Sunday, September 11, 2011

Thomas Magnum” 9/11 “Memorial” (Little Voice in my Head) To Houston Texas Scrooge Attorney Harry C. Arthur Esq. (Cmdr. Bluefin)"

 “Hi Ya “Scrooge “…

and the Infamous

 “Hole in the Wall Legal Attorney Gang”…..

(Little Voice in my Head) checking in with ya…fellows ….(Again)….

 It’s me “Thomas”

 Just went for an early morning 9/11 “Memorial”

Surfing the waves to relax near “Kawela Bay” on the “North Shores” of the Island….

Just taking in the swirls to some of the “World’s best famous surf spots.

Being a U. S. Naval Officer “Intelligence Commander” at “Pearl Harbor” Hawaii

“Unfortunately” part of the down side perk benefits  is “North Shore” packed with “Pipelines”,” Log Cabins”, extreme big winter swells, pretty girls,

“Good trusty goofy friends” and “chill out” timing to chew on,

“Ponder” figure and fully wonder about “what’s next”

That can make me truly contemplate to leave my worry(s) all behind

And today 9/11 Memorial Day just before the big “Storm Season” comes in to claim the Hawaii undertow tides…..

I point my concentration toward the display opening of the “wave tube”

Getting ready to hit the “Bitch”…… and then all of a sudden “Houston Scrooge Attorney “Harry C. Arthur and the dam Hole in the wall gang

Creepy  slid show scene pop up out of nowhere in my dam head and now I am wondering

 “What in the Hell are you up to know Scrooge…………….

Next thing I figure am laying flat on my back”

“T.C. and Rick” Done fish me out of the “Crashing Water”…..”Screaming”….. “Thomas”,…. “Thomas” ……”Wakes up…… “Thomas”……”You alright”

To add insult to my injury….

 I am now hearing “Higgins” say I shall give him “Mouth to Mouth”

Which was more than enough to snap me wide awake fast…..and shout……

I am alright fellows,

and thanks “Higgins” Dear old Chap but that (Kiss) won’t be necessary.

Just so we are clear on this

I send you a little old “legal” request for

Admission, interrogatories, and You say Fu=k the Nig=er….he can Kiss my Goat Neck” I am not going to reply.

Notwithstanding the poor man “Ink”, “Paper” and the Stamp on a Certified Mail ordeal
getting the Motherfu=ker legal Federal Court Document sh=t to your Pretty Puss Goat leaking “Rich Ass”…
While you busy on a “Hostile Tea Party Coup’ takeover of the “Scrooge World” from the poor,

and aiding in screw the middle class semi-rich too, and everybody else who walk their crooked dumb ass into your Office and say I need a (RICO) Specialist Crooked Jim Crow Cracker Lawyer”……

You forgot you did try “Houston Texas Scrooge” and pick off” and Rob a “Christ Cathedral Holy Christian Church”
and The Beacon Homeless Center or “Fu=king What”…..

You slow dumb “Crooked Bitch” with a Crooked “Law Degree”….ha, ha,

Well (Thomas) wants’ to send you a Early Christmas Scrooge present.
(Lucky you)…..xooxoxox
“Andy Vickery Esq.” a very smart, cool, and quite extremely “Professional” Attorney at Law,
Fully under the letter of the Legal Law made a simple reply to my U.S. Federal discovery request…xoxooxx
 (To include) but not limited to (Andy Vickery Attorney at Law)
“Sir” Santa Pro Bono Esq. Clause
Provided a copy of your Scrooge (Delusional Deposition) notwithstanding (Scrooge) you already got (2) U.S. Judges to conceal your (Millions of Delusional Deposition Assets) of Fu-king Mistakes
 In “Greed and Civil Church Robbery”, Manifest itself into more (attempts), at a “Hostile Takeover “ of Jesus Christ Church Cathedral for the big fix sleeping in the Deadly Sin….$$$ “Greed”.
While still inflicted on the “Mad Man Scrooge Attorney Cow Tort Disease” ……
U.S. Federal “Motion to Compel” your Houston Texas Fu=cking Crooked Ass to (Answer) my Legal Discovery Request that (Among other things) in the mail (ASAP)
You Crooked Goat Breath Jim Crow Red Neck Church stealing poor folks offering
 Claim (Andy Vickery Attorney at Law) very Professional deposition he conducted against your (Stupid Ass), as your very Crooked Criminal own “Work Product” ……………. “Dumb Bitch”
 With a list of other questions (I) request the “Honorable Court Justice” to force your “Maggot dog puke breath to fully legally (answer) while you “gag” and “choke on”
 Soon shall be in the Mail……xoxoxoxo
P.S.   Thanks for stealing my “Surf time”
(Houston Texas Scrooge Attorney)
Happy 9/11/11   (Thomas)…….xoxoxx

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