Wednesday, September 14, 2011

U.S. Vets “Board of Directors”….”Cmdr. Bluefin”. “United States Navy”….

“Board of Directors” Greg C. Green Chairman…..
Robert J. Price Vice Chairman
Stephen Peck, M.S.W. President and Chief Executive Officer,
Kenneth Fields, Herbert A. Lampert, Thomas E. Holliday, Michael Dolphin, Bruce McDonald and Adam Siegler…….
I have a few Question(s) for you U.S. Vets Board of Directors….
Did I not (Actually) call you guy’s (Louis Charles Hamilton II) from Houston Texas in dealing with your Downtown Office U.S. Vet, which resulted in your ignore the solution
….(And) as a result (one) Mr. Bates your employee staff…getting his “Ass Super Fu=king Beat Down with the Main 1972 Land line telephone phone receiver,
The “P.C. Computer Key Board”,
 The P.C. Computer Screen
and part of the Cubical Desk too ..after the whole Main office got Completely Fu=king Trash by some (Employee) Stupid Dip Fu=k (Super slow) & Really Messing up with the “Military Veterans”….especially talking trash and said bad wording about a Vets (mother) too….
I was just simply going to throw his Ass out the Main front Window ….Jump out then step on his Slow Head in the Glass (Stupid Bitch)…..
“However” Mr. Bates” got super lucky and went to the “E.R. Hospital” from another U.S. Vet.   To check his Head for Several Serious “Computer Virus”
 But the point of this “Matter”
 I personally call your Fu=king “Corporation office” and made sure before (We) re-trash your U.S. Vet Fu=king office place real good (Again)…
 You was officially given at least a warning…..
Why in the Hell I am a Disable Navy Veteran and your staff Mr. goofy is fu=king with me about anything other the shut his stupid mouth
 And leave me quite and very much fu=king (Alone) on a Computer minding grown up business ……
Dip Fu=k simply need to investigate his retarded ass into a wall and shut up talking crazy” to me I stink and very tired too……that only cause office trash problems…
have you guys not learn to respect Military Vets who are Homeless and have Nothing at all,
Now I cannot use the computer because I am Disable Vet….who need to be looking for a fu=king Job….?
What loser came to a Light bulb burring to fu=king bright in the over ego head Dept.   …..with this loser rule….?

I am Disable Vet who is getting it in the Legal Rip Off Ass…..why can I not be left alone……? Over $90,000.00 in just one civil act (Alone) there are actually others…..K
No money, no home, and no sh=t shower or shave….
only if I fight for it (Now) with idiots
I cannot Sh=t in the toilet at U.S. Vet, brush my teeth (nor any where in fu=king Houston)…only at a (Special Ed. Time table of 4 days out of a week and only for 6 hours a day during that time with 10,000 other street trash
In the Past I could not have my mail ..
……2 years ago when your U.S. Vet Center was throwing my Mail in the Dam Trash at the DeGorge Retarded Special Ship Wreck Hotel…
And I had to snap on the stupid “Motherfu=kers on staff then…
Idiots (Bath Room Patrol Staff) go in the Grown Military Men “Bath room trash and pull out a throw dirty pair of stinky (my) under ware
 And fu=king Parade them bad boys in the U.S. Vet lobby yelling and having the Nerves to tell me I cannot use the bath room (Any More)
Because I throw dirty under ware in the Fucking Trash……(Military Police Bath Room Patrol)  (I was going to sue your U.S. Vet Asses then)
O.K. you country slow staff fu=ks…..why your ass holes of staffing not digging in the (Women) rest room trash for the thrown used up
 “Female Bloody Tampons” and used up “Kotex Pads” and Parade them bad bloody boys in U.S. Vet lobby to everybody  Ya……“Loser Bitches”
…And get kick out for your stupid slow Fuc=ker(s) running a Dizzy Dumb “Pirate Ship”
Always talking side ways to Military Personnel trying not to be Piss on
Vets….especially hearing dumb “Sh=t” from a slow special Ed. (Goofy) staff yelling,
Get him a dog and yell at that flea bitten piece of crap…..
Your staff voting real super fu=king fast next for a Mr. “Computer Virus ……
Nobody can use the dam toilet nowhere in slow Ass Houston Texas…take up a ordeal with a Fu=king  “shower lottery”
And Board of Directors”
just what part of the fu=king U.S. Vets homless program is made and design for Disable Veteran me……
Doing Motherf=cking Jumping Jacks out back in the Parking Lot and try super hard to don’t sh=t on myself”……..
Here is me in the News Looking Fu=king Crazy Vet’s helping Vet
Click it and see the nasty homeless Vet picture…..all over the “Internet”

I do not need a dam U.S. Vet Fu=king (Ugly) ass baby sitter….i am 49 and ¾ old.   Duh”.

 Just a home/hotel with “water” …..
“You slow (Ugly) guys go get fu=king lost”
My legal Federal Court Cases are getting pile up on me (Now) from dealing with dumb slow U.S. Vet people….
And Goofy Ass Country City Houston Crooked Ass too…
I add you the Last minutes from my Post early to a few others….maybe you all can (Actually) get together and figure the Crap….Out  working for all (American Homeless Veterans)
 (It is Fu=king Easy)…..your so sloooooooooow
(Try listening sometimes)
Cmdr. Bluefin Very Tired of talking too….
and Especially Motherfu=kers stupid, slooow and  yelling …at me…
I do not need the “Stupid Slow Noise….at all……(Right Now) only
Cause Problems super quick and super fast”
While I am dealing with getting rip off in the Ass by the Crooked Dirty South Slow Justice System for my own dam hard earn “money and rip off for entire company construction tools by crooked (Attorney)”
While….I am Busy trying to obtain an Honorable Court Order to finally bury my Dead Wife and Three Dead Babies since 1994 hidden somewhere lost in Fu=king Crooked Mormon Utah Country. With The U.S. Attorney Office already stealing my mail, and Dead Daughters Video evidence
You’re U.S. Vets fu=king definitely not helping matter at fu=king all…only making matter dirty and worst…
City Hall is to Dam Slow….told them Bastard twice over (Years Too) sent e-mails
You thrown my Birth Cerficate in the Trash, with my money $52.00, and $10 bus ticket and my Sherlock Holmes Special Book….
City Hall Fu=kers still not having come to grips with that, Simple Sh=t
So after yesterday City Hall Piss Off Meeting,
I am sure….my Black STREET TRASH VETERAN ASS will still be “Butt extra Itching” and funky under arms still smoking with ground in Ass dirty
 (Along) with many other at least they (Smart) Jumping in the river to attempt to be fu=king clean……….

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