Monday, November 30, 2015

Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) 2015 “We Thee Abused (American) “Negro Race”… “World Court of Justice” The Hague (Petition)


                                           “Theft of Property”

We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race 2015-2099, “Affirm”, “State”, and “declare” legally,

Appearance Respectfully before his/her “World Honorable Presiding “Justices”, To the Honorable “World Court of Justice” The Hague

 Upon which  We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race, affirm, state and fully declare all allegation, contention, disputes, disputation, argument, conflict and disharmony, fully cause of action as follows:                    

”, Pursuant to Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857),

“We The Negro Abused Continual race well into 2099, of past history of “slavery, black codes, Jim crow laws, and vagrancy laws all four running currently from 1865 aftermath of a “Never-ending”

 Civil War, - February 7th 2013 as “We Thee Abused (Negro) race, being denied our own just right of advancement to life of a democratization, in our own prosperity, education, social, peace, technology, being sabotage by mutable thousands of thousands counts of

“Theft of Property” with direct Breach fiduciary Duty” of the Judicial Branch of government, of the deep dark ages defendants “United States of America” et al, being destroyed in financial disorder of a shocking nature pursuant to

 “White Only” justice of absolute judicial immunity society, fully crooked and paid in advance to be 1000% Judicial bias and criminal “obstruction of justice” happy –n-glad blind, in collection of their fare (KKK) shares in stealing,

Pillaging, looting, ransack, strip, and 1000% complete absolute immunity seize, pursuant to (Negro) race, already defame previously pursuant to Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), being made deplorable substandard

 “Human Walk Disposable as you wish Trash” resulting in “Wrongful Death” as the obliteration, of we thee abused “Negro” race taxes disposal and distribution is being made a part of this superior

“White Conquering Master Society, of control with their “infamous” Para-Military “Knights” of “The Klu Klux Klan”, “Major supply of government police, and national guardsmen’s, as a “Unit” for the “legal” Judicial behalf of the Co-Defendant(s) collectively herein,

Engaged collectively as a “Unit” collectively “hand in hand”, skipping in forever “White Only” prosperity, off the false established promise an actions for the “statutory “, provisions contained in the 13th and 14th amendment of the “United States of America” constitution collectively herein “White Controlling Class”, slave owner(s) of

 Plantations, industries, business, companies, corporations, agency, private/public social infrastructure jointly from exploitation profits off said Slave Labor, and false imprisonment as

 “We The Abused (Negro) race never ever having legal Judicial Justice standing before our “White Master”, previously pursuant to Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), as our continual “slaves live” from

August 20th 1619-Feburary 7th 2013, being made official the prosperity of the deep dark ages defendants “United States of America” et al, and all monetary taxes thereof between the exact time frame of

1865-Feburary 7th 2013with (Negro) better not even “question” such Pillaging, looting, ransack, strip, and 1000% complete absolute immunity seize, pursuant to (Negro) race, already defame previously

 Pursuant to Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), being made deplorable substandard “Theft of Taxes” (KKK) back wood drunken spoiled yeast bootleg liquor Trailer park  pillage appalling devastation Mississippi USDA forever burning lynch rope “Justice”, with their “infamous”

Para-Military “Knights” of “The Klu Klux Klan”, legally paid in full and 1000% committed on such behalf of “legal” Judicial absolute immunity behalf of the Co-Defendant(s) collectively herein, herein “White Controlling Class”, slave owner(s) of

 Plantations, industries, business, companies, corporations, agency, private/public social infrastructure jointly from exploitation profits off said Slave Labor, in full leadership conspire role of the “Deep Dark Ages Defendant “United States of America”, et al

Engaged collectively as a “Unit” collectively “hand in hand”, skipping in forever “White Only” prosperity, off the false established promise an actions for the “statutory “, provisions contained in the 13th and 14th amendment of the “United States of America” constitution collectively herein “White Controlling Class”, slave owner(s) of

 Plantations, industries, business, companies, corporations, agency, private/public social infrastructure jointly from exploitation profits off said Slave Labor, as

“We The Abused (Negro) race never ever having legal Judicial Justice standing before our “White Master”, previously pursuant to Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), as our continual “slaves live” from

August 20th 1619-Feburary 7th 2013 resulting in “massive theft of personal property, land, assets, monetary value, live stock, in a grisly money plunder ransack raid by their “infamous” Para-Military

 “Knights” of “The Klu Klux Klan”, committed on such behalf of “legal” Judicial behalf of the Co-Defendant(s) collectively herein, “White Conquering Master Society, slave owner(s) of

 Plantations, industries, business, companies, corporations, agency, private/public social infrastructure jointly from exploitation profits off said August 20th 1619-Feburary 7th 2013 Free (KKK) Killer “Slave Labor”, AND 1000% absolutely whole sale shopping spree of

Physical actual 1000% “thousands upon thousands” of count in the Pirate of (America) “White Only” Constitution government whole sale conspire sanction income in “pillage”, “Plundering and “looting of (Billions) in physical

“THEFT OF PERSONAL PROPERTY” derive thereof committed against the peace, will dignity, respect and destruction of the “White Conquering Master Society, of control Dark Ages Defendant

 “United States of America” et al in continual “Human rights violations against kidnap, abducted and ransack lay-wasted in being a (Negro) race namely “We Thee Abused (Negro) race never free from “Slavery Servitude” August 20th 1619-Feburary 7th 2013.

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