Thursday, September 15, 2011

Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals" (Louis Charles Hamilton II) vs Willie M. Zanders “Hurricane Katrina" 24/7 Pro Se “Attorney Esq."

United States Court of Appeals
                              Fifth Circuit
                  Circuit Court Case No.:11-40839
              United States Southern District of Texas
              *District Court Case No.: 1:11-CV-5

Louis Charles Hamilton II   
Willie Zanders, et al
Now appearing before the “Honorable Justice” United States Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals
Pro Se Louis Charles Hamilton II vs. Willie M. Zanders “Hurricane Katrina” 24/7 Pro Se (365) “Attorney at Law” Esq. et al A/k/a Sherlock Holmes Grand Mystery of The Crooked Hurricane Katrina Attorney.
      This action arose from “first and foremost” Hurricane Katrina”
 “Louis Charles Hamilton II” A/k/a “Cmdr. Bluefin United States Navy, (CEO of Bluefin Inc.) And the “Very official” non-fiction (Sherlock Holmes Mystery Writer) in this “Another Dam Never Ending story” and extremely live ongoing official “Sherlock Holmes” Case of “The Crooked Hurricane Katrina Attorney”
 Being now 100% extremely fully live before the above “Honorable Justice” entertainment(s) namely United States Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit Court Case Docket No.:11-40839
Plaintiff (Hamilton II) taking a “brief moment” sending his (Once again) “Full Honest Respectful” before the entitled “Justices” a warm “Congratulations” to your arrival in the “Sherlock Holmes” Case of “The Crooked Hurricane Katrina Attorney” to all of (YOU)…
You’re in live print as you read this, and very smartly official within yours “Authentic Fifth Circuit Professionals Court Capacities” …J
“Sherlock Holmes” having a great deal of involvement into the Actions of a Premature dismissal of this Complaint in The United States District (Eastern Texas) federal Court, Before The Honorable Magistrate Justice Earl H. Hines.

For all “Sworn Truthful” before the “Honorable Justices” Appellant herein intermix reasoning of the Official “Sherlock Holmes” Mysteries non-fiction stories
 I (Louis Charles Hamilton II) having place upon print, filed also on the “Internet” Being fully center around “Live Federal Current “civil actions”
Being smartly solved mingle with a High Profile “Cast of Characters for very distinctive, irreplaceable and quite handsome matchless Professional Scoundrels
All in their Official Professional Titles mostly of namely on the cards Doctors and a long list of “Attorney at Laws” no less for most of the Main Cast members.
The understanding has generated in the “Official World” you seriously do not want to be in (Appellant) herein “Sherlock Holmes” complete story “Manuscript”  for it is fully “Authentic” with only one catch of its kind,
Very exceptional queer on the solitary of being official private consultation extremely “non-fiction” live on going “Judicial” print stories, with each characters part being only special full fulfilled by their own individual or syndicate criminal corrupted making and crooked lone desire in their destiny
 Conspire to tangle fully, effecting, and involving against the direct Peace, Will, Civil Rights and Dignity of (Appellant) Louis Charles Hamilton II herein As being described in the forwarding of (Appellant) brief stating mutable Criminal/Civil Charges involving “Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations  (RICO)
Which is “Now very current” clearly portraying, showing, representing, depicting, describing, and fully illustrate enrollment of Judicial Case Fixing committed by a United States Federal Justice in New Orleans which the case was referred to by the Honorable Magistrate Justice Earl H. Hines
The serious base of this particular exclusive “Appeal” which (Appellant) herein having to definitely describe, depict and produce before the “Honorable Justices”
Is extremely without a doubt being a grand “Sherlock Holmes” once in a life time pride in deduction of quite oddly unique “coming to grips”
The attempted Professional Judicial and Massive Frauds, designed corruption already fully committed by all described parities and the above (Appellees) herein in exclusion of the (“Honorable Magistrate Justice Earl H. Hines) having been force in being the direct cause for this (Appeal) other than being very quite precise and Professional in his (Honorable) ruling.
“However” all (RICO) criminal involvement and future outlook developments required the “Pluck Early Bird Special (Appellant) Turkey” wrapping, trimmings, slaughter, and annihilation style finish off butchery ending of the “Sherlock Holmes Mystery Writer”
And a (Pro Se Plaintiff) be place in the hands, by premeditated, calculated and intended to a deliberate ingenuous naïve (Bogus) Ruling of the “Honorable Magistrate Justice Earl H. Hines” Judicial Sincere Bench against the (Appellant) herein by
Hypocritical, Devious, Dishonest, Deceitful, Mutable Masterminding untruthful conduct committed by both the (Appellees) herein collectively and a (One) Very Serious Dishonest Judicial U.S. Federal Magistrate Judge Karen Wells Roby.
As fully being depicted and described in Paragraph I below filed September 13, 2011 Civil Complaint and Jury Demand (Louis Charles Hamilton II) vs. U. S. America Civil Docket No.1:11-CV-00442 appearing Before the Honorable Justice Marcia A. Crone, referring Honorable Magistrate Justice “Zack Hawthorn”.  

In The United States District Court
                  For the Eastern District of Texas
                            Beaumont Division      
Louis Charles Hamilton II
(Negro African American)
            Pro Se Plaintiff                             Civil Docket No. 1:11-CV-00442
U. S. America et al,
          Complaint and “Jury Demand”
      Comes Now the Pro Se Plaintiff, Louis Charles Hamilton II, hereby files a Complaint with the above Honorable Court Justice” and for Just Cause”
      The Pro Se (Louis Charles Hamilton II) Plaintiff will show the Honorable Court all facts, circumstances and details as being entertain in Justice involving “Hurricane Katrina” and all described parities as follows:     
Pro Se Plaintiff , Louis Charles Hamilton II, African American Male, Currently Homeless U.S. Navy Veteran, Permanently Disable Veteran protected under: (ADA) American with Disability Act;
And also minorities persons cover under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Domiciliary State of Texas, P.O. Box 20126 Houston, Texas 77225
The United States of America et al
Hurricane Charley was the third named storm, the second hurricane, and the second major hurricane of the 2004 Atlantic hurricane season. 
On early July of 2005
I Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II (Cmdr. Bluefin) herein was requested again to return to “Punta Gouda” and Port Charlotte Fl. (Area) “Ground Zero Trash Zone” (They Needed Help)
With “Santa Clause from the Pentagon” serious yelling loud “command instruction” to Please hurry my “Poor Broke Black Ass up” & aid in getting the “Dam infrastructure” namely Port Charlotte County Airport expedited up and running (ASAP).
Their after Hurricane Charley made land fall of 2005 and TRASH THE PLACE.
(As all ways my requested Independent (stupid) required present special skill is needed (ASAP).
Hurricane Katrina first made landfall on August 25, 2005 in South Florida where it hit as a Category 1 hurricane, with 80 mph (130 km/h) winds.
 The eye of “Hurricane Katrina” storm pass completely over my “actual head” where (we) actually left the secure “Military” storm shelter, acting crazy, horse fighting, wrestling around a bit,
And watching the Eye of the Hurricane storm and the clear “Blue sky” over our own heads for a moment until “Katrina” inside storm band starting collapse. (Time to get back inside)
August 26, the possibility of unprecedented catastrophe namely “major losses of lives” was already being considered from “Hurricane Katrina’s” storm surge to surly inundated all Louisiana parishes and South East Texas surrounding area.
Putting the Major population of “City of New Orleans L.A.” directly in the center of Hurricane Katrina “Ground Zero Destruction” track probabilities;
The chances of a direct hit we (all) betting she be “dead on target”.
With the “Hurricane Katrina” trajectory away from my own home Gulf of Mexico City of Port Arthur Texas, my family safe… I had now only to focus on New Orleans L.A.
August 28, shortly after Hurricane Katrina was upgraded to a Category 5 storm, “Bluefin Inc. on standby” to hit the water. 
August 29 at about 9:45M CST Hurricane Katrina start trashing United States of America near Buras-Triumph, Louisiana “Winds still too strong to think of moving at 125 mph (we) still on standby (gearing up to move)
On August 30, around 6:30 pm- 8:30 pm (Roughly time) and because
The I-10 Twin Span Bridge traveling eastbound towards Slidell, Louisiana had collapsed and our team first objective “hit the water in this area”
 Cars are in the water.  Continue on Checking (all) of the coast cities head due “East”
To include, “Bay St. Louis”, and, “Waveland Mississippi” Gulf Coast Area.
September 15th (Team) touchdown me back in Port Charlotte County Airport (me go back to goofy self for a single day)
 “New notice”…(Hey Stupid)….”New Hurricane” (Great).
September 22nd , 2005 ... Following less than a month after Hurricane Katrina devastated large parts of the
central Gulf Coast region, Now
Hurricane Rita” headed straight for my Dam mom house in home town of “Port Arthur, Texas
I am airborne, asap (New my mom she was crazy enough and going to try and ride out the “Hurricane Rita” storm in her brick home just because she has “Natural gas power generator” …
Until I got home then I really scared the living crap out of her “silly ass” telling her about how fast water “actually travels” over open land once the Sea Wall levy breaches.
Port Arthur Texas is very much below sea level fully fixing to be fully full of fishes and inundated and the Gulf of Mexico is over your dam house and your way too heavy to be trying to swim with and fight with and save too,
You’re going to evacuee now…and (No) I (Red) said now…then after (Red & Cmdr. Bluefin) scared my mom up real funny good…
 I pack “mom and step father” out of town, stay behind for the “sick, “stupid” “lame” and extra “Drunk Silly Crazy Retards” and starting gearing up for another “Dam swim”.
 (Nobody Knows) Red is “Cmdr. Bluefin” (A Stupid Soon To Be Drown Dumb Ass)
Port Arthur Texas Levees did not breach
And the sea wall held up to 4ft. in front of me as I watch it ready to spill over” just a few huge monster 20ft waves crashing over the sea wall, big heavy winds, but nothing upheaval enough to even move from my “advantage point”.  
I give my family a small damage report which I have to be back in Florida (ASAP) to pack up and return to Fix up my Home Texas Town,
Then there I was going to Hurricane Katrina Ground Zero (Area) by the end of 2006-2007 to help and rebuild
Plaintiff state Before the Honorable Justice” August 29, Katrina's storm surge caused 53 different levee breaches in greater New Orleans L.A., submerging eighty percent of the city.
The confirmed death toll (total of direct and indirect deaths) is 1,836, mainly from Louisiana (1,577) and Mississippi (238).
 However, 135 people remain categorized as missing in Louisiana,
Pro Se Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) herein filed Civil Suit against one (Walter and Rosemary Dennis) of 3826 General Taylor Street in New Orleans L.A. in 2007
As a result of among other things (Breach of Contractual Agreement) for construction work on the said described New Orleans L.A. Home as result of Hurricane Katrina making landfall and causing said described above damages.
Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) will also state before the “Honorable Justice” one (Walter and Rosemary Dennis) of 3826 General Taylor Street in New Orleans L.A. in 2007 hire
 Mr. Willie M. Zanders Federal Certified (“Attorney at Law”)
To fully appear legally and assume natural (2) persons one (Walter and Rosemary Dennis) of 3826 General Taylor Street in New Orleans L.A. (Identities)
Certified Crooked Cloak Rouge (Attorney at Law) committed being in disguise conceal of 2 (actual) Pro Se Defendants real (Identities) to proceed, carry on, progress, and defend Federal Civil Actions
In a United States of America U.S. Federal Court Civil proceeding for monetary actual funds in excess of ($2,500)
Thus said Certified Crooked Cloak Rouge (Attorney at Law) one Mr. “Willie M. Zanders” went in a very criminal (RICO) fraudulent disguise and concealment for over for over 2 ½ years period date starting on the 12th day of May 2007
During the course of all litigation in (2) U.S. Honorable Federal Courthouse committed to doing the same (RICO) fraud activates before three different “Honorable Federal Judges” and civilly destructive against the Pro Se Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) herein
Plaintiff will show the “Honorable Court” now (Rouge) 24/7 Pro Se (Zanders) Attorney at Law in U.S. Federal records *shows “Clerk of Court” received on May 29th 2007 in the U.S. Federal Eastern District of Louisiana a Pro Se Motion Docket No. 07-1510 to dismiss complaint of Plaintiff (Hamilton II)
With signature one (Rosemary and Walter Dennis) “New Orleans” “home owners” claiming said Pro Se work production of this legal filed court document to dismiss against Pro Se Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II)
With such a very professional legal working document produced at this time by said (Rouge) 24/7 Pro Se (Zanders) Attorney at Law
Whom is officially (Now) Pro Se (Walter and Rosemary Dennis) on May 29th 2007.
A second Motion to dismiss against the Pro Se Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) by Pro Se Co-Defendant again (Walter and Rosemary Dennis) only this time file in United States of America Eastern District of Texas Federal Court Civil Action No. 1:09-CV-289) with Co-Defendants signature one (Rosemary and Walter Dennis) claiming once again Pro Se work production of this very legal filed court document in (Texas Federal U.S. Court)
 To dismiss against (Louis Charles Hamilton II)  and once again a very professional legal working document produced at this time by same by said (Rouge) 24/7 Pro Se (Zanders) Attorney at Law
Who is still officially (Now) Pro Se (Walter and Rosemary Dennis) appearing in U.S. Texas Federal District Court.
Judgment by United States District Judge G. Thomas Porteous, JR. for the Eastern District of Louisiana dismissing Pro Se Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) claim against Pro Se Defendant (Walter and Rosemary Dennis et al) on the 27th day of September 2007 A/k/a (Rouge) 24/7 Pro Se (Zanders) Attorney at Law

U.S. Eastern District of Louisiana Federal Civil Docket for case #2:09-CV-07029-EEF-KWR (Walter and Rosemary Dennis) claiming once again Pro Se status before the Honorable Louisiana Federal Court
Plaintiff will show the “Honorable Justice” in U.S. Eastern District of Louisiana Federal Civil Docket for case # 2:07-CV-01510-GTP-SS Walter and Rosemary claiming once again Pro Se status before the Honorable Court Texas Federal Court
“However” once again it is (Rouge) 24/7 Pro Se (Zanders) Attorney at Law
Plaintiff will show the “Honorable Justice”
U.S. Eastern District of Texas Federal Civil Docket for case 1:09-CV-00289-TH-ESH Walter and Rosemary claiming once again Pro Se status before the Honorable Court Texas Federal Court
“However” once again it is (Rouge) 24/7 Pro Se (Zanders) Attorney at Law
Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein will show the Honorable Justice that a real binding crooked Legal Agreement of Willie M. Zanders (Attorney at Law) dated for May 5th 2007 for legal work of a Attorney service
Received  payment in the amount of $2,500 Dollars to (Zanders Attorney at Law) for all of the legal work, document, exhibits filed by Pro Se (Walter and Rosemary Dennis) in 2007 and 2008… being suppose (Pro Se) to dismiss ….with all signature by (Walter Dennis) against the Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) whom is also Pro Se.
Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) will show the “Honorable Justice” a copy of a receipt for payment of legal fees paid and received to (Willie M. Zanders Esq.) in the amount of $2,500 with signature provided by (Willie M. Zanders Attorney at Law) date May 12-2007 acknowledgment for the Pro Se Work Filed by (Dennis et al)
Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) will show the “Honorable Justice” (Dennis et al) did in fact use these legal documents,
Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) being further respectful before the “Honorable Court clear and point to facts and circumstances (Zanders Attorney at Law) having assume legal reasonability for the legal affairs of
 (Dennis et al) back on May 12th 2007 @ such timing in the obliteration and destruction of “material evidence namely Construction contractor Invoices, a large portion of Building Material receipts,
To include direct destruction of over 32 construction photographs describing and depicting the Home rebuilding process of the Co-Defendant (Walter and Rosemary Dennis) by (Plaintiff) herein Located at 3826 General Taylor Street in New Orleans.
To include and alter of much other physical evidence, by conceal the Third Party Insurances Company providing monetary funding to fix said home during the presences before
 An “Honorable United States Federal Court of Law” in Texas and Louisiana to defeat the Pro Se Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II)
Plaintiff state, assert very respectful before the “Honorable Court” full with contain actual evidence produced herein that “Willie M. Zanders” an legal Attorney at Law (LSBA No.13778) herein
Did in all “facts and circumstances” received $2,500 dollars for such “Pro Se Rouge masquerade Legal Attorney work product services” in the complete (RICO) “Mail and Wire Fraud, Money laundry, destruction, and alter of much other physical evidence during the presences before an “Honorable United States Federal Court of Law”
In Texas and Louisiana. In direct violation against the Plaintiff Civil Rights to suit in common Law among other things further violation of:
Canon 1, DR 1-102(A)(4) which states that "[a] lawyer shall not: (4) engage in conduct involving dishonesty", fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation."
Plaintiff Assert before the Honorable Justice the Magistrate Judge Karen Wells Roby, Civil Action No: 09-CV-07029 engage in Aid and abet in Hiding records, documents, evidence, physical assets of (Walter and Rosemary Dennis et al) for the Behalf of their Attorney of Record (Willie M. Zanders) for the facts (Zanders) assumed (Dennis et al) actual physical persons
      Moreover which the Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) herein made clear to said U.S. Judge (Karen Wells Roby) repeated of the illegal corruption shenanigans  filed before the Court in first a Motion for Production of documents with exhibits and second in a (Motion for the recusal of U.S. Magistrate Karen Well Roby) as depicted below in paragraph (14).
The United States of America District Court
 For The Eastern District of Louisiana

Louis Charles Hamilton II
       Motion for Recusal of
      Magistrate Judge Karen Wells Roby
            Vs.             Civil Action No: 09-CV-07029
Walter and Rosemary Dennis et al             
      Comes Now the Pro Se Plaintiff, Louis Charles Hamilton II, hereby files a motion for recusal with the above Court and for Just Cause”
      The Pro Se (Louis Charles Hamilton II) Plaintiff will show the Court all facts, circumstances and details as being entertain in Justice as follows that “Magistrate Judge Karen Wells Roby” committed the following:   
Abuse of Judicial Absolute Immunity, Injury to Personal Reputation of the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein, Aiding and abetting to commit A Criminal Enterprise in Racketeering against the rights, dignity and will of the Plaintiff
Obstruction of Justice, Obstruction of Criminal (RICO) Investigation, Conspiracies to pursue the same Criminal Objective of the Defendants (Dennis et al) and Attorney of Record
Willie M. Zanders Attorney at Law and Violation of Plaintiff herein (Hamilton II) Equal Protection under the Law in connection with:
Violations under Chapter 96 of Title 18, United State Code: (RICO) Racketeering Influences Corruption Organization, Section 1341 (relating to mail fraud), section 1343 (relating to wire fraud), Defamation, Fraud, Civil Conspiracies, Injury to Reputation,
Section 1503 (relating to obstruction of justice), Section 1510 (relating to obstruction of criminal (RICO) investigations), section 1956 (relating to the laundering of monetary instruments), Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) 18 U.S.C. § 1030 in connection with all criminal (RICO) acts and actions, as described herein, and conspiracies to violate (RICO).
 Multiple Judicial Court procedures of Schemes and Patterns to commit among other things: Mail and Wire Fraud as described herein, and conspiracies to violate (RICO). Aiding and abetting to commit A Criminal Enterprise in Racketeering against the rights, dignity and will of the Plaintiff to include:  
Falsification of Judicial Material facts to aid in civil federal case fixing, Civil case with criminal (RICO) acts to aid in dismissal of the current case filing before the court and furtherance’s aid in the dismissal of all (RICO) claims filed under the caption:
 United States District Court Eastern District of Texas Beaumont Division
Louis Charles Hamilton II
Plaintiff Complaint
Jury Demand
Vs. Civil No. 1:2011 CV- 00005

Willie M. Zanders Attorney at Law
Defendant Walter A. Dennis and Rosemary Dennis
(Zanders) Attorney at Law and (Dennis et al)
Individually and collectively as described herein said complaint being committed all acts and actions described fully herein in Violations under Chapter 96 of Title 18, United State Code: (RICO) Racketeering Influences Corruption Organization in connection with Section 1341 (relating to mail fraud)
And charging (Zanders) Attorney at Law and Defendant herein (Dennis et al) in furtherance’s violation of (RICO) section 1343 (relating to wire fraud), (RICO) “Money laundry of Financial transactions to conceal the “Identity, source, and legitimate origin”,

Obstruction of Justice, Civil Conspiracy, Destruction, alter and or direct destruction of “material Civil Evidences”, Fraud upon the Honorable Court and Defamation of the Plaintiff Construction reputation in this (RICO) Criminal activities ag.
Violation of the Plaintiff herein (Hamilton II) civil rights protected by (The United States of America) Constitution
 In Plaintiff  herein (Hamilton II) asking for relief before a United States Federal District Court  for civil unfair treatment committed by (Dennis et al) before a “Civil Court of Law.   “Complaint and Jury Demand”.
Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein states a direct conflict of civil interest moves/require that this action being  change to a “New Jurisdiction” as described in the supported motion and exhibits filed attachment herein for recusal of Magistrate Judge Karen Wells Roby days before a Breach of contract and defamation suit civil trial commencement filed in the above court
With Attorney (Zanders) criminal (RICO) “Mail and Wire Fraud” of multiple scheme and patterns also been tainted before the Honorable Judge G. Thomas Porteous, Jr. and Magistrate Judge Sally Shushan  at the Federal Court House in New Orleans L.A. Eastern District
Furtherance’s all Judges and Magistrate described above being criminally link in a Judicial (RICO) criminal “Mail and Wire” “systematic criminal (RICO) scheme of actions” being committed continual as of this undersign date and exercise continual being wrongful conduct of “pattern(s) and practices” in (among other things) against the Plaintiff rightful “Equal Protection of the Constitutional of the United States Laws” in among other thing Civil Action in Common Law
And all implicated and done in connection with one  Attorney “Willie M. Zanders) in several (RICO) Case fixing before The Eastern District of Louisiana United States Federal Court “compliances with systematic criminal (RICO) actions and acts” being continual as of this undersign date .
The Plaintiff herein the above title caused “Louis Charles Hamilton II asserts and state with declaration before the “Court” against penalty of perjury the following factual facts committed by the undersigned magistrate to wit:
1.The Pro Se Plaintiff having numerous “Hostile” contact with the court to the point that the Plaintiff having no “Trust”, Faith”, and especially Fairness to the point the undersigned court have rule over many erroneously occasions in favor of “Pro Se” Defendants herein one (Mr. Walter Alvin Dennis) A/k/a one (Mrs. Rosemary Dennis) A/k/a (Mr. Willie M. Zanders)  also to be the actual A/k/a (Willie M. Zanders) now the Attorney of record of Cause No.09-7029 .
2. The entire court file in Plaintiff exhibit (a), (b) and (c) * civil docket for #:2:07-cv-01510-GTP-SS,
3. Civil docket for #:2:09-CV-07029-KWR
4. Civil Docket for #1:09-CV-00289-TH-ESH
5. Are all filed Pro Se and ruled by Three different federal courts (2) in this above court and (1) in the State of Texas Federal Court regarding the same Hurricane Katrina Claim.
6.Sanders and Dennis et al reach an “Illegal agreement where Sander acting very, very, rouge would assume Mr. Walter Alvin Dennis and Mrs. Rosemary Dennis actual physical Identity clear back in 5/12/07 for the sum of $2,500.00 *see plaintiff exhibit (D)
7.Ever single record in the entire flipping file each document being presented into evidence during any civil Trial all document(s) and all exhibit file Pro Se by Dennis et al have to be authenticated by them being the original Author which Mrs. Rosemary and Mr. Walter Alvin Dennis can only admire their signature only.
8. The entire case file “except” after the Pre-trial conference held on 3/25/2011 is fully Zanders Rouge work.
9.if your sloooooow stay slow….The Honorable (Very XXX Smart) Magistrate Judge Earl S. Hines ask the Plaintiff one simple question “Quote”: Mr. Hamilton” who is Mr. Alvin Dennis and Mrs. Rosemary Dennis Attorney of record whom file these legal documents before this Texas Federal Court from Louisiana…..?
10. Plaintiff reply (Being Very Surprise that The Honorable Judge Earl S. Hines caught that major problem that very fast in the opening of the hearing) you’re Honor” They Hire an Attorney and put their signature on all of that legal work throughout the files….
11. The Honorable (Very Smart) Magistrate Judge Earl S. Hines then furtherance’s stated on transcript “That’s how they do things in New Orleans Louisiana …..And look at his staff the U.S. Marshalls and myself and we all “laugh”…….xoxoxox!
12. The undersigned Magistrate herein is very XXX Hostile to the point she omitted The Honorable (Very Smart) Magistrate Judge Earl S. Hines report and recommendations that the Plaintiff is before a Trial for “Breach of Contract” and Defamation cause of action….*See Plaintiff Exhibit (e) Report and recommendation of The Honorable (Very Smart) Magistrate Judge Earl S. Hines Plaintiff exhibit and *See Plaintiff (f) orders of Magistrate denying Plaintiff witnesses for trial…
13. The undersigned Magistrate herein also “very extreme bogus” and quite extreme hostile in ruling that Mr. Sam Z. Scandaliato.  Building engineer was not on the Plaintiff witness list for a Trial set for 4/11/11
14. *see Plaintiff exhibit (g) Plaintiff witness list when in fact his in entry # 13 S.Z.S Consultants, Inc. (Building Engineers) which the Plaintiff request in a leave to issue Trial Subpoena and on list for Trial
15. *see Plaintiff exhibit (h) Plaintiff motion for subpoena of witness and * see Plaintiff exhibit (I) S.Z.S Consultants (Sam Z. Scandaliato,) PE
16.* see Plaintiff exhibit (I) S.Z.S Consultants (Sam Z. Scandaliato,) PE report for a Hurricane Katrina Home which (Dennis et al) could not had repaired without said report from Hurricane Katrina Damages which (Sanders Attorney at Law) and his other a/k/a person being Walter Alvin Dennis and Mrs. Rose Mary Dennis hid this along with other important documents in aid along with the actual defendant in this cause (Dennis et al)
17. The Undersigned Magistrate refusal to comply with Plaintiff motion for Production and Compel and sanctions against (Sanders) for Production of all documents thus Plaintiff having no merit with this court to wit: (Sanders) turn over Volunteers Exhibits a week before Trial and file this in Louisiana Court in advance but
Never mail to Plaintiff in (Texas) until Court order him to do within days before Trial certified mail next day services which this also was ignore and came 4 days later and very bogus on both the Court and (Sanders) when Plaintiff did in fact request for this years ago…
      18. (Sanders) now acting as an official Attorney of record files before the Court his witness list and statements which he now supply furtherance’s perjury documents attacking the Plaintiff Construction Reputation (among other things) through his witness to wit: Floyd and Delores Davis with stating I stole their TV, furniture, frig, bed…… ect…..never paid monies to Liberty lumber for construction work…..ect….and Liberty Lumber put a Lien on their home for building materials and the Plaintiff ran off with all of the monies to this effect.
      19.  However *See Plaintiff exhibit (J) dated April 6th 2011 from Liberty Lumber: To whom this may concern: On May 10, 2007 Mr. Louis Hamilton opened an account with Liberty Lumber. He paid $7000.00 in cash. We began delivering material down the street to 4891 Tchoupitoulas St. to his customer, a Mr. Floyd Davis.
 Mr. Hamilton had a dispute with Mr. Davis and we closed the account on October 10, 2007 and we wrote off $8.22 (cents) Obviously for a debt of $8.22 we never placed a material lien on the subject property at 4891 Tchoupitoulas St. Mr. Davis is in correct in telling the court Liberty Lumber lien was placed on his property.  Sincerely (Thomas Huntsinger) Owner.
      20. *See also Plaintiff exhibit (K-1) through (K-8) Liberty Lumber accounts receivable and (COD) cash on delivery invoices for $7000.00 dollars worth of (Mr. & Mrs. Floyd and Delores Davis Aggravated Perjury being submitted by)  Willie M. Zanders Attorney at Law and Attorney of record for the above cause action 09-cv-7029
      21. *See Plaintiff exhibit (L) “State of Louisiana” Department of Justice Consumer Protection division which the Plaintiff will show an Honorable Court detail fact(s) Plaintiff never ran any where… include but not limited to (Mr. & Mrs. Floyd and Delores Davis wiliness to provide Aggravated Perjury for this Trial to wit: in that they stole the Plaintiff Trailer with their “Own 65 inch T.V. in front of their “Own Home” at 4891 Tchoupitoulas
(NOPD) Police Reports will reflect my Personal Construction Trailer was in front of their home at the time of the theft with a 65 inch T.V and Plaintiff never stole nothing or went driving off in the sunset with a 65 inch big screen T.V.
and Plaintiff having to come racing to their home their after they (Davis et al) informed the Plaintiff of the missing Trailer and their T.V. when they were stand guard watching the 65 inch T.V. having the Plaintiff
To call the (NOPD) police once again dealing with (Mr. & Mrs. Floyd and Delores Davis) whom they both then called their Insurance company there after they told me (Plaintiff) my construction trailer was stolen in front of their home at … which (NOPD) took a report of a stolen Trailer and 65 inch T.V., and (Mr. & Mrs. Floyd and Delores Davis) somehow like magic the next day later found the Plaintiff Construction Trailer without (NOPD) assistances
 But the T.V. being missing (Only) and then (Mr. & Mrs. Floyd and Delores Davis) called (NOPD) again and stated they found my Trailer and most likely the 65 inch T.V is in the home right now also as I type this recusal,
They (Davis et al) & (Hurricane Crooked Attorney Willie M. Zanders) Need to be getting that 65 inch T.V. out of that home they lie about with all of that furniture too…while my “Zombie Team” wait to take pictures…..Da”
 Furtherance’s the said sofa, refrigerator, stove, freezer, and bed with mattress was place in a storage unit 4 blocks away from their home on “security camera, and Now in 2011 said sofa, refrigerator, stove, freezer, and bed with mattress is in the “Home” as I type this recusal,
(Mr. & Mrs. Floyd and Delores Davis) even refuse to go to the impound yard and retrieve several boxes of junk… the Plaintiff can retrieve his “Construction Trailer” and the Plaintiff Trailer was lost due to this incident
Then (Mr. & Mrs. Floyd and Delores Davis) attempt to stole Mr. Singleton Schoffling which he purchase for my Plaintiff Construction company usage at the Home of (Mr. & Mrs. Floyd and Delores Davis) 4891 Tchoupitoulas
*See Plaintiff exhibit (M) photograph of Home of Mr. & Mrs. Floyd and Delores Davis  with the Schoffling they attempt to steal which (NOPD) having to come and deal with them instead of the Plaintiff, to include Attorney General Office came to their home “Agent Slade” spoke direct with the and told them I never stole nothing (also) “Agent Slade of the Attorney General Office of Louisiana
and Attorney General office will be watching over this construction contract….which one Mr. Floyd Davis then arrange several (Negro) men’s to attempt to cause the Plaintiff herein (Hamilton II) body injury after (NOPD) left their home
to continue to scare off the Plaintiff from said contract with Mr. & Mrs. Floyd and Delores Davis where they had went (XXX) bogus in doing so and reach an agreement with the Plaintiff entire (2) “Hispanic” crew members to dump the Plaintiff from the contract after the home was destroyed by the Plaintiff and 2 different construction crew in
 “One day” and they (Davis et al) breach the contract for a (2) story home under $49,500.00 to be build and having a (1) story home for $12,000 (Cash) was built with the “Hispanic Crew framing …and it was done without the Plaintiff and not under any “physical contract”…….
‘Conclusion’ on one (Mr. & Mrs. Floyd and Delores Davis) they are extreme (XXX Crazy) and when the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) return to Texas they will be having Federal civil action being presented to them by The United States Marshall services for Defamation, theft of Plaintiff $5000.00 Trailer and Breach of $49,000 Contract, conspire in (RICO) criminal actions involved in connection with Mr. Willie M. Zanders and (Dennis et al),
False police reports, and fraud of a Private Insurances company in connection with the Plaintiff which they (Mr. & Mrs. Floyd and Delores Davis) now owe the Plaintiff $39,000.00 with interest incurred since 2007
And their construction contract is on file also with the Attorney General office with the State of Louisiana. And I hope & pray one “Mr. Willie M. Zanders Esq. will be there acting Attorney of Record during this new civil action……xoxoox!   (Smoooch)….!
22. Plaintiff will show the court that Mr. Willie M. Zanders Attorney at Law having now furtherance’s provide additional Perjury information in regard to volunteers working on the
Home in 2008 for $19,000 dollars worth of construction repairs to wit: Plaintiff was actually living in his home office at the Home of Mr. James Singleton at 3816 General Taylor Street one home over from Dennis et al home, where Mr. James Singleton Instructed Plaintiff herein (Hamilton II) to run electrical power to the Dennis et al (home in 2007) so said volunteers can work on the home in (2007) in addition to the claims made in regards to free work by volunteers 2008 yet 2007 work being omitted.
23. Plaintiff will show the court Mr. James Singleton was “very upset” with the Plaintiff for undergoing that contract with Dennis et al) when he knew they were without enough funds and Mr. & Mrs. Singleton were fight over Plaintiff contract which was wrong on part of Dennis et al) which they both
Mr. & Mrs. Singleton treated the Plaintiff very nice, like a (son) and supply the Plaintiff in his construction start in having their home for an office during aftermath of “Hurricane Katrina” as well as Plaintiff rebuilt their home and Mr. James Singleton open the door to the entire city of New Orleans L.A. through all of Mr. James Singleton contacts…..for the Plaintiff construction company to advance which (Dennis et al) destroyed and Plaintiff went home to Texas.
24. The undersigned Court very bogus in omitted Mr. James Singleton from being able to testified in this matter as well as the court eliminated Plaintiff direct cause of action for defamation as provide by the Eastern District Honorable Court to be entertain here in New Orleans U.S. Federal Court in connection with (Dennis et al) as described in all three court case filing which Mr. James Singleton is in fact involved in this defamation issue too along with the Plaintiff.
25. Mr. James Singleton also is fully aware of the massive damages to (Dennis et al) home which Hurricane did not cause” and is label in the engineer report which (Dennis) supply to Plaintiff after obtain Plaintiff signature on a contract then the big surprise
      “Which the “Colonel James Singleton having scold Plaintiff numerous times because of (Dennis) harassment of him to cheat the Plaintiff and (Singleton) wanting me to (XXX) and hurry up and get that contract over with (Dennis et al)
 Which Mr. James Singleton supply concrete under the Plaintiff own contract for the (Dennis et al) home after their own refusal to cover the building material concrete cost which the Court having eliminated “any and all witnesses” Plaintiff wishes to pursue during a civil trial in all of the Problems raise by (Zanders), his Clients (Dennis et al), and all other witness,
While (Zanders) continue to flood the United States Judicial Federal Court system with the biggest crooked (RICO) filing court case in the history of the Judicial system within the United States of America.
26. The undersigned Court chastise the Plaintiff in regards to (Zanders) reputation on and all of the posting the Plaintiff wrote under “Cmdr. Bluefin” in regards to this “civil action”
And (She is very snotty) and quite “bogus and almost got herself cuss  smooth out and hung up on and when having phone conferences while she the Court fully aid (Zanders)
Against the Plaintiff herein (Hamilton II) with the court extreme Judicial bias towards the Plaintiff civil filing in the undersigned court, Plaintiff told this court it has been manipulated to the fullest and we exchange “Hostile” wording in this regards…..too
27. *See Plaintiff exhibit (N) Plaintiff motion for Production of documents filed 12/07/09 (2) years ago “which the requested” exhibits in regards for production among other things knowledge of all free labor work being committed by
Any nonprofit organizations working on Dennis et al home being completely ignored by the Court and especially by (Zanders) in producing until March 26th 2011 (2) weeks before a Trial when it was request years in advance..
Wherefore the Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II moves for the Recusal of the Undersigned Magistrate Judge Karen Wells Roby in her bias full capacity, providing protection of (Zanders) and conspire in his criminal (RICO) scam in connection with this entire civil file and his aid in his crooked client (Dennis et al) cover up and case fixing
With “Willie M. Zanders” A/k/a  Mr. Walter Alvin Dennis also A/k/a “Mrs. Rosemary Dennis” and also A/k/a “Mr. Willie M. Zanders” Attorney of record of this civil case, and being fully crooked to the bone…………….
      And for all “Deem just and being Honorable before this United States Federal Court during a lawful proceeding on the behalf of the Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II.
Respectfully Submitted By:
           Louis Charles Hamilton II
                   Pro Se Plaintiff
            P.O. Box 20126
            Houston Texas 77225
      Plaintiff Assert, and state before the “Honorable Justice” the Judicial Actions of (Magistrate Judge Karen Wells Roby) “Charlatan Civil Case Fixing”
 All of which being with the connivance of the Defendant (United States Federal Court Proceeding) and in pursed of the same criminal (RICO) criminal objectives of (Willie M. Zanders Attorney at Law)
And New Orleans L.A. Homeowners (Walter and Rosemary Dennis et al) in Connection with Hurricane Katrina to cheat, take advantage of, swindler, shark, bamboozle, con, double dealer thievery directly against the Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II Civil Rights, Peace, Will, Dignity,  
      In Violations under Chapter 96 of Title 18, United State Code: (RICO) Racketeering Influences Corruption Organization, Section 1341 (relating to mail fraud), section 1343 (relating to wire fraud),
      Section 1028 (relating to fraud and related activity in connection with identification documents), Section 1503 (relating to obstruction of justice),
 Section 1510 (relating to obstruction of criminal (RICO) investigations), section 1956 (relating to the laundering of monetary instruments),
 Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) 18 U.S.C. § 1030 in connection with all criminal (RICO) acts and actions, as described herein, and conspiracies to violate (RICO).
 Multiple Judicial Court procedures of Schemes and Patterns to commit among other things: Mail and Wire Fraud as described herein, and conspiracies to violate (RICO). Aiding and abetting to commit A Criminal Enterprise in Racketeering against the rights, dignity and will of the Plaintiff to include
“Obstruction of Justice”, Falsification of Material facts, Conspiracies to pursue the same Criminal Objective,
To include but not limited to Defendant herein (United States of America) Aid and abet in Civil Conspiracy, Actual Fraud, Fraud upon the Court, Malicious Civil Prosecution of a Tort , Injury to Plaintiff Personal Reputation,  Impeaching Plaintiff Honesty, 
Violation of the Plaintiff  herein (Louis Charles Hamilton II) civil rights protected by the Defendant (United States of America) 1st Amendment to the Constitution of the Defendant (The United States of America) in that Plaintiff  herein (Louis Charles Hamilton II) is free in asking for relief before a “United States Federal Court”
For unfair treatment of one “Homeowners” namely (Walter Dennis) and (Rosemary Dennis) before a “Civil Court of Law in suit in common law as described in the (Many) Complaint(s) against said crooked homeowners and their corrupted federal certified counsel of record 24/7 Pro Se “Willie M. Zanders Esq. (Attorney at Law. 
With the Defendant
 (The United States of America et al) violation against the Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) civil rights, peace, will, and dignity furtherance’s committed criminal (RICO) acts and actions singularly or in a combination with all as described herein to include but not limited to
Abuse of Judicial Absolute Immunity
Aiding and abetting to commit A Criminal Enterprise in Racketeering against the rights, dignity and will of the Plaintiff
Obstruction of Justice
Obstruction of Criminal Investigation
Conspiracies to pursue the same Criminal Objective
Violation of Equal Protection under the Law
The Pro Se (Louis Charles Hamilton II) Plaintiff will show the “Honorable Court Justice” all additional facts, circumstances and details as being furtherance’s entertain in Justice involving the actual Federal Trial, (Zanders Attorney at Law) did in open filed court documents provided bogus, money laundry monetary computation figures before the Defendant The United States of America (Court)
To hid (Dennis et al) major squander spree they spent in (Texas) after their forced evacuation from Hurricane Katrina while the Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein was working on their home in New Orleans L.A.
To wit: “Broadmoor Development Corporation document ” which stating to the effect of (Dennis et al) application for assistances by volunteer’s for market value of 900 hours of free volunteering work total $16,596.00
Signature by unknown person describing himself as Jonathan Graboyes which this person do not exist as proven by the Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) during the Trial in this Matter before the Defendant The United States of America (Court)
Which (Zanders Attorney at Law) attempted to have another person swear under oath as to the computation figures of free $16, 596 (free Labor work) by volunteer and the authentication of the document Yet (Zanders, Dennis et al) and The Defendant The United States of America herein
All engage in Judicial (RICO) “Money Laundry scheme” of FEMA and Private Insurances Funds in excess of $30,000 dollars being wrongfully squander & spent while “Cheating the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) from such funds provided by FEMA and Private insurances to (Actually) fix the Hurricane Damage Home.
The Pro Se (Louis Charles Hamilton II) Plaintiff will show the “Honorable Court Justice” being very legit under cross examination before the Defendant (The United States of America) herein
 The Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein shall state calmly that the witness produce to cover up the monetary money laundry scheme during “Live Trial” said under oath Female witness absolutely denied the document authentication
 Or any enrolment or attachment to the document made by Any (Group) of volunteer to be working for free on the Home at 3826 General Taylor Street in New Orleans L.A. for “Walter and Rosemary Dennis et al.
To include but not limited to the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) pointed to said (Honest) witness before her departure from the witness stand before the Defendant (The United States of America)
Why should any (Group) of Church volunteer be working on (Walter and Rosemary Dennis Home for a (absolute) free (900) hours in excess of $16,596.  When FEMA and Private Insurances gave them funding in excess of $84,000 (Eighty Four Thousand Dollars) to pay a Construction Contractor.
Plaintiff will show before the Honorable Justice” a Priority Mail filed on the 28th day of March 2011 in the United States Federal Court Clerk for Louisiana district document No. 63 for case 2:09-CV-07029
 Is the very non-Pro Se first Official act as Attorney of Law Defendant (Willie M. Zanders) herein provided to the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein the following Attorney at Law (Zanders) very “Honest and quite cutie Personal Pretrial Outline and Order several days late no less before the actual Trial with the added Discovery of the bogus “Volunteers providing free work” and the amount of free services expenditures documentation”
While the Defendant (The United States of America) herein in United States Federal Court Clerk for Louisiana district document No. 57 and 58 for case 2:09-CV-07029 refuse Plaintiff motion for contempt, and motion for sanctions.
The Defendant (The United States of America) herein also in United States Federal Court Clerk for Louisiana district having Plaintiff complete motion to Compel for case 2:09-CV-07029 and reused fully knowing (Zander) is also (Physically) Pro Se “Walter and Rosemary Dennis” after this was brought to the attention of the Defendant (The United States of America)
 Any ruling” in favor of Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein will fully expose “Willie M. Zanders” Federal Board Certified Attorney at Law Corruption which the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein told Defendant (The United State of America) to her face I am tired of watching (Zanders) manipulation with obliviously (USA) approval,
 And every time I open my mouth your yelling at me and I am getting real tired of this also….
Defendant (The United State of America) provide absolute (RICO) collusion cover up also in the Construction Documentations, and monetary money laundry scheme of the things
Involving a “Dead Witness” “Walter Jovel” the Illegal Hispanic Immigrant being quite stiff Extremely Bone Dead since (July) of 2008 No Less………
Yet surprising enough Plaintiff will Show this here “Honorable Justice” the Defendant (The United State of America) collusion cover up in (Willie M. Zanders) (Attorney at Law)
 After flat out refusal for Motion for compel, motion for contempt of court and Motion for Sanctions Defendant (The United State of America) ……herein allowance (Zanders 24/7 Pro Se Attorney at Law Esq. to have his way and finish by
Spring this Holy Hell Frightening Deathly Trap on the Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) herein in the last (5) minute of a Federal Trial.
Plaintiff will show the Honorable Justice” (Zanders the magic 24/7 Pro Se Attorney at Law Esq.) file in a Professional USDA United States Federal “Clerk of Court office” before the Defendant (The United States of America)
 a Pretrial Outline and Order Stating with upsetting (Zanders Esq.) signature No Less…..on said Pretrial Outline and Order astonishing facts
That witness “Walter Jovel” will be (having the ability to Crawling out of his Grave) and “Honestly Swear” to testifying before The “Honorable Court of Law” in New Orleans Louisiana before Her’ Magistrate Judge Karen Wells Roby exactly on April 11th 2011 at 9:00 am
Fully committed about all of his construction work and all payments he received to help repair home of “Walter and Rosemary Dennis et al” ………
Moreover Creepy terrifying enough (Puff the Magic Zanders 24/7 Pro Se Attorney at Law Esq.) sat down real smooth-n-cool ending this with a…(Smile) ….&……OK to the Defendant (The United States of America). 
The Plaintiff assert respectful before the “Honorable Court” furtherance’s that the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) was “Hoodwink” and kept from having any fairness in (among other things)
 A normal safe discovery phase between Pro Se 24/7 Willie M. Zanders Attorney at Law Esq. and the Clients (Dennis et al) corruption
And collusion in the absolute destruction of most “Material Evidences” photographs and behind the scenes manipulation of the Federal Courts records and its “Official Wire System”,
 With (Pro Se 24/7 Willie M. Zanders Attorney at Law Esq.) also having complete Home New Orleans Federal Court Advantage over the Plaintiff in this (RICO) cover up twisted “Train Wreck”
As described herein to the point the U.S. District Federal Magistrate Judge in New Orleans absolutely denied the Plaintiff, to have any witness before his own declared Trial which Plaintiff request only 2
And they both were on the witness list which was refused, and the Judge declare one witness the Building Engineer was not on this list but “However” he actually was Plaintiff expert witness for Trial Yet this also was flat out refused.
The U.S. District Federal Magistrate Judge in New Orleans (Karen Wells Roby) first grant Plaintiff Motion in the Production of the Defendant (Among other things) Banking records from 2005 to 2007 right after Hurricane Katrina made land fall “time frame”
Showing a depicted crooked banking trail of Co-Defendants (Walter and Rosemary Dennis) herein squander shopping spree with FEMA and Private insurance monies to actually fix the Home (among all other documentation) requested “However” after slithering Pro Se 24/7 (Willie M. Zanders) “Attorney at Law” realizing his real (RICO) money laundry handcrafted wizardry scheme of things will be surly exposed by the release of said described 2005 banking records
As Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein completely pointed out the criminal on goings of this Crooked Attorney being both Pro Se and “Live Counsel of Record”….over 4 years
With the Added factual act(s) of Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein declaring “Open Warfare” upon Crooked Hurricane Katrina Attorney Dead Man Grave Robber Dick Beater Willie M. Zanders et al all over the “Internet”
The U.S. District Federal Magistrate Judge in New Orleans (Karen Wells Roby) then took back her order for the need discovery Plaintiff was granted and acted as if this has no meaning at all now for a rightful discovery request to pursue the truth
Added the Defendant (The United States of America) making sure that nothing physical in (actual) physical banking records shall ever be release into the Defendant (The United States of America) Judicial eximination and full exposure of the Clerk of Court official Federal Court Records.
But only what Pro Se 24/7 (Willie M. Zanders) Attorney at Law Esq. shall release which is a pile of Banking Number with no cancel checks to support the banking number at all
Plus moreover the banking figures are for 2007 through 2009 not what was granted 2005-2007 banking records plus 2005-2009 showing the deposited of FEMA and Private Insurances Money and the spent of said money long road process of said Squander Spree of in excess of $80,000 cash which is at the “Heart of The Force Breach of Contract” against the Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein by
The Complete Selfish Squandering Spree of the Contractor Money for repairs of a Hurricane Katrina Damage home and the Now Defendant (The United States of America) extreme criminal (RICO) and wrongful conduct against the Civil Rights, Peace, Will and Dignity of the Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles II as described herein with the Motion for U.S. Judge “Karen Wells Roby” Recusal incorporated fully herein and enforced respectfully as filed in the Records in Louisiana United States District Federal Court..
Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II will show the “Honorable Court Justice”
The Defendant (The United States of America) herein actions were in collusion, involvement, and approval to conspire, shield, defend, safeguard, armor, buffer and screen against the (2) Civil Complaint levy against both (Zanders) and (Dennis et al)
 Thus costing Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) herein losses of Monetary Rewards and Damages in excess of US$360,000.00 from 24/7 Pro Se Willie M. Zanders “Attorney at Law” Esq. from date of Injury February 2007
Thus furtherance’s costing Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) herein losses of Monetary Rewards and Damages in excess of US$270,000.00
From “Walter and Rosemary” Dennis from date of Injury February 2007.
To include the Defendant (The United States of America) herein criminal (RICO) act actions were in collusion, involvement, and approval to conspire, shield, defend, safeguard, armor, buffer and screen against
 United States Federal Board Certified Attorney at Law Willie M. Zanders a New Orleans L.A. Attorney at Law: Business Address is 1100 Poydras street, suite 1455 New Orleans L.A. 70163 Total disbarment from all of the Criminal (RICO) conducted as described and supported by the Federal Court Records in Texas and Louisiana.
 “Equal Protection of the Laws of the United States of America, and The Local Civil Laws governing The State of Louisiana, was fully apply against the Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein actual granted Civil protected Rights of 1964, to include direct conflict with the Pro Se Plaintiff Will, Dignity, Judicial Respect, and freedom as all other national origins mutable races classes fully enjoy at present
And continue to enjoy into the unknown future “other than the Complaining Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton) here within the United States of America as present” none equal protection in civil suit in “Common Law” before a Honorable Court.
With Defendant(s) “The United States of America et al “Plotting, schemeing, and maneuverings a imposed systematic criminal (RICO) actions and acts” in collision with (Zanders) and (Dennis et al)
Fully ruling effective and forever to be a continual civil case price fixing scheme of things as of this undersign date causing the infliction of extreme hardship of homeless upon the Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) here since 2007 throughout the under signed date herein 2011 year of our Lord,

From the Judicial exercise wrongful conduct “pattern(s) and practices” in (among other things) the denied rightful “Equal Protection of the Constitutional of Defendant (The United States Laws)
On the behalf of the Plaintiff in among other thing Civil Action in Common Law with the Defendant possession, custody and control a United States Federal Courthouse, directed fully against the Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein.
Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton further respectful before the “Honorable Justice” complain furtherance’s that The Federal Head Justice U.S. Judge dismissing the Plaintiff herein (Sound proven) Motion to fully and forever comply in the recusal of U.S. Magistrate Karen Wells Roby with (her) extreme and outrageous uncanny peculiar “involvement with perfect protection over (Zanders Attorney at Law) legal welfare
 To include but not limited to Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein quite professional finding facts of a very possible circumstances surrounding (all) of the strange acts, events, extreme hostility and actions oddly by (Roby) was very factual secret and “Intimate partner” with 24/7 Pro Se (Zanders Esq.) and the criminal (RIOC) protection was indeed for the same “Intimate partner” as well.
The Federal U.S. Judge having commit to the same deceitful underhanded acts in denied the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein said same “Equal Protection” of the laws of the Defendant (The United States of America) in suit in common law,
Particular extra tricky in additional Fraudulent misrepresentation, complete cover up the material destruction of records and photo facts and providing extra special distortion
While “conniving a additional criminal (RICO) scheme “patter and practices” with the same (Dennis et al) and (Zanders Attorney at Law) “Hurricane Katrina” files, records,
 And especially after the sound deposited into Court evidences, picture perfect depicted evidences in all time frame smart exhibits  file for expert “Prima Facie” distinctive support of all claims raised
“However” Obviously The Defendant (The United States of America) provided unconventional “Case Fixing & Corruption” in aid & abet for one (Willie M. Zanders Attorney at Law) and (Walter and Rosemary Dennis et al) under the disguise of a Federal “Judicial Civil Proceedings” held before said described Defendant
 (The United States of America) usage of “Judges” specializing in the "big fix" in collusion with 24/7 Pro Se (Willie M. Zanders Attorney at Law Esq.), and (The Hurricane Katrina Damage Homeowners Walter and Rosemary Dennis et al)
      Engaging in furtherance of fraud of the U.S Court system,

      Actual fraud conspiracy, in case fixing, falsification of official Court records. Aided in obstruction of justice and conspiracy in
      Hiding assets with the connivance of all illegal activates being conducted during alleged “Honorable Court Proceedings”

To sabotage Plaintiff herein (Hamilton II) Completely against his civil alleged right, peace, dignity and will solely
Because if Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II was allow to legally proceeded the evidence would have indeed uncover the facts that would put (Zanders)
“Facing full disbarment” for a very long time for all of the criminal (RICO) mail and wire fraud as described by the Pro Se Plaintiff herein.
To include provide (Absolute) full Judicial protection over (Zanders ) reputation being remain intact while engaging in a $US400 Million Dollars Class Action on behalf of New Orleans Teachers suit
During the exact same time fame as Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein U. S. Federal Hurricane Katrina Trial.
Wherefore  And for just cause of actions Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II hereby respectfully
Moves before the “Honorable Justice” as follows:
Injury to Personal Reputation of Construction Contractor “Louis Charles Hamilton II,
To include calculating to defaming Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II through the Subornation of “Civil Perjury”
Conspirer, Subordination of Perjury, Cover up and Corruption over the “Wrongful Death of “Jovel” the Hispanic Carpenter with manipulation of all records, documents, and Material Facts involving in this Civil Action.
Civil Conspiracies
Impeaching Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II “Honesty” during a lawful proceeding of a “Federal U.S. Bench Trial”
Injury to Reputation
Collusion, destruction, and alter, “Judicial Money laundry” in collusion with Plaintiff “Breach of Contractual Agreement with (Dennis et al) and 24/7 Pro Se (Zanders Esq.) New Orleans L.A. Federal Board Certified Attorney at Law
Abuse of Judicial Absolute Immunity
Aiding and abetting to commit A Criminal Enterprise in Racketeering against the rights, dignity and will of the Plaintiff
Obstruction of Justice
Mutable Counts of “Massive Fraud” in the “records”, “files”, and “exhibits”, “Court transcripts” up the Defendant “U.S. Federal Courts complete system”
Conspiracies to pursue the same (RICO) Criminal Objective
Violation of Plaintiff Equal Protection under the IVX United States Constitutional  Law
      Actual, accumulative, compensatory, consequential, continuing, expectation damages, foreseeable, future,
 Hedonic, incidental, indeterminate, reparable, lawful, treble under (RICO), proximate, prospective, special, speculative, substantial, punitive, and permanent damages
      Declaration Judgment by a “Jury Trial” that each and every claim, accusation, assertion, contention and charges in all allegations as described fully herein against Defendant (The United States of America)
And their agents being entry into the action of this cause in full favor of the Plaintiff Hamilton II (Negro) Black Africa American
Plaintiff  Awarded Compensations Claims for “Serious past, present ,and future Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress and Mental Anguish being imposed, tariff and levy both past, current, and future to include but not limited to for all of the Defendant
(The United States of America) herein “extreme and outrageous acts, actions and (RICO) criminal circumstances as described fully herein with the actual Federal Court records
“Judicially Honorably” before the “Justice” and the “Legal Internet World” (Already) standing as “Prima Facie”
Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) having just cause for legal standing to bring forth this Civil Complaint as described herein:
      The Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) seeks in addition to the above fore-mention damages awards of direct, actual, compensatory,
       Direct (Actual) damages paid to the Pro Se Plaintiff for the wrongful loss in “direct damages” in the ‘amount of $US 630,000.00 (Six Hundred Thirty Thousand Dollars) from the
      Defendant (United States of America et al) with 6% Interest incurred from Date of Injury of Easter (April) 2007
      With (RICO) Statue Treble Exemplary (Punitive Awards) in the amount of $US 1,890,000.00 (One Million Eight Nine Hundred Thousand Dollars)
      With 6% interest incurred from date of said described mutable Injury(s) of Easter (April) 2007.
      For the Complete Compensation in all losses Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein “Suffer & Continue to the same wrongful infliction of hardship suffrage” at the “Hand of the Defendant
(The United States of America)
      In provision of providing “Judicial” Collusion, “Corruption” with 24/7 Pro Se (Zanders Esq.) New Orleans L.A. “Attorney at Law”,
      And one (Mr. Walter and Mrs. Rosemary Dennis et al) New Orleans Hurricane Katrina damage home (Victims) in connection with furtherance’s
      Cause of “Direct” Judicial Actions before this Honorable Justice” entertainment
      Violations against the Pro Se Louis Charles Hamilton II, under Chapter 96 of Title 18, United State Code: (RICO) Racketeering Influences Corruption Organization, Section 1341 (relating to mail fraud),
       Section 1343 (relating to wire fraud), section 1028 (relating to fraud and related activity in connection with identification documents),
      Section 1503 (relating to obstruction of justice),
 Section 1510 (relating to obstruction of criminal (RICO) investigations), section 1956 (relating to the laundering of monetary instruments),
Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) 18 U.S.C. § 1030 in connection with all criminal (RICO) acts and actions, as described herein, and conspiracies to violate (RICO).
 Multiple Judicial Court procedures of Schemes and Patterns to commit among other things: Mail and Wire Fraud as described herein, and conspiracies to violate (RICO).
 Aiding and abetting to commit A Criminal Enterprise in Racketeering against the rights, dignity and will of the Plaintiff to include
“Obstruction of Justice”, Falsification of Material facts, Conspiracies to pursue the same Criminal Objective,
To include but not limited to Defendant herein (United States of America) Aid and abet in Civil Conspiracy, Actual Fraud, Fraud upon the Court, Malicious Civil Prosecution of a Tort , Injury to Plaintiff Personal Reputation,  Impeaching Plaintiff Honesty, 
Violation of the Pro Se Plaintiff herein (Louis Charles Hamilton II) 1964 Civil Rights protected by the Defendant (United States of America) herein 1st Amendment to the Constitution of the Defendant (The United States of America) in that Plaintiff  herein
(Louis Charles Hamilton II) is free in asking for relief before a “United States Federal Court” for unfair treatment before a “Civil Court Suit of Law in Common Law.
 And Violation of the Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) IVX Amendment providing full “Equal Protection of the Laws” of the Defendant (The United States of America)
      Pro Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II enjoy Actual, accumulative, compensatory, consequential, continuing, expectation damages, foreseeable, future,
 Hedonic, incidental, indeterminate, reparable, lawful, treble under (RICO), proximate, prospective, special, speculative, substantial, punitive, and permanent damages
      Declaration Judgment by a “Jury Trial” that each and every claim, accusation, assertion, contention and charges in all
Allegations as described fully herein against all Defendants, and their agents being entry into the action of this cause in full favor of the Plaintiff Hamilton II (Negro) Black Africa American
Plaintiff Awarded Compensations Claims for “serious past, present, and future Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress
And undue “Mental Anguish” being imposed, tariff and levy both past, current, and future to include but not limited to for the Defendant
 (The United States of America) extreme and outrageous acts and action as described completely herein:           
      And for all “Deem just and being Honorable before this United States Federal Court Justice” herein During a lawful proceeding on the behalf of the Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein.
Dated this _______ day of ___________2011 in our Lord

Respectfully Submitted By:

                  Louis Charles Hamilton II
                                   Pro Se Plaintiff
                  P.O. Box 20126
                  Houston Texas 77225

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