Saturday, September 17, 2011

Cmdr. Bluefin vs.(USA), "State of Texas", "Harris County"," Houston Scrooge Attorney" & "The Hole in the Wall Gang" III

Pro Se Plaintiff herein state very respectful before the “Honorable Justice”
Co-Defendant “State of Texas, Harris County 215 District Court herein received before the Judicial Business of The Harris County Courthouse in Houston Texas
Cause No. 2009-7693 being submitted before the “Honorable Justice” as Plaintiff Exhibit P-1 attached herein
Filed Nov 23rd 2009 @ 2:31 pm received a Plaintiffs namely one (Harry C. Arthur and The Marine Building, L.L.C,)
 Original petition” with request for disclosure, with full intention on conduction discovery on a level 2 cause of action
pursuant to Texas Rule of Civil Procedure 190.3.
And Rule 193.7 Notice Pursuant to rule 193,7 of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure,
Plaintiffs one (Harry C. Arthur and The Marine Building, L.L.C,)
hereby “Gives notice that all documents produced by any Defendant will be used at any pretrial proceeding or at the trial of this matter.
Plaintiffs’ claim for Private Nuisance, and a Permanent Injunction
With Plaintiffs in said petition one (Harry C. Arthur and The Marine Building, L.L.C,)
described fully herein before the “Honorable Justice” Affirmatively plead that they combine sought monetary relief more than
Parties for the Defendant, “Christ Church Cathedral”, is a Church in Houston, Harris County, Texas, and may be served with citation by serving
 Bishop Charles Andrew Doyle, at his Office location, 1225 Texas Avenue, Houston Texas 77002
      Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein respectfully request the Honorable Justice Notice
(Harry C. Arthur) is a License “Attorney at Law”  TBN: 01364000 “In and for the State of Texas
There by (Harry C. Arthur Esq.)
Acting well within the realm of legal possession, a Knowledgably skilled conscious and having (Absolute) “Reasonability”
for all acting legal actions on a very high profile prescribed
“Fiduciary Professional” Legal Counsel Craftsmen nature level of Law as required protocol before the Defendant “State of Texas, Harris County 215 District Judicial Court herein
And as required protocol before Defendant “The State of Texas” both each required fully and Govern on all applications provision in each described said filing of a legal “Tort” of Laws
 In a civil suit before United States of America Constitution provisions in
“Common Laws cause of actions” before Defendant “The Harris County 215 District Courthouse herein.

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