Saturday, September 10, 2011

Louis Charles Hamilton (Cmdr. Bluefin) vs. The United States of America and "Hurricane Katrina" Civil Complaint" part VIII

 “Equal Protection of the Laws of the United States of America,
And The Local Civil Laws governing The State of Louisiana, was fully apply against the Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein actual granted Civil protected Rights of 1964,
To include direct conflict with the Pro Se Plaintiff Will, Dignity, Judicial Respect, and freedom as all other national origins mutable races classes fully enjoy at present
And continue to enjoy into the unknown future “other than the Complaining Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton) here within the United States of America as present” none equal protection in civil suit in “Common Law” before a Honorable Court.
With Defendant(s) “The United States of America et al “Plotting, schemeing, and maneuverings a imposed systematic criminal (RICO) actions and acts” in collision with (Zanders) and (Dennis et al)
Fully ruling effective and forever to be a continual civil case price fixing scheme of things as of this undersign date causing the infliction of extreme hardship of homeless upon the Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) here since 2007 throughout the under signed date herein 2011 year of our Lord,
From the Judicial exercise wrongful conduct “pattern(s) and practices” in (among other things) the denied rightful “Equal Protection of the Constitutional of Defendant (The United States Laws)
On the behalf of the Plaintiff in among other thing Civil Action in Common Law with the Defendant possession, custody and control a United States Federal Courthouse, directed fully against the Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein.
Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton further respectful before the “Honorable Justice” complain furtherance’s that The Federal Head Justice U.S. Judge dismissing the Plaintiff herein (Sound proven) Motion
To fully and forever comply in the recusal of U.S. Magistrate Karen Wells Roby with (her) extreme and outrageous uncanny peculiar “involvement with perfect protection over (Zanders Attorney at Law) legal welfare
 To include but not limited to Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein quite professional finding facts of a very possible circumstances surrounding (all) of the strange acts, events, extreme hostility
And actions oddly by (Roby) was very factual secret and “Intimate partner” with 24/7 Pro Se (Zanders Esq.) and the criminal (RIOC) protection was indeed for the same “Intimate partner” as well.
The Federal U.S. Judge having commit to the same deceitful underhanded acts in denied the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein said same “Equal Protection” of the laws of the Defendant (The United States of America) in suit in common law,
Particular extra tricky in additional Fraudulent misrepresentation, complete cover up the material destruction of records and photo facts and providing extra special distortion
While “conniving a additional criminal (RICO) scheme “patter and practices” with the same (Dennis et al) and (Zanders Attorney at Law) “Hurricane Katrina” files, records, and
Especially after the sound deposited into Court evidences, picture perfect depicted evidences in all time frame smart exhibits  file for expert Prima Facie distinctive support of all claims raised
“HoweverObviously The Defendant (The United States of America) provided unconventional “Case Fixing & Corruption”
in aid & abet for one (Willie M. Zanders Attorney at Law) and (Walter and Rosemary Dennis et al) under the disguise of a Federal “Judicial Civil Proceedings” held before said described Defendant
 (The United States of America) usage of “Judges” specializing in the
 "big fix" in collusion with  24/7 Pro Se (Willie M. Zanders Attorney at Law Esq.), and (The Hurricane Katrina Damage Homeowners Walter and Rosemary Dennis et al)
      Engaging in furtherance of fraud of the U.S Court system,

      Actual fraud conspiracy, in case fixing, falsification of official Court records. Aided in obstruction of justice

And conspiracy in Hiding assets with the connivance of all illegal activates being conducted during alleged “Honorable Court Proceedings”

To sabotage Plaintiff herein (Hamilton II) Completely against his civil alleged right, peace, dignity and will solely
Because if Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II was allow to legally proceeded the evidence would have indeed uncover the facts that would put (Zanders)
“Facing full disbarment” for a very long time for all of the criminal (RICO) mail and wire fraud as described by the Pro Se Plaintiff herein.
To include provide (Absolute) full Judicial protection over (Zanders ) reputation being remain intact while engaging in a $US400 Million Dollars Class Action on behalf of New Orleans Teachers suit
During the exact same time fame as Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein U. S. Federal Hurricane Katrina Trial.

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