Saturday, November 21, 2015

Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) 2015 “We Thee Abused (American) “Negro Race”… “World Court of Justice” The Hague (Petition)


“We Thee Abused (American) “Negro Race”…

Appearance Respectfully before his/her “World Honorable Presiding “Justices”,

“Affirm”, “State”, and “declare” legally, furtherance’s herein

“Proclaim” as this very undersigned “Notary Seal Date” being official in the Year of 2015 of the Lord,

Pursuant to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), We being ever (Negro) race from 1619-2099

 “The State of America” still at large in Deep Dark ages 1619 “Civil War” As being affirmed on the Secretly White Society,

And their henchmen, “Absolute Immunity” Branch of Judicial government

 “Pursuant to the never ending Judicial (American) Government “clause” of governing rules

“Pursuant to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857),

Making for exactly (156) exact “ungodly corrupted judicial racial bias years of being denied legal (Negro) race status standing to proceed before any

 Federal Court of Laws, on laws “Dealing” with among required judicial duties of the Deep Dark Ages Defendant in coming about

 Fair play in “equity”, concerning force “Slavery Servitude” of “We Thee (Abused) Negro race, herein, fully provides 1000% in direct violations of

The Commitment to a global order under the rule of Law established by “The World Community”, unanimously,

Which oddly “The Deep Dark Ages” Defendant “United States of America” officially herein,

Being officially a part of The Commitment to a global order under the rule of Law established

“The World Community”, However Unanimously,

“Pursuant to the never ending Judicial (American) Government “clause” of governing rules

 “Pursuant to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857),

Deep Dark ages Defendant “United States of America” guaranteeing before “The World Community” that 1619-2099

No (Negro) race human rights shall be established in (America)

And no (Negro) fundamental freedoms for all (Negro) race, of “equality” or equal “prosperity” in (America) fully providing benefited

“Venue” being legal, just, proper, and forthwith,

Expedited in Deep Dark ages Defendant “United States of America”   Officially appear “Pro Se”

And or with adequate “legal counsel”, in Requirement appearances Before “World Court of Justice” The Hague



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