Friday, September 9, 2011

To: “Cahoonzie” and “President Barrack Obama”….xoxox! US 447 Billion Dollars….xoxoox

To: “Cahoonzie” and “President Barrack Obama”….xoxox!
First “Cahoonzie” I read your “Reply” and I do not want you to be confused at all,
(1)         United States Of America Magistrate Judge Karen Wells Roby is (The United States of America).
You Can Not Filed any of Kind of Civil Action(s) State or Federal against any Judge for their (Proven) Misconduct,
 by: Law you Have to filed the Complaint against “The United States of America or if it is a State Judge having gone “Crazy” too,
The Civil filing has to Officially State in the Head (Not) The Judge but the Interest the particular Judge represent.
Like The State of (Texas) is also being sue for
215th District Court Judge Steven Kirkland
(If that helps) J it is a matter of the language on the legal document being filed before a
“Honorable U.S. Honorable Court of Court Office to proceed in order it (Civil Action against Judge) is not dismiss because your suing the Judge on a legal document 
 ( I Learn this from my Honorable Law Professor)
J She Honorable Magistrate Judge Karen K. Klein slaps the holy judicial crap out of me
when I had to sue the Cass County Courthouse in Fargo North Dakota
However just knowing John T. Goff” The Cass County State Attorney then (Got to pucker his ass up in front of all of the News Cameras) before the media
and “Lucky You Care to X-plane this (Madman) suit “Mr. Hamilton” Filed against the Courthouse-
They attempt to run me over legally for another loser (Attorney who was drunk, drove through somebody “Motherfu=king Farm house ¼  from the Road  J ,
and in major pass out surgery while being my (Attorney at Law) But once again (I Am Nig=er) me don’t know better
 So District Court Judge Michael O. McGuire sent me on a Court Order to see the Shrink and while he was busy writing his Court Order for the Shrink Examination
I was writing his Courthouse Civil action from my “Jail Cell”, when they get ready to send me off to see the Shrink”
Just before the time to go I had the U.S. Government G-Men come over to the Jail give me $200.00
and bring me a dam “Turkey Sandwich”, take this over to the “Clerk of Court office at the Federal Court”…and you fine fellows have a “Fine Navy Day”……
This is the part I like the best when I hit “Motherfu=king Jamestown North Dakota I am hotter than steaming piss, been play by the Judge like Dirt”.
(News Folks going Crazy) in Fargo N.D
  (Hell) I don’t even know anything they got me lock up far away as “freaking Crazy again”
 News T.V. just blasting still I am just busy in paper work for my own legal defense,
When the “Head shrink of James town hit the ward, with a news paper under his Arm,
He go over to all of the “White Fellows” and figure one of them is (Hamilton ) on the News…
They all point to the Nig=er” all alone in a pile of paper as I looking at his Shrink Ass, He just “Simply Shook his Head ,
and said where you aware you are all over on the “State News”
I just softly smile up at him and told him I kind of figure and
laugh real soft “kept to the papers,
 he handed me the Fargo Forum News paper too, then ask you not even “Nerves”…I smile at him again and said for What,
I just learn my court appointed Lawyer Dump Truck “Joe A. Johnson” blew his Arms dam near clear off stupid ass playing with a “Live Power line”
Looking like lobsters paws, and Now he (Lobsters Paws Attorney at Law Birthday Boy)
 partying way too much trying to drive XXX DWI all over North Dakota Hwy.
Just Fu=king Birthday Lobsters Paws drove his Country Ass through some Farmer Ranch House ¼ from the “Road”
Police all covering the Crap up and The Judge is in own the Big Fix Racket….end result (Nig=er is Crazy)…..K
Now do you mind (Shrink Dude)
Crazy Nig=er kind of Fu=king busy here getting ready for Court Trial …..I shall represent myself……K
“Head Shrink dude” then very all of a sudden flipping ass gaskets piss off said: that Motherfu=king Stupid Ass Judge is using me …………
(2)         See “Cahoonzie” “Sir”….“This has nothing to do with race or the Army Corps of Engineers & levee design

The Federal U.S. Judge in this “Complaint” is (Black), the Crooked Dead Man Grave Robber Hurricane Katrina Attorney at Law “Willie M. Zanders” 24/7 Pro Se Esq.
is (Crooked Corrupted Black) and his Crooked Clients (Walter and Rosemary) homeowners are (Black too) 
(Jovel) is Mexican and was “Wrongfully Killed on my Project too…because of these Crooks……
My point I did in fact volunteer for two tours of Duty in New Orleans L.A.
First and foremost my Retarded XXX CEO Bluefin Inc.  (Skills) fully under oath of the United States of America (Required) when In desperate need
I can hang with the (MIB) fellows
And Pluck (Americans) out of the “Water, or Dirt”
Or send ya to Sleep in the “Very Deep Cold Ocean”
or “Dirt”
or a quick visit to the E.R. via the (American) Deep Cold Jails
depend on your Choice and don’t forget my small (American) Retarded “Tax free” ($$$).
Then second when they open up New Orleans L.A. to the Population after the real nasty ordeal was kind of contain (Dead Body Removal),
I once again volunteer for almost 2 months helping all along the gulf coast area…..They needed it 
Now I bring in my own tools (Ready to rebuild for)
Normal me a “Construction Contractor” needing (Money) who is now getting it in the Dam Ass…..
By the U.S. Federal not so Honorable (Court), the (Crooked Attorney) and The Crooked Homeowners
No Body else is involved and so Bonjour very sorry if you were upset……..K
And sorry for your Friend too He did indeed Die Brave    (Hell of a Scary Job too)
 I would have told you to kiss me extra stinky “Black Ass” long time ago on that “job application”
Bye to ya  “Cahoonzie”  

To: President “Barrack Obama”
“Nice Speech”
And “Presidential Brother Dude”
Where in the Hell are the “Real Meaty Beef”, “Eggs”, “Pinto Beans”, Wild Rice, Corn on the Cobs,
 Grape Every “Poor Folks” Kool-Aid flavor “Dranks-n-Thangs”,
 Big Box of Animals Crackers, and my US 447 Billion Dollars….xoxoox
“Cmdr. Bluefin”
 (United States Ninja Navy)

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