Sunday, September 4, 2011

Louis Charles Hamilton (Cmdr. Bluefin) vs. The United States of America and "Hurricane Katrina" Civil Complaint" part II

Hurricane Charley was the third named storm, the second hurricane, and the second major hurricane of the 2004 Atlantic hurricane season.  
On early July of 2005
I Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II (Cmdr. Bluefin) herein was requested again to return to
“Punta Gouda” and Port Charlotte Fl. (Area) “Ground Zero Trash Zone” (They Needed Help)
With “Santa Clause from the Pentagon” serious yelling loud “command instruction” to Please hurry my
 “Poor Broke Black Ass up” & aid in getting the “Dam infrastructure” namely Port Charlotte County Airport expedited up and running (ASAP).
Their after Hurricane Charley made land fall of 2005 and TRASH THE PLACE.
(As all ways my requested Independent (stupid) required present special skill is needed (ASAP).
Hurricane Katrina first made landfall on August 25, 2005 in South Florida where it hit as a Category 1 hurricane, with 80 mph (130 km/h) winds.
 The eye of “Hurricane Katrina” storm pass completely over my “actual head” where
(We) actually left the secure “Military” storm shelter, acting crazy, horse fighting, wrestling around a bit,
And watching the Eye of the Hurricane storm and the clear “Blue sky” over our own heads for a moment until “Katrina” inside storm band starting collapse. (Time to get back inside)
August 26, the possibility of unprecedented catastrophe namely “major losses of lives” was already being considered from
“Hurricane Katrina’s” storm surge to surly inundated all Louisiana parishes and South East Texas surrounding area.
Putting the Major population of “City of New Orleans L.A.” directly in the center of Hurricane Katrina “Ground Zero Destruction” track probabilities;
The chances of a direct hit we (all) betting she be “dead on target”.
With the “Hurricane Katrina” trajectory away from my own home Gulf of Mexico City of Port Arthur Texas, my family safe… I had now only to focus on New Orleans L.A.
August 28, shortly after Hurricane Katrina was upgraded to a Category 5 storm, “Bluefin Inc. on standby” to hit the water.  J
August 29 at about 9:45M CST Hurricane Katrina start trashing United States of America near Buras-Triumph, Louisiana
“Winds still too strong to think of moving at 125 mph (we) still on standby (gearing up to move)
On August 30, around 6:30 pm- 8:30 pm (Roughly time) and because
The I-10 Twin Span Bridge traveling eastbound towards Slidell, Louisiana had collapsed and our team first objective “hit the water in this area”
 Cars are in the water.  Continue on Checking (all) of the coast cities head due “East”
To include, “Bay St. Louis”, and, “Waveland Mississippi” Gulf Coast Area.
September 15th (Team) touchdown me back in Port Charlotte County Airport (me go back to goofy self for a single day)
 “New notice”…(Hey Stupid)….”New Hurricane” (Great).
September 22nd , 2005 ... Following less than a month after Hurricane Katrina devastated large parts of the
central Gulf Coast region, Now
Hurricane Rita” headed straight for my Dam mom house in home town of “Port Arthur, Texas
I am airborne, asap (New my mom she was crazy enough and going to try and ride out the
“Hurricane Rita” storm in her brick home just because she has “Natural gas power generator” …
Until I got home then I really scared the living crap out of her “silly ass” telling her about how fast water “actually travels” over open land once the Sea Wall levy breaches.
Port Arthur Texas is very much below sea level fully fixing to be fully full of fishes and inundated
And the Gulf of Mexico is over your dam house and your way too heavy to be trying to swim with and fight with and save too,
You’re going to evacuee now…and (No) I (Red) said now…then after (Red & Cmdr. Bluefin) scared my mom up real funny good… J
 I pack “mom and step father” out of town, stay behind for the “sick, “stupid” “lame”
And extra “Drunk Silly Crazy Retards” and starting gearing up for another “Dam swim”.
 (Nobody Knows) Red is “Cmdr. Bluefin” (A Stupid Soon To Be Drown Dumb Ass)
Port Arthur Texas Levees did not breach J
And the sea wall held up to 4ft. in front of me as I watch it ready to spill over” just a few huge monster 20ft waves
Crashing over the sea wall, big heavy winds, but nothing upheaval enough to even move from my “advantage point”.   J
I give my family a small damage report which I have to be back in Florida (ASAP) to pack up and return to Fix up my Home Texas Town,
Then there I was going to Hurricane Katrina Ground Zero (Area) by the end of 2006-2007 to help and rebuild
Plaintiff state Before the Honorable Justice” August 29, Katrina's storm surge caused
 53 different levee breaches in greater New Orleans L.A., submerging eighty percent of the city.
The confirmed death toll (total of direct and indirect deaths) is 1,836, mainly from Louisiana (1,577) and Mississippi (238).
 However, 135 people remain categorized as missing in Louisiana,
Pro Se Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) herein filed Civil Suit against one (Walter and Rosemary Dennis) of 3826 General Taylor Street in New Orleans L.A. in 2007
As a result of among other things (Breach of Contractual Agreement) for construction work on the said described New Orleans L.A. Home
As result of Hurricane Katrina making landfall and causing said described above damages.

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