Sunday, September 25, 2011

Cmdr. Bluefin To: “Muammar Qaddafi”...“Arnold “Andy” Anderson Vickery" & "Hollywood Three “Sherlock Holmes” (Haters)...xooxo

To: The President of (USA)……(Obama)……
To: Hollywood Three “Sherlock Holmes” (Rich Boys) Haters….”Guy Richie”, “Robert Downey Jr.” And “Judd Law”….xoxoxo!!!
To: Arnold “Andy” Anderson Vickery and
(Andrew T. McKinney IV) Attorney(s) at Law
“Professional firms” in Houston Texas
To:  “Muammar Qaddafi”...........“Yep” it’s me....(Again) …..”Cmdr. Bluefin”…xoxoox!!!
First “Arnold “Andy” Anderson Vickery And
(Andrew T. McKinney IV) “Professional Cut Throat’s Attorney(s) at Laws……..xoxoxox
      (Andy Esq.)……you are a Dam Legally “Twisted Sick Puppy Scoundrel” …..Ha, ha,
“‘You most certainly pick the right profession career choice for you… 
I collect legal (Depositions) as Trophies”…….oxoxox
and Houston Scrooge Attorney Harry C. Arthur Esq. is a dam Fu=cking Three Star Gold “Winner”………
Man you was really setting his “Scrooge Scank Goat Breath Ass up from the “opening bell”,
And I thought that deep in the attic of your “Twisted Sick Puppy Scoundrel” very smart quick deep dark mind you was “laughing”…..
”The Scoundrel” dam sham of you”……..xoxoox
I figure that “Twisted” part out when you thank Mrs. (Arthur) so very extremely nicely for being there at the “Video Deposition”…Whom as I pointed out to
“Doctor John Watson M.D.”
(She) is physically 100% actually the “Dark Mastermind Brains” behind all of the Houston Scrooge Attorney Mutable Greedy Millions operation(s)……………………xoxoox
Boy he is so Goat Nut Special Ed. Ass slow sorry stupid…..and proving to be easy for a legal destruction chase for even Pro Se goofy ass me ………xooxox
As I figure from the very start of my legal pursuit…..of how he had the “pocket lines” of the “Crooked Judges”
Before I even walked in the dam door of the Funky Crooked Houston Texas Harris County Courthouse
Ungodly…attacking funky ass (Homeless) me…..For what….?
Did not make any legal theories or common (American) law worth a bucket of sperm sense….
 Other than as fuc=king always for us Nig=ers species here on Earth……
 (We) stupid Nig=ers by “Crooked White Man” uncivilized racial gross ass standards and should be in the dirty plantation water “Picking-n- Plaint”
(Rice) in the 102 degree heat plus the Heat index (OMG) Like Duh’…..Flipping Fu=cking forever….Or Else…….”Eeek”
Well (Andy) Vickery Attorney at Law”
 I got some good news and some bad news for ya “Twisted Sick Puppy Scoundrel” very smart quick deep dark mind Crazy Ass…….
(1). Good news…….”Thee Jesus Christ” Likes (you)…..
He smile too, when we had that phone conversation in 2009……as I pass his word on too you (Thanks)…..
For the Very First time in my (Cmdr. Bluefin) Life….
I Really know what it felt like to be the (actual) President of the United States” of America,
   As soon as you respectfully very Honorable gentlemen at that precise moment (report) to me on the phone in 2009  it’s all over (Very Damaging Report)…….xoxoox
All I could do is thinks of a “Nice quick “Professional Proud complementary Presidential wording” of (real)
Sweet Honest Gratitude for “The Entire (Poor) behalf @ “Christ Church Cathedral”…..xoxoxoox
(2). Bad news…….
If you ever, ever, (And I do) mean ever have to go to court against me…….
(I) am whipping your Ass right out the gate…….Kidnap ya ass,
When you wake up (You) Sir (Andy) Vickery will be “butt naked” in cow boy boots & super duck tap solid to my best friend Garage Stripper girls Pole”…….
Getting a serious “Butt Beating Spanking” by the team of (Sexy) Naked Stripper I hire for ya (Smoooch)….ha, ha
Feeding you one huge (Big Army pot full of Oatmeal-n-forcing feeding you to “Drink Strong Old English Beer from tit’s shots’
and foam out of the Attorney Mouth with the old Special Boys-n-the Hood Smoke of XXX Pot)….ha, ha 
 (Looking All Fuc=king Naked And extra Esq. Crazy) ha, ha
I’ll Will be in The Courthouse….waiting (Laughing softly deep in the dark part of my mind)
Judge asks: Mr. Hamilton Have you seen the Counsel for the Defendants (Andy) Vickery Esq.
Mr. Hamilton reply:  Why No “Sir” Your Honor  “Sir”…..From what I’ve heard he is a very Professional Attorney at Law….and I am most very sadden he is not here….(Duh’)
I was quite looking forward to a serious Pro Se “tussle” of wits about The Honorable Court…. being surly engaging in his Professional law experience …….
May I still (Now) “Sir” Have my “Pro Se” Summary Judgment Motion Granted
“Your Honor”…..ha, ha

To:  “Muammar Qaddafi”...........“Yep” it’s me....(Again) …..”Cmdr. Bluefin”…Smooch…xoxoox!!!
(You) Still On The Fu=king “Libyan Lamb” too………
Well I (Cmdr. Bluefin) herein got some good news for ya…..(Ass)
And some (really) bad news for ya Goat Dog Camel Nut’s Buzzard Burnt Corn Breath (Scary) Ass…….xoxooxo
Good News….Man “Muammar Qaddafi”......“Dude (Your) country is looting (all) of your fuc=king stuff……like crazy…& selling sh=t on Ebay.Com (Cheap)…….
Your Goat Dog Camel Nut’s Buzzard Burnt Corn Breath (Scary)….Infamous Ass worth US$(Millions) in “Bobble heads collective Toys” too…..xoxoxo
Bad News:
You (Big) Dummy….. Camel Nut’s Buzzard Burnt Corn Breath (Scary)….Ass really fu=cking need to get a move on out of that dam ”Pakistan”  back country XXX Heroin strong ass “coffee shop” very fast”…(In)..”Pakistan” 
“American & NATO”… (Zombies Team Boys) headed that way looking for your “Slow Sand Ass” right now……xoxoxo
They fuc=king “Dog Ass Piss Broke”…
Fu=king off all the (American Cash) for drug(s)-n- liquor monies party 24/7 with the “XXX Stripper Whores”…….xooxox ha, ha
“Hung over (Ugly) mad too and I Cmdr. Bluefin heard on the “Wire” yesterday after I told them where to go and find your greedy ass ….Dude they looking for “(American)….”Cash”,
You really better hurry up drink the coffee hit that “Heroin” and finish fuc=king getting back to that dam running….xoxooxx!!! (Ha, ha)

 To: Hollywood Three “Sherlock Holmes” (Rich Boys) Haters….”Guy Richie”, “Robert Downey Jr.” And “Judd Law”….xoxoxo!!!
Hey ya (3) Fu=king “Hollywood Haters”, got a special encrypted word from the “Stripper Club” off Sunset-n-Normandy Blvd. behind the Nig=er(s)  (alley)…Next to the  “Street Gang Chicken Crack Shack”
Your trying a “Sherlock Holmes Story Coup’ espionage Triple Blind Soviet British 007 super sketchy underwater,
G-12 Back Door Dirty Fuc=king Harry Eiger Sanction” “Yakuza's inventive “Sushi Special Menu Dark Meat” XXX Mid-Night Delights”
On Old Nig=er “Sherlock Holmes” me………………………
”Ya Fuc=king “Hollywood Three” …“Sherlock Holmes” (Rich Boys) ….”Guy Richie”, “Robert Downey Jr.” And “Judd Law”….…..“Haters”

To: The President of (USA)……(Obama)……
“Excuse Me…”Sir” know ya busy…(Me See The Papers) fu=k the “Middle East” “Europe”, “The Moon”, with all of the shiny Stars and The Really Wet Ass Ocean too can kiss off’
..But respectfully of the top of my “Cmdr. Bluefin” (Head) Ummmmm Like (OMG) duh’…..
”But Just Like where in the Super Sketchy “Hell” is my dam ($$$Money)
 My (American) $US447 (Billion)………………..Hun….?

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