Tuesday, September 6, 2011

To: The United States of America et al and Mr. President (Obama)

(Thee) “Jesus Christ” is having extra piss wording this very special (cool) Day that you “Blasted Bloody American” (Assholes)
Better rush mail and assemble them three “Christmas Meth” Smoking Busted Up Crooked Four Eye Scoundrels A/k/a “Wise” (Men)
And ask them “Crooked Special Ed. Washington D.C. “Boot Special Lickers”
 Where is the “Crazy Cajun Nig=er” hard earn Dam 2005 “Hurricane Katrina” $$$ ($90,000) worth of (Money)…?
And why he is Still (Stupid) and Homeless…………….in 2011…..?
And why is the “Illegal Hispanic Mexican Carpenter” “Wrongfully DOA = “Dead”…?
The them three Big Country “Christmas Meth” Smoking Busted Up Crooked Four Eye Scoundrels A/k/a “Wise” (Men)
Better hurry the fu=k up and be bearing big gifts, of real “food vouchers”, real nice “clothing vouchers”,
with tooth paste and housing/hotel vouchers with a bath tub, heater and T.V…..being “U.S. Veteran” of off the fu=king streets,
Mutable gifts from the “Deep Asians” far east of “tickets” to the “nudity bar”,
and a stack of some single bills for the “stripers”….
The big guy in the sky said be still stuck on (Stupid & Extra Slow) just keep on looking for “burning bushes, and talking trees…..he got “Internet”   J

“Heaven” is really fixing to do ya (Ass)…………….(Again)
You (American) D-Holes way freaking out of “Twisted Hanging Line”…….
And right now you “Bloke Bloody (American) Crooked Bastards” do not have even one single Honorable “Bonus Point”…….
Destroyed my “Whole fu=king family” and Robbing me (Thee) homeless again
“Civil Court Case” after “Civil Court Case”“over and over” is “Very Wicked”…………. K
The (Only) way there will ever be (actual) Peace on this here Earth is to start with the
(Americans) first freeing (all) of the (Negro) Slaves from the uncouth Conquers    “Duh”……
“Watch” what (Really Heavenly) happens to ya “Bunch of Crooked Slow Corrupted (American) Asses Collectively Next”

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