Tuesday, September 20, 2011

On The Fu=king Lamb ………United States Attorney Offices “Eric H. Holder et al”…….”Cmdr. Bluefin”

To: United States of America USDA Top Brass Attorney(s) Office et al…………………(Yuck Mouths)
To: The Fighting Boy(s) @ “The United States Marshall Services” (USMS) …..
Featuring “USMS Con-Air” for all your in house Special (American) flights needs…….xoxooxoox!!!
First, United States of America USDA Attorney(s) Office et al
        What up ya Fu=king American “Top Brass Crook’s”
        Heard on the “Wire” No Less……The United States Marshall Services (USMS) is scratching, sniffing & going to paying you crooked USDA Attorney special Ed. fellows a visit real soon,
 Ya better fu=king hide….ha, ha,
They are fu=king really mean too…
(I Know for all Fun Fill Fact)…xooxox
You “Assholes” are in so much trouble too,……..
If you were real fu=king smart…. you “Hire” (12) of them Expensive Big Gun VIP Criminal Attorney(s) @ $2200 Hr. (each)
Them (12) extra Smart/Crooked Four Eye Classy Fu=king Attorneys fellows to represent the United States of America Attorney Office et al……….
So I can kick em around a bit “till” the Puppy green-n-lime crap start leak out of their legal ear hole….(laughing) my ass of, ha, ha ……………
While the (12) Big Gun VIP Criminal Attorney(s) Hourly Bill the fu=king crap out of (America) slow ass….ha, ha….
And I figure a crew of consultation legal teams of them back up book worm (Ugly) four eye snail ass special Ed. Maggots
Helping with the (American) college store brought book learning” phase…. Vs (Cmdr. Bluefin)……
Bet you a $20. dollar sack of USDA “Ditch Weed” United States of America USDA Top Brass U.S. Attorney(s) Office et al……
Won’t be …big ass brass balls enough and going & steal the Fu=king (USMS) United States Marshall Services……Mail…..ha, ha,
(Be right back) want say Hi to the Fellows……
“What’s up (USMS) United States Marshall Services….you guy’s make me really fu=king laugh and (Always) too……xooxox
“Who you Special (USMS) Boy(s) knocking the Fu=k out of right now…..?
Thought the old “Cmdr. Bluefin”  forgot ya ….Hun……”….?....ha, ha,
Man to all of (America) and The President of the United States of America I am proud to introduce and fully assert before the “Internet World”
Cmdr. Bluefin got me two special (Trips) on board “USMS”…”Con-Air”…ha, ha,
Both times in Chains too…..
hook up and chain like a broke whore to the dam floor on a flying “Death trap”…….ha, ha,
But I had fun….and fool me some (USMS)…
Cmdr. Bluefin Trip (1).
Seems State of “North Dakota” wanted a Nig=er “Cmdr. Bluefin” Special Ass really, and I do mean really extra bad….on a simple 3rd degree Charge
Even the State of Florida Judge…ask me at my extradition hearing
(Do they even have any fellows in jail in North Dakota at all to be coming all the way to Florida to get you for this crap)
And took up $$$ contract with “Con-Air”……Bring us his Black Ass…..
We flew everywhere…too… In one (dam) week…
I saw (15) major (America) cities……xoxooxo
What a free (USMS) tour too,  ha, ha,….
 Stop off somewhere in a bunch of trees….lost where I have a clue…..to pick up a few special packages,
And one of the dizzy (tough) bastards been bad all his sorry life ….is all of a sudden scared to fly on “Con Air”…..
Right At take off time….just flipping out going crazy like a fish…..screaming, yelling and actually pissing and throwing up…all on himself chain to the dam floor crying like a bitch….too…..
(Great fu=king fish head)
Next thing I know a (Very Big Nig=er USMS)…went on over and told his ass ….chill out dude…you going to be O.K.   we are just flying…..
(Motherfu=king) dip duck did not listen to (Very Big Nig=er USMS)…
Next thing bam…..(Very Big Nig=er USMS)…Big Black Fat Ass elbow to the side of his (Motherfu=king) dip duck head….And dead on target straight to the temple……..
Chill out dip duck due snap into a (TKO) and sleeping fast… spit just leaking crazy out of his mouth ….ha, ha……Ooooooo Snapple’s ……………….xoxoox!!!
(Very Big Nig=er USMS)…said anybody else scared to fu=king fly on this Dam “Con Air”…..?
Not a single fu=king tough “Con-Air” prisoner chain up voice even though of a spoke word, crack a smile or even a light farted……ha, ha,
(Except) me….ha, ha,
I told the (Very Big Nig=er USMS)…Hell if you take these chains off me
 (I) can even fly this (Motherfuc=king) tin can for Ya “Sir”……xoxoox
(Very Big Nig=er USMS)…said Shut up…….you lucky you are our very (VIP) “special package”………
You little black bastard….Now do you want one of your special pack lunches and a juice box we got for ya………
Everybody “Con-Air” prisoner fu=king staring at (Me)   now……Looking Crazy, ha, ha,
 I ask….(Very Big Nig=er USMS)…
Real piss off tone too….(You) Fucking Assholes hope you know…. I really hate that dam “Peanut Butter”…..
(Very Big Nig=er USMS)…We Already Fu=king Heard……the dam word….Please “Shut the Fu=k up” …here (Bitch)……they sent for (your special Ass)
A whole case “Oscar Mayer Lunchables”….
I ask….(Very Big Nig=er USMS)…”What them ass holes sent no fu=king reading material……?
….(Very Big Nig=er USMS)…”Looking at me real hard & very mean, said you are in a few seconds fixing to be very really super scared to be fu=king fly…………
Eat your Dam “Oscar Mayer Lunchables”….and shut the Fu=k up….(Please)……xoxoxoox
The (Very Big Head Con-Air Boss USMS)…”told his ….(Very Big Mean Nig=er USMS)…
”if you so much as dent that fu=king (VIP) can good……..
You “Sir” are in very “serious fu=king trouble” ……
Ignore his crazy ass
We are flying fu=king fast as fast as we can to get rid of his dizzy fu=king ass off this dam “Con-Air” Plane …….xoxoox
(Don’t even look at him) ya turn into a fu=king pillar of salt …………………

Cmdr. Bluefin Special (Trip) # 2 on board “USMS”…”Con-Air”……..
I and the (MIB) fellows took up a usually fun board game of let’s play bet on the “Extra Special Mastermind Crooks”………
I bet the (MIB) Crooked fellows, I can catch “Lex Luthor” his/her (Stupid) Tripping Hard XXX Crooked Smart Ass….
Super long fu=king crooked way….. Smoking extra fast before your “Crooked (MIB) fellows” can count and finish eating off a box of donuts ya candy slow asses …..and
My bet is (COD)…………....K
Now What is ya opening (MIB) $$$ Bet Ya Crazy (Ugly) Ass fellows……???  (ha, ha,)
Here we go again “Con-Air”….for all of your (Cmdr. Bluefin) in-flights needs……Bet secured….xoxoox!!!
I hijack me a Playboy super sexy “USMS” super special escort” and set up an encrypted chess pre-game kick off show up, 
And wait & watch the (USMS) try & figure out what is (really) fu=king going on….. wrong on “Con-Air”………..
Kick off time….(My)….Playboy super sexy “USMS” brings me on board United States Marshall Services “Con-Air”
        She Say hi to the “USMS” fellows, (Real Sexy) too……
And Chains me up real proper & special good….with her special sexy softness and added pretty lady touches…(soft Breasts all in my grill)_.....
    And most certain .(I am all smiles)…..being strap down in the middle of the “Con-Air” Plane where the (USMS) VIP sitting section is.
Playboy super sexy “USMS” looks at me after she tucks me in real good seat belt…and ask am I comfortable…
And grab’s her a novel/ book…and moves to her a nice window seat……wink at me and at the “USMS” fellows,
While they are all looking real fu=king hard at me like (What the holy Fu=k)
She just felt him up real good with her VIP “USMS” Playboy Bunny tits….ha, ha,
“There are only maybe (20) prisoners onboard for our first “Con-Air” take off flight….
When we touch down, I am all (smiles)…time for some cool fun…..
(My)  Playboy super sexy “USMS”, comes on over and  release chain on my legs, escorts me off the back of the Plane to a waiting “”Car””” and some real (Ugly) fellows…….
She then finish unchaining everything off me on the “USMS” Con-Air” tarmac …..
While the rest of the USMS crew are looking on at me like (OMG) and holding on to their Big guns….what in the Fu=king crap is going on here with this…..“Crazy Looking Nig=er”……ha, ha
(My)  Playboy super sexy “USMS”, Then She slap me sexy on my ass & kiss me on the cheek and said in a very sexy Playboy super sexy “USMS”,  (Voice)
 Bring “Mother” back something Nice-n- Special….(ha, ha,)………
I look at her sexy Playboy super sexy “USMS”, Ass as she was winking.
And said ….all soft…and very shy..
Yes “Mommies Dearest”……xoxoox
Then I Look over at the Big group of Big Mean (USMS) faces all “crack”….and said “I will be right back”….
Went got in the G-Car with some extra (Ugly) fellows…….”Snickering” and (laughing) ha, ha….
.Smooch…& Happy Soon to Be Christmas Holidays…
To ya (USMS) folks @ “Con-Air” ……..xoxooxox
Send the United States Attorney Office et al
My middle “Internet Finger”……..K
 “Cmdr. Bluefin” “United States Navy”……………

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