Thursday, September 22, 2011

Cmdr. Bluefin vs.(USA), "State of Texas", "Harris County"," Houston Scrooge Attorney" & "The Hole in the Wall Gang" IX

Pro Se Plaintiff herein state furtherance’s very respectful before the “Honorable Justice” Defendant “United States District Court” Southern District of Texas (Houston) Federal Courthouse herein
Received before the Judicial Business of The
“United States District Court” Southern District of Texas (Houston) Federal Courthouse herein
 “Civil Complaint” Cause No. 4:10-CV-02709
 * Civil Clerk Docket Records, Cause: 188:1961 Racketeering (RICO) Act dated of filing 07/30/2010 (Jurisdiction) “Federal Question” filing fees paid ($350.00).
Assigned to: Judge Gray H. Miller
Referred to: Magistrate Judge Nancy K. Johnson
With civil docket report for case#:4:10-CV-02709
(Plaintiff exhibit P-20) attached herein
With document (1) 07/30/2010
Complaint against Harry C. Arthur et al
(Plaintiff exhibit P-21) attached herein
With document (3) 08/09/2010
Order of Dismissal with leave to amend within 30 days of the date of this order to comply with rule 8 standards. Case terminated on 8/9/2010 (Signed by Judge Gray H. Miller.
(Plaintiff exhibit P-22) attached herein
With document (4) 08/23/2010
Amend Complaint against Harry C. Arthur, Law Office of Harry C. Arthur et al, Marine Building L.L.C. et al.
(Plaintiff exhibit P-23) attached herein
With document (5) 08/25/2010
Order referring Case to U.S. Magistrate Judge Nancy K. Johnson for full pretrial management.
(Plaintiff exhibit P-24) attached herein
With document (12) 11/04/2010
      Motion for Temporary Injunction (TRO) Asset Freeze, Protection of destruction and all material evidence.
(Plaintiff exhibit P-25) attached herein
With document (13) 11/05/2010
Motion in Opposition with support brief and exhibits and additional attachments
With document (19) 02/14/2011
Memorandum and Recommendation by: U.S. Magistrate Judge Nancy K. Johnson
(Plaintiff exhibit P-26) attached herein
With document (21) 02/24/2011
2nd Amend Complaint against Harry C. Arthur et al with attachment exhibits (Namely his entire Clients Personal Federal Banking records, Medicial Records, Criminal Records, Civil Records, Divorce Records , Private Investigator reports and Attorney Clients Criminal Billing records & Reports,
To include” Law Office of Harry C. Arthur et al” Clients personal payment history records, Marine Building L.L.C. et al, “monthly rent receipts” and Clients records.
(Plaintiff exhibit P-27) attached herein
With document (23) 03/16/2011
Order Adopting Memorandum and Recommendation granting Motion to Dismiss. By: Judge Gray H. Miller

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