Thursday, September 8, 2011

Louis Charles Hamilton (Cmdr. Bluefin) vs. The United States of America and "Hurricane Katrina" Civil Complaint" part VI

Plaintiff will show the Honorable Justice”
(Zanders the magic 24/7 Pro Se Attorney at Law Esq.)
File in a Professional USDA United States Federal “Clerk of Court office” before the Defendant (The United States of America)
 a Pretrial Outline and Order
Stating with upsetting (Zanders Esq.) signature No Less…..on said Pretrial Outline and Order astonishing facts
That witness “Walter Jovel” will be (having the ability to Crawling out of his Grave)
 and “Honestly Swear” to testifying before The “Honorable Court of Law” in New Orleans Louisiana
 Before Her’ Magistrate Judge Karen Wells Roby exactly on April 11th 2011 at 9:00 am

Fully committed about all of his construction work and all payments he received to help repair home of “Walter and Rosemary Dennis et al” ………
Moreover Creepy terrifying enough (Puff the Magic Zanders 24/7 Pro Se Attorney at Law Esq.)
sat down real smooth-n-cool ending this with a…(Smile) ….&……OK to the Defendant (The United States of America).  J

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