Friday, November 13, 2015

Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) 2015 “We Thee Abused (American) “Negro Race”… “World Court of Justice” The Hague (Petition)


Defendant “United States” hereafter furtherance’s commit “agree”, “accept” and “approve” as follows:

“United States” hereafter furtherance’s commit a move toward “equal “democratization and great respect for “human rights”
 of all illegal Immigrants residing in “United States” having sough refugee, in (America) for a better way of Prosperity as claim by

Defendant “White Only” Constitution of America, The Hispanic, Mexican having been a building back bone to America forever, and needing no further abused by the “Secrete Control White Society”

As they making a 2015-2016 Presidential Nightmare bid out of disrespect of the people of color in the
 “Bid” to take back “America”, inciting “Rude and Crude” out of the Closet Confederate “White Trailer Trash” to just simply urinate on innocent sleeping

 “People of Color” namely Hispanic, Mexican Community”,

The entire 100% new “Freedmen’s Bureau” return structure as already designed in 1865 by “United States Congress”

Did not discriminate or alienate any Race”, therefore as United States of America” consider ending the 1619 “Civil War” with We” thee continual abused (Negro) American Race from

1619-2099 some official (44.5) Million plus current in 2015 whom did not consider jumping into “Slave Chains” to work for free, this was done by force, “However”

 As a show of good faith between the parties “United States” hereafter, and the entire 100% new “Freedmen’s Bureau” collectively agree as follows:

We thee (Negro) abused (American) race 2015-2099 collectively “agree”, “accept” and “approve”
to Build Thirteen thousand miles of Boarder wall between Mexico and United States of America, and pay the labor cost only,

As a show of good faith between the parties “United States” hereafter, 2099 collectively “agree”, “accept” and “approve” make all illegal immigrants “People of Color” namely

Hispanic, Mexican Community”, already residing in “United States of America” employees of the entire
100% new “Freedmen’s Bureau”, and upon completion of Thirteen thousand miles of Boarder wall between Mexico and United States of America

Thee “People of Color” namely Hispanic, Mexican Community”, already residing in “United States of America” official employees of The entire 100% new “Freedmen’s Bureau”, being Granted full 1000% “United States of America” citizenship.  

And the United States of America  collectively “agree”, “accept” and “approve” to Build Thirteen thousand miles of Boarder wall between Mexico and United States of America, and
“United States of America will provided all the building Material for a full, final and complete Thirteen thousand miles of Boarder.


As the Presidential Nightmare bid crazy out of disrespect of the “people of color” continual on in the “Bid” to take back “America” by the “Secrete Control White Society” as they making mockery, travesty, charade, farce clown show,  

We thee (Negro) abused (American) race 2015-2099 collectively “affirm, declare, State respectfully before the Pursuant to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857)

Thee continue abused (Negro) Race of (America) furtherance’s fully “State”, “Affirm” and “Declare” before the

 “World Honorable Justice”, and the entire “International Community” under the Deep Dark Ages Defendant “The United States of America” herein slave institution 1619-Feburary 7th 2013 designed commitment to a

Global order under the Rule of Law, by the ever so powerful in that all kidnap, abducted “Chattel Property interest” residing thereof are forever an inhuman substandard, dreadful, deplorable
(Negro) race and forever throughout all Eternity shall be sovereignty “Chattel Property interest” of the “United States of America”
therefore any silly “Presidential Nightmare” 2015-2016 election bid of disrespect of the people of color in the “Bid” to take back “America”

We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race of (America) from 1619-2099 are not legal citizens of America in 2015 as “Secrete Control White Society” destroyed the 1865 13th amendment and the July 9th 1868 14th Amendment long time ago as
“Slavery Servitude” ended in (America) February 7th 2013, fully affirming We the Negro Abused 1619-2099 having never been or had any parts thereof the “Secrete Control White Society” prosperity “America”.

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