Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) 2015 “We Thee Abused (American) “Negro Race”… “World Court of Justice” The Hague (Petition)


We” thee 2015-2099 continual abused (Negro) American “maltreatment”, “poverty”, “tyranny”,

 “Slaughter”, “destruction”, “obliteration”, “oppression”, and “Deaths thereof”

 “Slave Victim Race” being still being under the direct control in

“unjust enrichment human chattel property” interest of the
“White Pure Controlling Class of

the Dark Ages” Defendant “United States of America”, herein being the controlling “Pure Jury”, “Defense Counsel”,

“Absolute Immunity Judicial Branch of Government and the “Sweet lily white pure of the purest” 1000 and 100%

 “Holy Innocent” from 1619 to a date exactly in time derive thereof being namely

September 17th 1787 of the Dark, Dark Ages” Defendant “United States of America”, herein “Lynching Criminal Defendant et al”

existences, herein continual onwards enterprise on “slaving digging”, “exploration”, “prospecting”

“Murderous lynching and whipping” substandard Negro Democracy for

“unjust enrichment” institution prospects in which power so vested now in

The Dark, Dark Ages” Defendant “United States of America”, herein and their “White Controlling Pure Class”

who rule directly on a

“Nice Crisp Cool Autumns 17th 1787 September Days,

As We” thee continual abused (Negro) American, millions still being import fresh off the “kidnap”,

 “abduction” hostile “Death Trap” shipping “slave holes” importation for a future new hostile chattel branded

 “life style” far, far big blue ocean away from

We abused (Negro) stolen sovereignty rights on a “sea travel” of drowning “destruction”

 as this “Nice Crisp Cool Autumns 17th 1787 September Days commences

The Dark, Dark Ages” Defendant “United States of America”, herein

“Criminal Slave Trading Defendant et al”, herein

mutable Co-Defendant(s) confederate enterprise on

“Slaving digging”, “exploration”, prospecting making “crystal clear” assurance 1000 and 100%

lying in stating, declare, and affirming in snake ink in that

 “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice,

insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare,

And secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity,

do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America”.

“Policies which assumed the said “Secretly Absolute Immunity Control White Society”

being crystal clear 1000 and 100%

set on this

“Nice Crisp Cool Autumns 17th 1787 September Day

imposed said American constitution provisions provided by

The Dark, Dark Ages” Defendant “United States of America”, herein “Congress”,

insure “Domestic Tranquility” Are forever a “lasting life style” well ongoing in this

“American Slave Institution” beyond this “Nice Crisp Cool Autumns 17th 1787 September Day continual on ward some 226 years

and counting later of “Burning the Midnight Cross “lit” forever more prospect in

“Lynching Town Mississippi USDA” insuring well beyond this

 “Nice Crisp Cool Autumns 17th 1787 September Day “keeping all us

“illiterate Chattel American Now Home Grown Negro kidnap, abducted (Race) forever

“Presiding at the end of a rope in line” being

We thee abused (Negro) stolen sovereignty fully “secured forever” in the blessings of liberty by

The Dark, Dark Ages” Defendant “United States of America”, herein gain “Posterity”

as the Preamble of a bias Hostile American Constitution state in that

“We” thee continual abused (Negro) Race in 2015-2099 being “substandard human”

 Pursuant “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857)

Negro needing not never apply herein “for “Posterity”,

Judicial Justice in The Dark, Dark Ages” Defendant “United States of America”, herein having 1000 and 50% secret

 “Black Code” enforcement forever as the

“Preamble of the American Constitution” imply we the (Negro) are in fact the “Posterity”

of The Dark, Dark Ages” Defendant “United States of America”, herein forever more being completely

inferior, second-rate, low-quality substandard Negro chattel counting our “sorry necks” being

“Alive” blessing in being released by the Dark, Dark Ages” Defendant “United States of America”, herein from

1619 “Slavery Bondages” set soon in 1865 a future time now know to be

 (Tricked) out to a everlasting future date of

February 7th 2013

 and then and only then we thee (Negro) abused slave race being semi consider “Citizens” pursuant to the

“Preamble of the American Constitution” imply by The Dark, Dark Ages” Defendant “United States of America”, herein namely

“We The People of The United States” after further review of our new secret established 2013 “Black Codes Laws”

and the Never Ending abyss rules of America Concrete Laws establishment in “Jim Crow Laws”

being the always governing rules of  forever more laws throughout 2099.


We” thee 2015-2099 continual abused (Negro) American abducted, kidnap and stolen from out territorial sovereignty (Race)

 Affirm, Declare, and State

The Dark, Dark Ages” Defendant “United States of America” herein

having masked, shielded, defended, obscured, completely lie,

 and provided a 1000% absolute immunity judicial government control over each and every account of their criminal

 “maltreatment”, “poverty”, “tyranny”, “Slaughter”, “destruction”, “obliteration”, “oppression”,

and imposed “Deaths thereof” direct at us “illiterate American Chattel”

Now some 44.5 million plus Home Grown Negro Race forever “Presiding at the end of a rope”

 by the “white secret society class” built on Trillions and Billions in being spoiled off “unjust enrichment” enterprise(s) and

infrastructures standing firmly future against the

 Official Petition filed before “World Honorable Justice”

As We” thee 2015-2099 continual abused (Negro) American race herein being confirm in 2015

by The Dark, Dark Ages” Defendant “United States of America” herein that

 “Slavery, Black Codes laws and Jim Crow Laws is in fact our
“Lost Sovereignty Negro Heritage rights”

forever more being fully legally imposed, sentence, command and affirm by

The Dark, Dark Ages” Defendant “United States of America”, herein claim

 “Posterity” proclamation Pursuant “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857)

 Providing 100,000 and 500 % continual established bias change of venue status establishment to be consider before the entire

 “World Honorable Justices” of The Hague,

And the “entire” international community” of the kidnap, abducted, stolen lost territorial sovereignty, nationality rights of

 We” thee continual abused (Negro) Race in 2015-2099 being lost in a “black void space”,

“Invalidated”, “ineffective”, “extreme hostile” and very 1000% dissent, “ungodly completely worthless

 “Snake ink American constitution trash”, in its hostile “white only dagger”

 standards set in our constancies being substandard (Negro) lives representation of

We” thee 2015-2099 continual abused (Negro) American race as

The Dark, Dark Ages” Defendant “United States of America” herein institution 1619-2099 forever in

“Slavery”, “Black Codes” and “Jim Crow Laws” being the normal remain “secret white control class absolute immunity society”

 Against our humane “God given rights” for existence to be a normal peaceful “life entity” living on planet Earth.

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