Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hollywood Three “Sherlock Holmes” (Rich Boys) Haters….”Guy Richie”, “Robert Downey Jr”. and “Judd Law”….xoxoxo!!!

You 3 guy’s …..“Really Suck”….
Saw your “Movie Trailer” what you though you (Haters) had me a Nig=er Holmes herein actually dog ass trap in a pile of fu=king Legal Non-fiction “Sherlock Holmes” Mystery Federal Court Cases of (Ugly) ass maggot garbage…..well close enough…..
I’ll be all over your 3 “Haters” asses soon with a New Non-Fiction Next Chapter of my Infamous “Sherlock Holmes” Case of: The Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor….
(Ya “Hollywood 3 Haters”)…….xoxoox!
And smoking your dry ass movie script long before Christmas Turkey too….(Smoooch)
Been busy working trying to make a “Brother” Look bad too….Ya 3 “Rich Boy “Hollywood Haters”
First to: “Robert Downey Jr.”    Exactly just “What fu=king hideous shade of Cheap Ass “Whore” on Hollywood Near the Sunset Strip Avon trash “lip stick” was that on a stale “Sherlock Holmes White Boy”…
You really need to fire that make up and ward robe” crew Fu=king Fast….
My mind went “OMG” look at this fu=king “Sherlock Holmes fool”…..running around in a “low cut” whore dress, and “Ugly Pig Ass” Lip Stick on…..
Good thing you at least apologies for the abnormal weak customary fu=ked up Holmes quick “disguise”…….
And just how did you manage to color the bottom of your chin with the clowning whore disguise” ya “goof……
Judd Law I would most written the script to have smack him hard “Again” dead in the ugly “lip Stick”…ha, ha
         Like the nice explosions …… (Guy Richie)
Now you got my complete thought on “What Can I Really Fu=king Dismantle in 1918 “New Orleans L.A.
For a Cool Heist during a “Category 5
Fu=king “Never ending story “Hurricane Katrina” once again trashing the United States of America xoxooxx “Historic French Quarters” Place
While “Sherlock Holmes” & “Doctor Watson” in 120 mph Hurricane Katrina”  Mad Ass Winds” blowing about trying to steals a Original Leonardo Da Vinci  “painting” a original "The Lost Leonardo",
The Battle of Anghiari (1505) from none other than the (Original) 2 crooked thievery owners of “The Lost Leonardo”……
“Crooked Hurricane Katrina Attorney” none other than the Infamous Willie M. Zanders Esq.
A Classy 24/7 Pro Se Lead Pro Bono Counsel and Southern Fried Chicken Shack owner. (Surprise)….ha, ha,
With “Jovel the Dead Mexican Wrongfully Killed Illegal Alien Carpenter xoxoxo….too
 And The Dripping “Green-n-Yellow V.D. Puss Specialist "Hermaphrodite Princess",
Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor, “Himself” Doctor Samuel Benjamin Magnus Lawson M.D.
 A/k/a “Rex Okusaga” The African Prince Pirate A/k/a “Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor” my ex brother in law dripping green-n-yellow V.D. Puss Penis
Plus a Staring Voodoo Cast (Yep)……you guess it “Internet folks”…….Headless Voodoo Queen Marie Laveau” and “Marie Delphine La Laurie ......Live-n-kicking
“Doctor Watson” what is this noise in the storm wind still fast blowing our way Seems that Crazy Ugly Looking French Quarters Fu=cking “Whore”
Chasing us proper English “Brits” about “Bourbon Street” New Orleans L.A. on the actual “Halloween Night” in a four team drawn horse carriage during this dam disturbing (American) Bloody Blasted Hurricane Katrina Categories 5 storm…..
And I am officially British precise sounding off that we should be very certain, concern and stiff neck ass scared for I lives “Doctor Watson”
It appear without any delusional mistake “The Voodoo Queen” herself Marie Laveau” is a marksmen is shooting at us with a fu=king “missing head.”
Shooting madly rounds at us with that dam “Rex Okusaga” the “Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor” too……xoxoox
Seem he brought Marie Delphine La Laurie the “Slave Seller” and my guess the mystery Attorney Willie M. Zanders Esq. the  24/7 Pro Se Counsel at Law appear here on his (American) business Card
 I am clean sober in assumption and understanding the guest 24/7 Pro Se Attorney Esq. criminal also in his attempt at trying to aid in “shooting” at us “Doctor Watson”
My wild deduction I should say “Rex Okusaga”
 The African Nigerian Prince Pirate really missing a Da Vinci painting….Eeek
Now ya (3) Hollywood Haters …keep your rich socks on and just dream on till (Christmas) day of your opening….
see ya in (My) Print with my Non-fiction “Sherlock Holmes” Case of:
 The Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor
Ya “Internet” “Hollywood” 3 Fu=king Rich Boy “Sherlock Holmes” “Haters”…ha, ha    (Gotcha)
And your very (Original) deduction “Sherlock Holmes” None Fiction Mystery Writer Live in
“Is it Legal To”
“Cmdr. Bluefin”…….xoxoxox
(Ya Internet Haters),,,,,,
”Smooch” (Bitches)……………………….

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