Sunday, November 29, 2015

Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) 2015 “We Thee Abused (American) “Negro Race”… “World Court of Justice” The Hague (Petition)


                                          “Wrongful Death”

Rev. Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr.

We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race 2015-2099, “Affirm”, “State”, and “declare” legally,

Appearance Respectfully before his/her “World Honorable Presiding “Justices”, To the Honorable “World Court of Justice” The Hague

 Upon which  We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race, affirm, state and fully declare all allegation, contention, disputes, disputation, argument, conflict and disharmony, fully cause of action as follows:        

“We” thee continual abused (Negro) Race in 2015 whom having been “captured” and “enslaved” since the exact year of 1619 held as such abused “captive free slave labor in a life of abused chattel”

 And put to death in not performed work as such “abused free slave labor chattel” of the “civilization” in the Northern hemisphere of the World Planet “Earth” known to be

 “The United States of America” We Thee Negro Abused Race of (America) “Petition”

            The Honorable “World Court of Justice” that the “Defendant” “The United States of America” herein We Thee Abused Negro race 2015-2099 who officially as of this Notary Seal date having no legal

 “Official Nationalized citizenship within The Deep Dark, Dark Ages defendant “United States of America” et al,

And being 1000% now thee official “Property” of Deep Dark ages United States of America et al from February 7th 2013-2099, with such Mutable of “thousands upon thousands” counts of       “Wrongful Death” in concert with Mutable of “thousands upon thousands” counts of

“Assault, “Battery”, “Infliction of Bodily Injury”, “Offensive Physical Contact”, “Threat of Bodily Contact”, resulting in direct “Wrongful Deaths”

 Pursuant to direct Violation of the Deep Dark ages (United States of America) very own on rules of Governing laws, set by their very own “Supreme Court of The United States of America” namely ”, Pursuant to Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857),

In this “Grand Scheme of “White Only” forever Lynching invite from the spoiled bootleg liqueur Drunken prosperity in now the

Official (Civilization) claim date of 2015-2099 Twisted Never ending (RICO) ongoing “Slave Régime” as “White Only” forever of the “Deep Dark Ages Defendant


“United States of America” herein absolute 1000% heel bent on conspired in their “Fraudulent Concealment” scheme of things in Deep Dark ages United States of America et al,

Breaching their very own Fiduciary Duty,  to insure, and secured all prevision of From the exact date of 1619- February 7th 2013 the Deep Dark, Dark Ages defendant United States of America” et al

Twisted Corrupted 13th Amendment

The 13th Amendment to the Constitution declared that

"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted,

Shall exist within the United States,

Or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

“Formally abolishing slavery in the United States, the 13th Amendment was passed by the Congress on January 31, 1865, and ratified by the states on December 6, 1865. 

And furtherance’s said breaching their legal own Fiduciary Duty,

 The 14th Amendment to the Constitution which was ratified on July 9, 1868, and claim granted citizenship to

“All persons born or naturalized in the United States,” which included former slaves recently freed.

In addition, it forbids states from denying any person "life, liberty or property, Without due process of law" or to "deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

When in all official legal “factual circumstances” Until February 7, 2013, some (148) years Criminally Conspire later the Deep Dark ages (United States of America) very own on “Jurisdictions” namely

The state of “Mississippi America” had never submitted the required documentation to ratify the Thirteenth Amendment,

 Meaning it never officially had abolished slavery thus not freeing slaves within the Jurisdiction of Defendant “United States of America until February 7, 2013,

Which thereby no enforcement, honor and validity of the Deep Dark ages (United States of America) very own on “Jurisdictions” governing rules of laws, securing the ‘life”, peace, will, dignity, and personal property, of we thee “Abused”

 Negro race whom already suffrages “Slavery Servitude”, from  August 20th 1619- claim free date of 1865, (246) years already forced  “Slavery Servitude”, by

The “Deep Dark Ages” Defendant “United States of America” herein 100% provide their Co-Defendants collectively herein in concert with there

“White Controlling Class”, official 1000% slave owner(s) of Plantations, industries, business, companies, corporations, shipping, raw materials, rail roads,

Main infrastructure power grid, agency, private/public social infrastructure  jointly from exploitation of said Free Force “Slave Labor” enterprise for “Unjust enrichment” 1619-December 7th 2013

Engaged collectively as a “Unit”

 For unjust enrichment”, in declaration for Prosperity “Dred Scott”, Not Human Free Entity, but the

 Property of Co-Defendants collectively herein “White Controlling Class”, slave owner(s) of

Plantations, industries, business, companies, corporations, agency, private/public social infrastructure jointly from exploitation profits off said Slave Labor in this

“Grand 1619-1857 Twisted Never ending ongoing “Slave Régime”, collectively in collusion with “United States Supreme Court” engaged in

 “Obstruction of Justice”,

Pursuant to Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), against “Human Rights Violations” fully 1000% derived thereof, in Fraud, Non-disclosure, deceptive governmental laws, false and misleading fraudulent misrepresentations of “Good Faith” and “Fair Dealing” statutory claims pursuant to


The 13th Amendment to the Constitution declared that

"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, their Co-Defendants collectively herein in concert with there

Shall exist within the United States,

Or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

“Formally abolishing slavery in the United States,


The 14th Amendment to the Constitution which was ratified on July 9, 1868, and claim granted citizenship to

“All persons born or naturalized in the United States,” which included former slaves recently freed.

In addition, it forbids states from denying any person "life, liberty or property,

Without due process of law" or to "deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”


“Express and fully legally” implied We thee abused Negro Race being forever free and no longer “Property”, of the “Superiors Conquerors White Ruling Master” being required to performed no more “free labor”,


 Slavery Servitude” services, within the “Deep Dark Ages” Defendant “United States of America” herein 100% “Jurisdiction”  from the exact time frame of 1865-2099


            “However” The Pure Pristine and Custom Fine White Polished  superiors race and there never ending non-reformed “Slave Regime” 100-% committed to their democratization  1000% moved onward directing several following acts of “Fraud and Non-disclosure”,  in the direct “


Whole sale destruction of their very own rules of governing laws, pursuant to said 13th and 14th Amendment of the “United States of America” claim just constitution, with a wanton, deliberate 1000% “Secret White Conquering Master fashion, specifically forever in control to authorized the “front door” open being left open


“Wide” on the “Deep Dark Ages” Defendant “United States of America” herein 100% “Jurisdiction ”  Slavery Servitude” services, after 1865,  with “Mississippi Lynch Town USDA America”  will forever lead the defined definition that “We Thee Abused Negro race, shall never be in 1000% violation, overlap or go beyond that statute contained  of


 “White Only” prosperity, constitution, contained in the “Deep Dark Ages” Defendant “United States of America” herein


 100% “Jurisdiction”, Slavery Servitude” services, Co-Defendants collectively herein “White Controlling Class”, slave owner(s) of Plantations, industries, business, companies, corporations, agency, private/public social infrastructure jointly from exploitation profits off said Slave Labor,

Pursuant to Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), involving thereafter 1865-Feburary 7th 2013 the continual Massive false imprisonment and unlawful intentionally, knowingly detaining by usages of the deep dark ages defendant “Government sponsored” Para-military Knight of the Klu Klux Klan, by payment made thereof by

“We Thee Abused (Negro) race, monetary taxes for such criminal false imprisonment under “capital punishment” of death, “Slavery 1619-Feburary 7th 2013 , “Black Codes”, Vagrancy Act, and never ending “Jim Crow Laws, upon which such “Fraud and Non-Disclosure committed against of

 “We Thee Abused (Negro) race “Monetary Taxes”, and furtherance’s in the
“Actual Awareness with manifestations that the Deep Dark Ages Defendant “United States of America” and there their Co-Defendants collectively herein in concert with there

“White Controlling Class”, official 1000% slave owner(s) of Plantations, industries, business, companies, corporations, shipping, raw materials, rail roads,

Main infrastructure power grid, agency, private/public social infrastructure  jointly from exploitation of said Free Force “Slave Labor” enterprise for “Unjust enrichment” 1619-December 7th 2013


Engaged collectively as a “Unit” collectively “hand in hand”, skipping in forever “White Only” prosperity, off the false established promise an actions for the “statutory “, previsions contained in the 13th and 14th amendment of the “United States of America” constitution, which such fraud and non-disclosure thereby the


“Fiduciary Breach of Duty”, of the “Deep Dark Ages” Defendant “United States of America” herein 100% “Jurisdiction”, conduct is the direct fraudulent “acts and actions for the continual

“Unjust enrichments in a total disregard for a human (Negro) race, already defame previously pursuant to Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), being made deplorable substandard

“Human Walk Disposable as you wish Trash” resulting in 1955 MLK is granted the doctorate of philosophy in systematic theology from Boston University on June 5. His dissertation topic:

 “A Comparison of God in the Thinking of Paul Tillich and Henry Wiseman.” MLK is elected on August 26 to the executive committee of the Montgomery NAACP.

After Rosa Parks’s December 1 arrest for refusing to give up her seat on a segregated bus, he joins the bus boycott. On December 5, MLK is elected president of the Montgomery Improvement Association and becomes the bus boycott spokesman and leader.

1956 On January 26, MLK is arrested as part of a “Get Tough” campaign to intimidate the bus boycotters. On January 30, his home is bombed. He successfully pleads for calm to a vengeful crowd of neighbors gathered outside his home.

On November 13, the Supreme Court rules that bus segregation is illegal. After black Montgomery walked for more than one year as part of the boycott, on the morning of December 21, MLK is one of the first passengers to ride on the newly integrated buses.

1957 MLK forms the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) to fight segregation and achieve civil rights, and on February14 becomes its first president. He and Coretta attend the midnight ceremonies in Accra on March 6, marking Ghana’s independence.

 On May 17, in Washington, D.C., MLK speaks to a crowd of fifteen thousand at the Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom to expand civil rights.  On September 27, partially in response to the Prayer Pilgrimage, the U.S. Congress passes the first civil rights act since Reconstruction.

1958 MLK’s first book, Stride Toward Freedom, is published on September 17. At a Harlem book signing on September 20, MLK is nearly killed when he is stabbed by an assailant.
Along with other civil rights leaders, he meets on June 23 with President Dwight D. Eisenhower to discuss problems affecting black Americans.

1959 MLK and Coretta make a pilgrimage to India on February 2 and spend a month there as the guests of Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru to study Mahatma Gandhi’s philosophy of nonviolence and to pay homage at his shrine.

On November 29, MLK announces his resignation, effective January 1, as pastor

Of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church to concentrate on civil rights work full time. He moves to Atlanta to direct the activities of the SCLC.

1960 On January 20, MLK moves to Atlanta and becomes co-pastor, with his father, at the Ebenezer Baptist Church. Lunch counter sit-ins begin on February 1 in Greensboro, North Carolina.

The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee is founded on April 15 to coordinate student protests at Shaw University in Raleigh, North Carolina, and elsewhere. MLK is the keynote speaker at the event. In Atlanta, on October 19, MLK is arrested during a sit-in while waiting to be served at a restaurant.

 He is sentenced to four months in jail, but after intervention by then presidential candidate John Kennedy and his brother Robert Kennedy, MLK is released.

1961 On May 4, soon after the Supreme Court outlawed segregation in interstate transportation, Congress on Racial Equality (CORE) demonstrators begin the first Freedom Ride through the South, traveling as a racially mixed group on a Greyhound bus.

On May 21, MLK addresses a mass rally in support of another group of Freedom Riders at a mob-besieged church in Montgomery, Alabama.  In November, the Interstate Commerce Commission bans segregation in interstate travel in response to the Freedom Riders’ protests. 

On December 15, MLK arrives in Albany, Georgia, at the request of the leader of the Albany protest, to desegregate public facilities there. The following day, at a demonstration attended by seven hundred protesters, MLK is arrested for obstructing the sidewalk and parading without a permit.

1962 Following the unsuccessful Albany, Georgia, movement, MLK is tried and convicted on July 10 for leading the march the previous December. He is arrested again on July 27 and jailed for holding a prayer vigil in Albany.

He leaves jail on August 10 and agrees to halt demonstrations there. On October 16, he meets with President Kennedy at the White House.

1963 Sit-in demonstrations begin in February in Birmingham, Alabama. On April 3, the Birmingham campaign is officially launched. On Good Friday, April 12, Police Commissioner Eugene “Bull” Connor arrests MLK and Ralph Abernathy for demonstrating without a permit.

 During the days he spends jailed, MLK writes his historic “Letter from Birmingham Jail.” On April 19, MLK and Abernathy are released on bond. During May 2-7, Birmingham police use fire hoses and dogs against the Children’s Crusade.


More than one thousand demonstrators, mostly high school students, are jailed. Protest leaders suspend mass demonstrations as negotiations begin on May 8. Two days later, the Birmingham agreement is announced.

The stores, restaurants, and schools will be desegregated; hiring of blacks implemented; and charges dropped against the protesters.

The day after the settlement is reached, segregationists bomb the Gaston Motel where MLK was staying. On May 13, federal troops arrive in Birmingham. The Birmingham protests prove to be the turning point in the war to end legal segregation in the South.

On June 11, President Kennedy announces new civil rights legislation. Kennedy is the first U.S. president to say publicly that segregation is legally and morally wrong. On June 23, MLK leads 125,000 people on a Freedom Walk in Detroit.

 The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom on August 28 is the largest civil rights demonstration in history with nearly 250,000 marchers. MLK leads the march for Jobs and Freedom.
The demonstrators demand an end to state-supported segregation and equal job opportunities. At the march, MLK makes his memorable “I Have a Dream” speech.

On September 15 in Birmingham, a dynamite blast kills four black girls attending Sunday school at the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church. MLK delivers the eulogy for the four girls on September 22. President Kennedy is assassinated on November 22.

1964 On January 3, MLK appears on the cover of Time magazine as its Man of the Year. MLK is arrested protesting for the integration of public accommodations in St. Augustine, Florida, on June 11. James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner—three civil rights workers who tried to register black voters during the Freedom Summer—are reported missing on June 21.

 MLK attends the signing ceremony of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 at the White House on July 2. The FBI finds the bodies of the slain civil rights workers buried not far from Philadelphia, Mississippi. On December 10, at age thirty-five, MLK becomes the youngest person to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

1965 On February 2, MLK is arrested in Selma, Alabama, during a voting rights demonstration. Marching demonstrators are beaten at the Pettus Bridge by state highway patrolmen and sheriff’s deputies on March 7.
 In reaction to the brutal beatings, President Johnson addresses the nation, describes the voting right act he will submit to Congress, and uses the slogan made famous by the civil rights movement:

“We Shall Overcome.” Federal troops are mobilized on March 21-25 to protect more than three thousand protestors marching from Selma to Montgomery.

 MLK, who led the march, addresses a crowd of more than twenty-five thousand supporters in front of the Cradle of the Confederacy, the Alabama State Capitol. On August 6, the 1965 Voting Rights Act is signed by President Johnson and MLK is given one of the pens.

1966 On January 22, MLK moves into a Chicago tenement to attract attention to the living conditions of the poor. In the spring, he tours Alabama to help elect black officials under the newly passed Voting Rights Act. On July 10, MLK initiates an effort to make Chicago an open city in regard to housing. James Meredith is shot during MLK’s March Against Fear, on June 6. MLK and others continue the march. On August 5, as he leads a march through Chicago, MLK is stoned by a crowd of angry whites.

1967 On April 4, MLK delivers his first public antiwar speech at New York’s Riverside Church. On April 15, in the shadow of the United Nations building, he delivers a speech against the war in Vietnam in what turns into the largest peace protest in the history of the country.

The Justice Department reports that as of July 6 more than 50 percent of all the eligible black voters are now registered to vote in Mississippi, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, and South Carolina. The Supreme Court upholds a conviction of MLK by a Birmingham court for demonstrating without a permit.

Starting October 30, MLK spends four days in a Birmingham jail. On November 27, MLK announces the inception of the Poor People’s Campaign focusing on jobs and freedom for the poor of all races.

1968 MLK announces that the Poor People’s Campaign will culminate in a march on Washington to demand a $12 billion Economic Bill of Rights guaranteeing employment to the able-bodied, incomes to those unable to work, and an end to housing discrimination.

On March 18, MLK speaks to sanitation workers on strike in Memphis, Tennessee, and agrees to support them. On March 28, MLK leads a march that turns violent. He is appalled by the violence but vows to march again after the protestors learn discipline.

 On April 3, MLK delivers the “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop” speech at the Memphis Masonic Temple. At sunset on April 4, sniper James Earl Ray fatally shoots MLK as the civil rights leader stands on a balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis. Ray is later convicted for the murder, which sparks riots and disturbances in 130 U.S. cities and results in 20,000 arrests.

MLK’s funeral, on April 9 in Atlanta, is an international event, and his coffin is carried on a mule cart followed by more than 50,000 mourners. Within a week of the assassination, the Open Housing Act is passed by Congress,

 Result in Twisted Never ending (RICO) ongoing “Slave Régime” as “White Only”

forever of the “Deep Dark Ages Defendant “United States of America” herein absolute 1000% heel bent on conspire in their

 100,000 and 1000% very criminal (RICO) “Fraudulent Concealment” scheme of things in Deep Dark ages United States of America et al,

Breaching their very own Fiduciary Duty,  to insure, and secured all provisions of From the exact date of 1619- February 7th 2013 the Deep Dark, Dark Ages defendant United States of America” et al

Twisted Corrupted 13th Amendment

The 13th Amendment to the Constitution declared that

"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted,

Shall exist within the United States,

Or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

“Formally abolishing slavery in the United States, the 13th Amendment was passed by the Congress on January 31, 1865, and ratified by the states on December 6, 1865. 

And furtherance’s said breaching their very own Fiduciary Duty,

 The 14th Amendment to the Constitution which was ratified on July 9, 1868, and claim granted citizenship to

“All persons born or naturalized in the United States,” which included former slaves recently freed.

In addition, it forbids states from denying any person "life, liberty or property,

Without due process of law" or to "deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

 And being the direct cause for the “Wrongful Death” of Rev. Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr.

Upon which never ending (RICO) ongoing “Slave Régime” as “White Only”

forever of the “Deep Dark Ages Defendant “United States of America” herein absolute 1000% heel bent on conspire in their “Fraudulent Concealment” scheme of things in Deep Dark ages United States of America et al,

Breaching their very own Fiduciary Duty, is the direct cause of action for damages (50) Million U.S. Dollars with 6% incurred from date of assignation to the survivors Rev. Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. family for

 “Pecuniary losses, mental anguish, loss of companion & society, loss of inheritances and exemplary damages for such Deep Dark ages United States of America et al,

 Fraudulent Concealment that “Slavery Servitude” still exited when the “Wrongful Death” of Rev. Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. could having been 1000% really honestly prevent by such

Deep Dark ages United States of America et al, being Truthful, honest, and respecting there very on rules of governing laws.,

 “Formally abolishing slavery in the United States”



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