Friday, September 2, 2011

To: Speaker of the House’ The Distinguish Gentlemen (John Boehner) (Report Card) F-

To: President of the United States of America (Obama)    J
To: Speaker of the House’ The Distinguish Gentlemen (John Boehner) J
       First (John Boehner) The Distinguish “Potty mouth”  J
What’s up Boehner Dude…….xoxox Your Ass is Line  J
       Sorry Been so mad crazy ass busy here in the dog trenches over here with the ton of Legal Crud,
 And so French (Bonjour) wee’ sorry I forgot to give you your (Report Card) from the last 212th Congress playing God’ of worthless bull Crap”,
And them Dizzy Tax Payers extra holiday rank nuts (stupid) for even giving out (any) pay checks to (Congress) at all.
Well here is your report card.
(Failure to the minus) side of Thangs in the (Hood)….
Brother(s) want some Crooked 212th Congress hide “smoking” off the old open 55 drum in the dark alley grill.
You guys went from an (A-) to a flat drop off the old balls to now Crooked Crisco grease F-   
(Holy Hell) what’s the deal.
Let’s (Cmdr. Bluefin) first give you a “field report”.
If you “Motherfucker(s)” had not had (all) 51.2 (Million Poor) namely them “Niggers” SSI (Crazy Check), (Poor Nig=ers Man once a month Checks),
Once a month hungry Nig=ers “Food Stamps”, (Especially Nig=ers VAMC War Prescription Military Checks)  real (XXX Very Hostile & Not Good at all) and said fuck you Nig=ers…………..
Or whatever your “White Supremacy Ruling Hostile Class” is “check crumbing” portion out from the fucking “U.S. National Treasury” belong to (all) of the 51.2 (Million) USDA poor (Nig=ers)
As it is very weak when it arrive to the “Nig=ers side of town (Already).
“News Flash”
They were fixing to slip off over on the extra dark meat senile Brother XXX off the prescription ill side of Thangs, with the already short Nig=ers mental broke understanding,
And wake up like sleeping Broke Hungry Chattel Beaten Down Negro Giants and start tripping clean to the real mean funny bone,
And tear all of the extra greasy funky turkey jerky crooked corrupted ‘white meat” out of the (USA) Entire Slow Ass Hide,
 Bust up (Her) toothless (grill) (Again)
Fucking peal her ugly wig smooth of the greedy white whore cheating “meth smoking ass”
And lick up the gravy dripping and slap around the “Early Christmas Bird turkey” smooth out the oven while farting on all of the “Holiday decorations” and nice “trimmings too”.     (K)
Remember (Rodney King) he got a few little love tap’s on National News with the old police stick, what happen next……
Well we are talking now 52.1 Millions Nig=ers Poor Cash and Rodney King beat down dance aren’t nothing but a Naked Barbie Doll ordeal compare to a real “Dark Broke Storm”…… J
Boy Dude, J
You might want to (quickly) pass the word to  Lilly White 212th Slow Crooked Ass (Republican) Congress stupid side
“Keep on fucking with the Nig=ers (Cash)  J
And the next thing you will “remember” is (OMG) “Holy Hell” how quick did that fucking “Dark Storm” come.
You tell the assholes Hostile 212th Congress (Obama) is the first Dark President of color, Keep on fucking over and with “Him” like you been doing too,
And you guys are headed for serious dark stormy trouble….Just that simple”
He (Dark Meat President) only haves to snap his finger (once)
All USDA Nig=ers will get so quickly ass extra stupid & so dam mad crazy Ill (Just that simple)
Your hostile (Republicans) fucking crazy in 2011 sorry ass expressing “White Majority Ruling Class = Democracy
Sell that bull crap on the other side of the earth to the “Taliban”  Slavery should be officially over..
 get over it (Crackers) you rip us (Nig=ers) off enough”.
And doing this White Ruling Class Mess to the Entire Fucking World too in 2011 via on the fucking BBC World news no less,
While you also trash global fiancés (all) over the world by simply fucking with a Dark Meat President of color tripping over your (Republican) past (300) plus years of Domination corruption in the National Treasury big rip off’s all (Nig=ers),  
Now 2011 want to continue corruption-n-greed for the extra Lilly White Rich Corporation while poor Nig=ers) we are hungry. (Stupid Slow Soon will Hurt Dark Storm Mistake)
We (Nig=ers) were taught to respect (all) “White” President(s) of the (United States of America) regardless even if he is a “Motherfu=king crook”
If the (Negro) President was tripping, stealing, stupid extra retarded ass slow (Like Bush) and step outside the fucking box one time,  
Hell Cmdr. Bluefin would cuss his “Motherfu=king Ass Smooth Out too”…and want him fired (ASAP),
”Just that simple”,
However he is working to dam (Hard) for (All) Americans (Not just Nig=ers) who aren’t getting any real monetary crap
And we (Nig=ers) (all) are watching a dam 2011 KKK Congress Coup’
So here is the deal, I can only give you a “quick word” of caution and (hope) you step outside of the “rich shoes” for a moment look at (America) and see if you can (Fix) it too,
 Where (all) of them (Nig=ers) not so dam mad (right now) and Ready to start stripping your “white ruling KKK class congress crooked asses naked to the not so funny bone (Anymore).
Red Necks bent on control and Stealing Jobs from Nig=ers and all of (poor Americans) while in the office of Congress is stupid extra couth slow ass crazy.
And it is going to seriously “Dark Stormy” hurt-n-cost ya. (Just that simple).

Mr. President (Obama) “Sir” word of a little heard from “Sherlock Holmes” advise in your poor man  “Job Speech”
Dude you might want to (ASAP) tell (all) of them USDA poor Crazy ill ass Nig=ers
to please “Stand down” J
 Your working as hard and fast as you can
Cuss (they XXX Seriously Nation Wide Dark Stormy Ready)  
  (I took a tour)  J
Cmdr Bluefin (United States Navy)

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