Saturday, September 10, 2011

To: Speaker of the House ….”Potty Mouth Dude” (John Boehner)  Cmdr. Bluefin ….Coming to Washington D.C. ….”Zombie Team” Clear “Dezeron II” Launch Pad….

You tell that “Liver Lizard Lips”, Snake Snatch Goat Dog Scank Nut’s, Stale Pumpkin Seed Breath,

Super Sketchy Crooked 212th Tea Party Coup’ Cybernetic Borg Congress …….

“Cmdr. Bluefin” (Here) Officially “Triple Fu=cking Double Dog Dare the bunch of “Greasy” Red Neck Cracker Hostile Butt Weevils Worm Maggot’s”….

 To Fu=k Off and Flunk the US447 Billion Dollars Bill…..

Go ahead I want you stupid freaks too

And leave us Dirt Poor Regular Folks (Americans) Looking More Extra Broke and Extra Fu=king Hungry While Very Piss Off

And “Fu=king Monster Mad Crazy”….Duh” 
While you’re (all) toppling sloooow congress corruption coup’ support stupid voting control via shutting the entire fu=king “World Down”

And you  Collective “Brown Leaking Butt A-Holes” Can super funky extra smell what s really going to be fixing freaking be

Brewing special up roach rat broth ha, ha, and “cooking fine burnt up in the Dried up Piss funky Smelling “Kitchen”

 It’s going to be you’re “Crooked Candy Cane Extra Weevils Worm Maggot’s Cybernetic Butt Face Borg Breath Collective Corrupted Congress Coup’s Asses…..

“Cmdr. Bluefin”

 Will see ya (All) personally “Corrupted Crooked Pack Rat of Buzzard Bitches Bastards”

In Motherfu=king God No. 1 Corrupted Country Scank Whore Ass (City) on Earth…..
”Washington D.C.”

(Yep) you…..”Bunch of Maggot Scank Goat Nuts Crooks”

“Touch Down Dead Zero Center” will be in your Crooked Combine Coup 212th Congress Asses, ….

All of your Scank Second in Command “Boot licker staff” all over dam (Washington D.C.) city will be running scared…..Scream “Sir”…….”Holy Hell”

 “Cmdr. Bluefin” he is actually freaking fu=king here …………

(President Ronald Regan)… Number One “Mad Crazy” Ass Nig=er” Code Name

“Project Retard”…

On the freaking legal rampage trail and surly off his “VAMC Prescription” lose in Washington D.C.

(OMG)…Look he is going extra dam crazy all over the Fu=king Washington D.C. …. T.V. (News) 
“Jesus Fu=king Christ”   “What is the Sick Bastard Nig=er doing now”….???

Civil Summons Complaint Process Servers you fine folks can get the Slooooow Coup’ Congress Crooked three fu=king wheel “Caskets ready to roll down the path”…. :)

I am smoking each and every Crooked Dirty Varmint Vomit Breath Scoundrel Coup’ Congress Stealing Asses

Civilly & Legally wrap up to see the Mean Old Hang Em High Washington D.C. Federal Judge….
You extra (Prick Slow Thievery 1865 Bastards)

…..”Me no need law degree”

You Dizzy Piss Mouth Dog Maggot Stinky Nut’s Fu=kers XXX fixing to see the “real reason” why they don’t want “Cmdr. Bluefin” in the dam “Court Room”….xoxooxx

“Round and Round” we will all go “hand in hand” fully “side by side”

Till your spinning crooked congress coup asses start leaking “Live Blood Vomit”

out of your greasy “ear holes”
…Next thing I will be hearing”

You’re Honor “Sir”

“Can we 212th Crooked Coup’ Congress Please have a Fu=king “Judicial Bail out too”…..

Like the rest of the Crooked Ass Attorneys...

That Nig=er Cmdr. Bluefin he is “Legally Civilly Fu=king Crazy”….. xooxoox!!!
When you slow Congress Crackers see the Motherfu=king “Washington D.C. T.V. Fu=king “News” ……..“Sand Blasting”

 Just remember you “Bunch of Slow Crooked Congress Coup’ Broke Boat Rat Dog Goat Sperm Breath Nut Maggot Weevils

Were really warn too”…ha, ha…xoxoox

And (Don’t) you sloooow bitches even think about trying to forget I was actually in Texas when I told you Prick so……xoxoxo  ha, ha,

     P.S. (You Got Mail)….Don’t you Corrupted Crooked Bitches even try and think about hiding and running from me ….either

 News Team is going to be all over your 212th (Really) On Special Ed. Drugs Coup’ Congress Asses…..and you can “Trust Me” on that….ha, ha 

“Smoooooch” xoxoox!!!!     (Ask Around) 

See ya Soon

“Your move”……xoxoox

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