Thursday, September 8, 2011

Louis Charles Hamilton (Cmdr. Bluefin) vs. The United States of America and "Hurricane Katrina" Civil Complaint" part V

The Pro Se (Louis Charles Hamilton II) Plaintiff will show the “Honorable Court Justice”
All additional facts, circumstances and details as being furtherance’s entertain in Justice involving the actual Federal Trial,
(Zanders Attorney at Law) did in open filed court documents provided bogus, money laundry monetary computation figures before the Defendant The United States of America (Court)
To hid (Dennis et al) major squander spree they spent in (Texas) after their forced evacuation from Hurricane Katrina while the Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein was working on their home in New Orleans L.A.
To wit: “Broadmoor Development Corporation document ” which stating to the effect of (Dennis et al) application for assistances by volunteer’s for market value of 900 hours of free volunteering work total $16,596.00
Signature by unknown person describing himself as Jonathan Graboyes which this person do not exist
 As proven by the Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) during the Trial in this Matter before the Defendant The United States of America (Court)
Which (Zanders Attorney at Law) attempted to have another person swear under oath as to the computation figures of free $16, 596 (free Labor work)
By volunteer and the authentication of the document Yet (Zanders, Dennis et al) and The Defendant The United States of America herein all engage in Judicial (RICO) “Money Laundry scheme” of FEMA and
Private Insurances Funds in excess of $30,000 dollars being wrongfully squander & spent while “Cheating the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) from such funds provided by FEMA and Private insurances to (Actually) fix the Hurricane Damage Home.
The Pro Se (Louis Charles Hamilton II) Plaintiff will show the “Honorable Court Justice” being very legit under cross examination before the Defendant (The United States of America) herein
 The Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein shall state calmly that the witness produce to cover up the monetary money laundry scheme during “Live Trial”
said under oath Female witness absolutely denied the document authentication
 Or any enrolment or attachment to the document made by Any (Group) of volunteer to be working for free on the Home at 3826 General Taylor Street in New Orleans L.A. for “Walter and Rosemary Dennis et al.
To include but not limited to the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) pointed to said (Honest) witness before her departure from the witness stand before the Defendant (The United States of America)
Why should any (Group) of Church volunteer be working on (Walter and Rosemary Dennis Home for a (absolute) free (900) hours
In excess of $16,596.  When FEMA and Private Insurances gave them funding in excess of $84,000 (Eighty Four Thousand Dollars) to pay a Construction Contractor.
Plaintiff will show before the Honorable Justice” a Priority Mail filed on the 28th day of March 2011 in the United States Federal Court Clerk for Louisiana district document No. 63 for case 2:09-CV-07029
 Is the very non-Pro Se first Official act as Attorney of Law Defendant (Willie M. Zanders) herein provided to the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein the following Attorney at Law (Zanders) very
“Honest and quite cutie Personal Pretrial Outline and Order several days late no less before the actual Trial with the added Discovery of the bogus
“Volunteers providing free work” and the amount of free services expenditures documentation”
While the Defendant (The United States of America) herein in United States Federal Court Clerk for Louisiana district document No. 57 and 58
 for case 2:09-CV-07029 refuse Plaintiff motion for contempt, and motion for sanctions.
The Defendant (The United States of America) herein also in United States Federal Court Clerk for Louisiana district having Plaintiff complete motion to Compel for case 2:09-CV-07029
And reused fully knowing (Zander) is also (Physically) Pro Se “Walter and Rosemary Dennis” after this was brought to the attention of the Defendant (The United States of America)
 Any ruling in favor of Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II will fully expose “Willie M. Zanders” Federal Board Certified Attorney at Law
Corruption which the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein told Defendant (The United State of America) to her face I am tired of watching (Zanders) manipulation with obliviously (USA) approval,
 And every time I open my mouth your yelling at me and I am getting real tired of this also…..
Defendant (The United State of America) provide absolute (RICO) collusion cover up also in the Construction Documentations, and monetary money laundry scheme of the things
Involving a “Dead Witness” “Walter Jovel” the Illegal Hispanic Immigrant being quite stiff Extremely Bone Dead since (July) of 2008 No Less………
Yet surprising enough Plaintiff will Show this here “Honorable Justice” the Defendant (The United State of America) collusion cover up in (Willie M. Zanders) (Attorney at Law)
 After flat out refusal for Motion for compel, motion for contempt of court and Motion for Sanctions
Defendant (The United State of America) ……herein allowance (Zanders 24/7 Pro Se Attorney at Law Esq. to have his way and finish by
Spring this Holy Hell Frightening Deathly Trap on the Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) herein in the last (5) minute of a Federal Trial.

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