Sunday, September 11, 2011

"Sherlock Holmes” Final Conclusion: “The Crooked Hurricane Katrina Attorney” By: Louis Charles Hamilton II (Cmdr. Bluefin)..

And for just cause of actions Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II hereby respectfully
Moves before the “Honorable Justice” as follows:
Injury to Personal Reputation of Construction Contractor “Louis Charles Hamilton II,
To include calculating to defaming Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II through the Subornation of “Civil Perjury”
Conspirer, Subordination of Perjury, Cover up and Corruption over the “Wrongful Death of “Jovel” the Hispanic Carpenter with manipulation of all records, documents, and Material Facts involving in this Civil Action.
Civil Conspiracies
Impeaching Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II “Honesty” during a lawful proceeding of a “Federal U.S. Bench Trial”
Injury to Reputation
Collusion, destruction, and alter, “Judicial Money laundry” in collusion with Plaintiff “Breach of Contractual Agreement
with (Dennis et al) and 24/7 Pro Se (Zanders Esq.) New Orleans L.A. Federal Board Certified Attorney at Law
Abuse of Judicial Absolute Immunity
Aiding and abetting to commit A Criminal Enterprise in Racketeering against the rights, dignity and will of the Plaintiff
Obstruction of Justice
Mutable Counts of “Massive Fraud” in the “records”, “files”, and “exhibits”, “Court transcripts” up the Defendant “U.S. Federal Courts complete system”
Conspiracies to pursue the same (RICO) Criminal Objective
Violation of Plaintiff Equal Protection under the IVX United States Constitutional  Law
      Actual, accumulative, compensatory, consequential, continuing, expectation damages, foreseeable, future,
 Hedonic, incidental, indeterminate, reparable, lawful, treble under (RICO), proximate, prospective, special, speculative, substantial, punitive, and permanent damages
      Declaration Judgment by a “Jury Trial” that each and every claim, accusation, assertion, contention and charges in all allegations as described fully herein against Defendant (The United States of America)
And their agents being entry into the action of this cause in full favor of the Plaintiff Hamilton II (Negro) Black Africa American
Plaintiff  Awarded Compensations Claims for “Serious past, present ,and future Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress and Mental Anguish being imposed,
tariff and levy both past, current, and future to include but not limited to for all of the Defendant
(The United States of America) herein “extreme and outrageous acts, actions and (RICO) criminal circumstances as described fully herein with the actual Federal Court records
“Judicially Honorably” before the “Justice” and the “Legal Internet World” (Already) standing as “Prima Facie”
Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) having just cause for legal standing to bring forth this Civil Complaint as described herein:
      The Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) seeks in addition to the above fore-mention damages awards of direct, actual, compensatory,
       Direct (Actual) damages paid to the Pro Se Plaintiff for the wrongful loss in “direct damages” in the ‘amount of $US 630,000.00 (Six Hundred Thirty Thousand Dollars) from the
      Defendant (United States of America et al) with 6% Interest incurred from Date of Injury of Easter (April) 2007
      With (RICO) Statue Treble Exemplary (Punitive Awards) in the amount of $US 1,890,000.00 (One Million Eight Nine Hundred Dollars)
      With 6% interest incurred from date of said described mutable Injury(s) of Easter (April) 2007.
      For the Complete Compensation in all losses Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein “Suffer & Continue to the same wrongful infliction of hardship suffrage” at the “Hand of the Defendant
(The United States of America)
      In provision of providing “Judicial” Collusion, “Corruption” with 24/7 Pro Se (Zanders Esq. ) New Orleans L.A. “Attorney at Law”,
      And one (Mr. Walter and Mrs. Rosemary Dennis et al) New Orleans Hurricane Katrina damage home (Victims) in connection with furtherance’s
      Cause of “Direct” Judicial Actions before this Honorable Justice” entertainment
      Violations against the Pro Se Louis Charles Hamilton II, under Chapter 96 of Title 18, United State Code: (RICO) Racketeering Influences Corruption Organization, Section 1341 (relating to mail fraud),
       Section 1343 (relating to wire fraud), section 1028 (relating to fraud and related activity in connection with identification documents),
      Section 1503 (relating to obstruction of justice),
 Section 1510 (relating to obstruction of criminal (RICO) investigations), section 1956 (relating to the laundering of monetary instruments),
Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) 18 U.S.C. § 1030 in connection with all criminal (RICO) acts and actions, as described herein, and conspiracies to violate (RICO).
 Multiple Judicial Court procedures of Schemes and Patterns to commit among other things: Mail and Wire Fraud as described herein, and conspiracies to violate (RICO).
 Aiding and abetting to commit A Criminal Enterprise in Racketeering against the rights, dignity and will of the Plaintiff to include
“Obstruction of Justice”, Falsification of Material facts, Conspiracies to pursue the same Criminal Objective,
To include but not limited to Defendant herein (United States of America) Aid and abet in Civil Conspiracy, Actual Fraud,
Fraud upon the Court, Malicious Civil Prosecution of a Tort , Injury to Plaintiff Personal Reputation,  Impeaching Plaintiff Honesty, 
Violation of the Pro Se Plaintiff herein (Louis Charles Hamilton II) 1964 Civil Rights protected by the Defendant (United States of America) herein 1st Amendment to the Constitution of the Defendant (The United States of America) in that Plaintiff  herein
(Louis Charles Hamilton II) is free in asking for relief before a “United States Federal Court” for unfair treatment before a “Civil Court Suit of Law in Common Law.
 And Violation of the Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) IVX Amendment providing full “Equal Protection of the Laws” of the Defendant (The United States of America)
      Pro Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II enjoy Actual, accumulative, compensatory, consequential, continuing, expectation damages, foreseeable, future,
 Hedonic, incidental, indeterminate, reparable, lawful, treble under (RICO), proximate, prospective, special, speculative, substantial, punitive, and permanent damages
      Declaration Judgment by a “Jury Trial” that each and every claim, accusation, assertion, contention and charges in all
Allegations as described fully herein against all Defendants, and their agents being entry into the action of this cause in full favor of the Plaintiff Hamilton II (Negro) Black Africa American
Plaintiff Awarded Compensations Claims for “serious past, present, and future Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress
And undue “Mental Anguish” being imposed, tariff and levy both past, current, and future to include but not limited to for the Defendant
 (The United States of America) extreme and outrageous acts and action as described completely herein:           
      And for all
“Deem just and being Honorable before this United States Federal Court Justice” herein
During a lawful proceeding on the behalf of the Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein.
Dated this _______ day of ___________2011 in our Lord

Respectfully Submitted By:

                  Louis Charles Hamilton II
                    Pro Se Plaintiff
                  P.O. Box 20126
                  Houston Texas 77225

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