Sunday, September 25, 2011

Cmdr. Bluefin vs.(USA), "State of Texas" "Harris County"," Houston Scrooge Attorney" & "The Hole in the Wall Gang" Part X

“Pro Se Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) herein
A/k/a “Cmdr. Bluefin” CEO of Bluefin Inc.
Special Dumpster Diving Investigation (Trash exhibits) herein
Marine Building L.L.C. (Invoice) #919 dated January/31/2011 Bill to Glenn Loethen 1305 Prairie, 3rd Floor Houston Texas, 7002
February Rent $400.00 Dollars and February Parking $100.00 Dollars
(Plaintiff exhibit P-29) attached herein
The Ring Investigation “Client” listing and Invoice payment received for exactly $9751.53 Business from (32) Ring Investigation “Clients in a very short time frame.
(Plaintiff exhibit P-30) attached herein
Law Office of Harry C. Arthur Esq. “Client” listing, Criminal Case No. and Civil Case ID for exactly (111) Clients from the Law Office of Harry C. Arthur Esq. et al
(Plaintiff exhibit P-31) attached herein
Texas Business Conference (TBC) Tentative Agenda “The Woodlands”… Letter from “Tom Pauken”, Chairman dated March 25th 2011
(Plaintiff exhibit P-32) attached herein
      United States Bankruptcy Court Southern District of Texas (Houston Division)
Case. No. 09-37634-H5-13 (Eddie D. Narcisse) Debtor(s) Total Disbursements $6,651.00 dated 02/06/2011 by William E. Heitkamp (Trustee)
(Plaintiff exhibit P-33) attached herein

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