of America” herein 100% provide their Co-Defendants collectively herein

“White Controlling Class”, official 1000% slave owner(s) of Plantations, industries, business, companies, corporations, shipping, raw materials, rail roads,

Main infrastructure power grid, agency, private/public social infrastructure  jointly from exploitation of said Free Force “Slave Labor” enterprise for “Unjust enrichment” 1619-December 7th 2013

Engaged collectively as a “Unit” “Spoliation of Evidence”, Conversion, and (RICO) Money laundering

 For unjust enrichment”, in declaration for Prosperity “Dred Scott”, Not Human Free Entity, but the

 Property of Co-Defendants collectively herein “White Controlling Class”, slave owner(s) of

 Plantations, industries, business, companies, corporations, agency, private/public social infrastructure jointly from exploitation profits off said Slave Labor in this “Grand 1619-1857 Twisted Never ending ongoing “Slave Régime”, collectively in collusion with

The Deep Dark, Dark Ages defendant “United States of America” et al, upon which “United States Supreme Court” engaged in

 “Obstruction of Justice”, Pursuant to Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857),

In this “Grand Scheme of “White Only” prosperity in now the official date of 2015-2099 Twisted Never ending (RICO) ongoing “Slave Régime” in the

Absolute “non-best interest”, “state of being never protected”, “100% un safe keeping”, “no sanctuary from harm in America”, “no safeguarding future of life and 100% theft of (Negro) race prosperity”,

 No (Negro) race Equal protection as “White Pure Race Citizens” for “We Thee Abused (American) Negro Race besides 1000% hostile kidnaping, abduction, whipping, and lynching, 100s of 100s of years of forced “slavery servitude”, drowned, branded,

Sold as (Negro) property, oppression, destruction of homes, business, hospitals, and churches, starved, and untimely deaths due to being a substandard negro  pursuant 100% “Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857),

Death by Para-Military “Knight of The Klu Klux Klan” still under a state of continual  hostile “siege”, “abuse” and “death” thereof for being (Negro) race“ in (America)

Being further imposed by “false imprisonment” of The Vagrancy Act of 1866, imposed by Jim Crow laws and imposed by Black codes laws” as when the Defendant “United States of America”…

On rules of governing laws, and there secret “White Controlling Society being legally in their  official 1000% “best interest” in the official

“Government Spondsored destruction, mutilation, alteration and absolute 1000% concealment of any and all evidence of the pervious

The Bureau helped solve everyday problems of the newly freed slaves, such as obtaining clothing, food, water, health care, communication with family members, and jobs.

It distributed 15 million rations of food to African Americans, and set up a system where planters could borrow rations in order to feed freedmen they employed, Most of the assistant commissioners, realizing that African Americans would not receive fair trials in the civil courts, tried to handle black cases in their own Bureau courts.

Southern whites objected that this was unconstitutional. From 1868 through the early 1870s the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) functioned as a loosely organized group of political and social terrorists.

 The Klan's goals included the political defeat of the Republican Party and the maintenance of absolute white supremacy in response to newly gained civil and political rights by southern blacks after the Civil War (1861-65).

They were more successful in achieving their political goals than they were with their social goals during the Reconstruction era.


The KKK was formed as a social group in Tennessee in 1866. The name probably came from the Greek word kuklos, meaning "circle."

The Ku Klux Klan was a loosely organized group of political and social terrorists during the Reconstruction, whose goals included political defeat of the Republican Party and the maintenance of absolute white supremacy in response to newly gained civil and political rights by southern blacks after the Civil War.

Ku Klux Klan

Klan was an alliterative version of "clan," thus Ku Klux Klan suggested a circle, or band, of brothers. With the passage of the Military Reconstruction Acts in March 1867, and the prospect of freedmen voting in the South, the Klan became a political organization.

 Former Confederate general Nathan Bedford Forrest probably served as the Grand Wizard, or overall leader, of the Klan and certainly played a significant role in its organized spread in early 1868.

In Georgia conservative whites, frustrated with their political failures during 1867, began to look for new ways to defeat their Republican enemies and control the recently enfranchised freed (Negro) people.

 For many, the KKK and its public political wing, the Young Men's Democratic Clubs, offered a chance to take action.

In February and March 1868, General Forrest visited Atlanta from Tennessee several times and met with prominent Georgia conservatives.

Forrest probably helped organize a statewide Klan structure during these visits. By the summer of 1868, the Klan was widespread across Georgia

The Ku Klux Klan in Action

The Klan's organized terrorism began most notably on March 31, 1868, when Republican organizer George Ashburn was murdered in Columbus, Georgia.

Most Ku Klux Klan action was designed to intimidate black voters and white supporters of the Republican Party. Founded in Tennessee in 1866, the Klan was particularly active in Georgia from 1868 to the early 1870s.

Ku Klux Klan Cartoon

Over the following months Klan-inspired violence spread throughout Georgia's Black Belt and into the northwestern corner of the state. Most Klan action was designed to intimidate black voters and white supporters of the Republican Party.

Klansmen might parade on horseback at night dressed in outlandish costumes, or they might threaten specific Republican leaders with violence. Increasingly during 1868 these actions became violent, ranging from whippings of black women perceived as insolent to the assassination of Republican leaders.

It is impossible to untangle local vigilante violence from political terrorism by the organized Klan, but it is clear that attacks on blacks became common during 1868.

 Freedmen's Bureau agents reported 336 cases of murder or assault with intent to kill on freedmen across the state from January 1 through November 15 of 1868.

The political terrorism was effective. While Republican gubernatorial candidate Rufus Bullock carried the state in April 1868 elections, by November Democratic presidential candidate Horatio Seymour was in the lead.

 In some counties the contrast was incredible.

 In John Reed's Oglethorpe County, 1,144 people had voted Republican in April, while only 116 dared to vote Republican in November when Reed's armed Klansmen surrounded the polls.

In Columbia County armed Klansmen not only intimidated voters but even cowed federal soldiers sent to guard the polling place.

 Not surprisingly, while 1,222 votes had been cast in Columbia County for Republican governor Rufus Bullock in April, only one vote was cast for Republican presidential candidate Ulysses Grant in November 1868.

 Similar political terrorism and control of the polling places help account for Georgia's quick "redemption" and return to conservative white Democratic control by late 1871.

Klan like violence was also used to control freed people's social behavior, but with less success. Black churches and schools were burned, teachers were attacked, and freed people who refused to show proper deference were beaten and killed,

 Thus such “intentional destruction” and “spoliation of evidence”, and the seizure of (Negro) personal property, by 1000%  Direction and leadership role of

The “Deep Dark Ages” Defendant “United States of America” herein 100% provide their Co-Defendants collectively herein approval of violent wrongful acts of deprivation and hostile control plunder to furtherance’s having advantages

 We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race of (America) from the exact time frame of “1865”- February 7th 2013

“Exactly each and every year (394) years in the exact time frame of 1619- February 7th 2013 the “Deep Dark Ages” Defendant “United States of America” herein 100% provide their Co-Defendants collectively herein

“White Controlling Class”, official 1000% slave owner(s) of Plantations, industries, business, companies, corporations, shipping, raw materials, rail roads,

Main infrastructure power grid, agency, private/public social infrastructure  jointly from exploitation of said Free Force “Slave Labor” enterprise for “Unjust enrichment” 1619-December 7th 2013

Engaged collectively as a “Unit”

 For unjust enrichment”, in declaration for Prosperity “Dred Scott”, Not Human Free Entity, but the

 Property of Co-Defendants collectively herein “White Controlling Class”, slave owner(s) of

 Plantations, industries, business, companies, corporations, agency, private/public social infrastructure jointly from exploitation profits off said Slave Labor in this “Grand 1619-1857 Twisted Never ending ongoing “Slave Régime”, collectively in collusion with

The Deep Dark, Dark Ages defendant “United States of America” et al, upon which “United States Supreme Court” engaged in

 “Obstruction of Justice”, Pursuant to Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857),

In this “Grand Scheme of “White Only” prosperity in now the official date of 2015-2099 Twisted Never ending “Spoliation of Evidence (RICO) ongoing “Slave Régime”


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