Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Part VII Pro Se Plaintiff "Sherlock Holmes Case of: "The Crooked Mormon" “Maureen Blackburn Jennings Esq.”U.S. No.00240

Pro Se Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) herein assert “honest and very” respectful before the
“Honorable Justice” Plaintiff personal property 1994 Utah Home Movie Video
 “However” required (actual) film production studio technology giving the main fact the 1994 Home Movie Video was not a DVD being copy off of
This was a very particular (older) VH1 Movie Picture Video being transferred to a small DVD upload device.
Therefore the Defendant (The United States of America U.S. Attorney Office et al) “quickly surmise”
Before they could not obtain a simple study copy of The Pro Se Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) Cmdr. Bluefin (Mr. Mom) movie
From the Confederate Co-Defendant CVS/Caremark Corporation et al “Kodak Picture Kiosk” (Port pass 6843)
 Like their U.S. Government surveillance spying net worth having access to (among others)
 “Wire” (Port pass # 6843) with plenty of making themselves at “easy home producing” whatever hard copies off any “DVD and or photographic material
giving special factors Defendant (The United States of America) herein needs maybe on whatever terrorist subject.
And a “copy” would only be a “copy” “However” (Plaintiff) assert now “crooked is as crooked” will surly do in having thievery of the whole
“Cmdr. Bluefin” (Mr. Mom) “Master” copy home “Utah” 1994 movie within the possession of the Defendant
(The United States of America) custody, control, supervision, safekeeping for 1000% “demolition” and complete “destruction” thus
Fully eliminate for the U.S. Attorney office et al “Civil Damaging control favor,
And providing Judicial obstruction control in any damaging 2 Dead Daughters Utah 1994 Home move by Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II)
As a major physical exhibit(s) being filed in particular U.S. Civil Federal Action Docket No. 00808 in regards of the Plaintiff herein (Natural) 2 Dead missing Daughters
“Chandra and Natasha Hamilton” herein and their Dead beautiful “imagery”, “physical live moving descriptions”, special pretty similes, their combine soft voices,  
On a 1994 Home Utah movie forever criminally annihilation from Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) here prize “treasury possession” and from the existences of Plaintiff own (Family)
Obstruction of personal property from forever being upload on Plaintiff (Hamilton II) Cmdr. Bluefin Youtube.Com account
Or anyone on earth ever having complete knowledge in seeing the 2 daughters complain of movie actually existences,
 Or a “Jury or “Honorable Judge” having the missing 2 dead daughters imagery appear before their own eyes to behold.
Confederate Crooked Corporation Co-Defendant United Parcel Services (UPS) herein having the exact tracking information,
Provided by Confederate Crooked Corporation Co-Defendant (CVS/Caremark et al)
Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) physical ID on the (UPS) package and the complete delivery route.

Part VI Pro Se Plaintiff "Sherlock Holmes Case of: "The Crooked Mormon" “Maureen Blackburn Jennings Esq.”U.S. No.00240

Before the “Honorable Justice” Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) respectfully assert, state, declare, Respectfully with supporting exhibit
 (B) and (C) herein photographs exhibits” of Kodak Picture Kiosk Computer high tech enhancement center CVS/Caremark Corporation machine. (Port Pass 6843)
Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein assert respectful before the “Honorable Justice” (Port Pass 6843) as described on Plaintiff exhibit (D)
 a copy of a receipt for the 917 Main street Houston Texas store #6834
      Clearly showing a tracking No. and order ID Number for said Kodak Picture Kiosk Port6843 Commercial transaction.
Plaintiff shall make this as plan as possible, if your “Honorable Justice” was to take (his) “Naughty Kink super naked sexy video of the “Wife”
Doing OMG “what”…
Or worst Dude with Sick Kiddy Child Minor Porn
Or even worst a
 And home grown bombing creep having all of components for the high tech making for a nuclear “dirt bomb” and have it ready for a
Photographic computerized” purchase from the Kodak Picture Kiosk (Port pass 6843) for a  “reproduction”, “duplicate”, “photocopy”, “replicate copy”, to do whatever crazy with.
Now you sign your (Actual) name Nidal Malik Hasan on the receipt with your mail address, phone number and credit card information
if you did so make the purchase without cash for the reproduction video of the components for the high tech making for a nuclear “dirt bomb”.
Or you sign your (Actual) name (Creep Who Loves 8 year old “Kiddy Porn”) on the receipt with your mail address, phone number
And credit card information if you did so make the purchase without cash for the Kiddy Porn reproduction
Or you sign your (Actual) name “Honorable Magistrate Justice” who just took (his) “Naughty Kink Super Naked Sexy video of the
“Sexy Wife” doing OMG “what in the Hell is that” in that extra naked goodies flesh leaking out all over everywhere… J
(1). Well Nidal Malik Hasan going to have a (Army) of G-Men Tactical Team hit his house/apartment
So hard and extra so scary fast, he will be wondering how in the Hell they got to me so fast…
Answer Kodak Picture Kiosk (Port pass 6843) told on his Dirty bombing Sorry Ass.
(2). Well (Creep Who Loves 8 year old “Kiddy Porn”) wondering why his door bell ring at 3:45 am while he “Kiddy Porn on the Internet”
And the voice on the other side talking: “Pizza delivery” (yet) he (Creep Who Loves 8 year old “Kiddy Porn”)
Don’t remember ordering a dam pizza, (open the door to cuss the dumb pizza man out to find a FBI gun stuck in your face kiddy porn having ass “Get on the Ground”
(3). And finally “Honorable Magistrate Justice” who just got home from CVS/Caremark Corporation store with (his) surprise of “Naughty Kink super naked extra copy (Video) of
Sexy Holy Hell look at the wife go on doing OMG in that extra Naked goodies flesh leaking out all over everywhere…
Well my special G-men friends in their secrete subterranean location substation underneath “Diamond Head” be hitting me up on the back channels
Say Hey “Cmdr. Bluefin” are you (really) appearing before the Honorable Federal Magistrate Justice in Beaumont Texas,
Dude look at this “naughty video showing what exactly what his “wife” is really working with, WOW J
Want some “pop corn and a beer”   J
……You (your) Honorable Federal Justice Magistrate never even Know we spent hours (laughing) and J
Mean while “Kiddy 8 year old Porn dude looking at 25 years,
plus with the (obtain) now search warrant and the stock pile seizure of Kiddy Porn down load of the “Internet”
Kiddy Creep he has no legal standing (Thinking to himself who can he Rat out) J
G-Men (all) eating donuts standing around (looking cool) “easy work”
 Idiot Dummy Kiddy Porn dude scratching hard in hand cuff trying to figure out how in the hell they (G-men) got me so clean and quick”
 (Simple Answer) Kodak Picture Kiosk (Port pass 6843) told on his “Sheep Roach Scank Nuts fixing to get 25 to life “Special Prison for The Kiddy Creep Porn Dude Sorry Trick Ass.
Now the Pro Se Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) making copy of 2 Dead Daughters Video very pissed off at the
Bloody United States of America for a long boat load of LDS Ladder Day Crooked Killer Saints Death-n-Destruction
Simply enter Naval Code Name: “Cmdr. Bluefin” on (Simple Answer) Kodak Picture Kiosk (Port pass 6843) with the menacing extra code name (Mr. Mom) title
And the next thing “Crooked” CVS/Caremark (Port pass 6843) done extra rat and told on old Pro Se Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) herein
Having very damaging 2 Dead Daughters Utah video evidence against the Defendant (The United States of America) herein
Already “Cmdr. Bluefin” since 1980 code name (alone) is enough to make (any) wire in the “Entire World
Start speaking with loud “Buzz”. (What is “Cmdr. Bluefin” up to now)  J

Part V Pro Se Plaintiff "Sherlock Holmes Case of: "The Crooked Mormon" “Maureen Blackburn Jennings Esq.”U.S. No.00240

Summation Précis    
Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein respectfully instantaneously directs the “Honorable Justice” swift concentration to Plaintiff exhibit (A) solid sounding proof:
a. I am the complaining customer in a missing “Video tape”
b.  United Parcel Services (UPS) claim # 34840164
c. United Parcel Services (UPS) tracking No. 1ZW881789044632784
d. Dated March 11, 2011
e. United Parcel Services (UPS) looking for tape on 11th day of March 2011 will fax finding to the store (CVS/Caremark).
f.   My (Plaintiff) name on the document and own cell phone No.
Before the “Honorable Justice” Plaintiff respectfully assert “strong legal condemnation” of enduring “wrongful abduction & direct destruction of personal property namely
A 1994 Utah Home Movie Video of Plaintiff 2 Dead Daughters for cover up, mask, obscure, insurance, protection and crooked jacket
 In favor of the Defendant (The United States of America) acting agents (The United States Attorney Office et al)
As described in the Amend Complaint of the tomb robbery creepy sinister criminal (RICO) acts and actions involving (among other things)
 In High Tech “Wire” espionage concert, recital, gig and performance with Confederate Corporation Crooked Co-Defendant United Parcel Services (UPS) herein
And Confederate Corporation Crooked Co-Defendant CVS/Caremark Corporation et al
In Violations of Title 18 U.S.C. § 1346 Honest Services Fraud
 (The Federal Mail Fraud and Wire Statue) Title 18, United States Code, Section 1014,
Corruption at the highest level of Business and government to steal, plunder,
Supply real obstruction of Justice of a Federal Civil Proceeding before the (already) undersign
 “Honorable Magistrate Justice” herein in U.S. Docket No CV-00808 Hamilton vs. President Andrew Johnson and President Rutherford B. Hayes,
With in tow the “out of the ordinary extra peculiar” hostile numerous “Mail abductions” of (among other things)
 The Defendant (The United States of America) “Summons and Civil Complaint # 00808 thereof in “Washington D.C. at the United States Department of Justice Office”
Mail C/o United State Attorney “Eric H. Holder Jr.”
As described against all (Crooked Corrupted Parties) fully in the Amend Complaint to this abnormal weird events, and circumstances
Involved for a “time frame” of (5) long extra (Dead months) going on (6) months having now almost elapse as of this undersign date
“With No” Crooked Confederate Co-Defendant United Parcel Services (UPS) herein (actual) finding of Pro Se Plaintiff (Property Fully Abduction) having been forth coming, made conclusive, brought to light,
Beyond any question of “irrefutable evidence”, all “material facts”, “events”, and, “crooked high tech robbing circumstances”,
In a sounding report of some sort, Presented to the Co-Defendant store, (CVS/Caremark Corporation et al), herein, in Houston Texas.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Part IV Pro Se Plaintiff "Sherlock Holmes Case of: "The Crooked Mormon" “Maureen Blackburn Jennings Esq.”U.S. No.00240

So it’s no extra complicated long and drawn out Slow Halloween mystery for you “Maureen Blackburn Jennings” (Attorney at Law),
a quick “short story “up date”
Assistant U.S. Attorney Andrea L. Parker in her (Hostile) pursuit to outsmart the “Sherlock Holmes” Mystery Write
and Especially Pro Se Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) herein
Went for the big brass crooked bitch balls in the direct cause of the Unholy Train wreck
Believing in U.S. Assistant Attorney Andrea L. Parker of America abuse of power and Mutable Corporation plots in high tech wire thievery thus landing (Stupid Herself)
And the Entire United States of America U.S. Attorney office et al in this matter now before the “Honorable Justice”.
You’re Crooked Partner in A/k/a “High Tech Thievery Corporation Crime” (against) the Pro Se Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) herein
 Co-staring that being Crooked CVS/Caremark Corporation et al “Worthless Band of Pirate Dogs”.
And why is all of the curious triple dancing twisted underhanded scheming of (RICO) “Wire mail fraud criminal events and circumstances
"You wonder your (Attorney) brains what would bring such a XXX grand display of
 “High Tech Corporation Espionage Thievery against a little old simple
(1) Real Dirty Extra White Ashy Ankles Homeless (Negro) warranting your Professional High Dollar Services

(Crooked Mormon Simple Answer)
1. My Dead wife they (Crooked Mormons) dump her into an unknown grave somewhere under another assume (name) other than her marriage name of (Hamilton)
    to continue keep  her from (Husband) being me after she took her (own life) to be free finally in a what I figure “liberty or death” from years of all of the Crooked Mormons stealing 4 of her children and killing 2 other of her babies, and driving us Fu=king crazy.
2.  The (Crooked Mormons) killed “our” First Unborn Baby to destroy our own family life too and attempt to stop our marriage.

3. The (Crooked Mormons) Kidnap my own 2 daughters after the “Death of their Mother my Wife”
whom my 2 daughters are very much dead to me from my (own) natural life over (17) some plus years since 1994.

4. The (Crooked Mormons) kidnap my step daughters so many controlling times in this long twisted sorry road of a LDS Mormon Nation train wreck.

5.  The (Crooked Mormons) declare me the (actual) “Evil and very much the Devil” “So Live in Court records to further finish off kidnap my 2 step daughters under Mormon Religious practices to make my wife step daughter (half negro and half white babies) possession of Ladder Day Saints Church
 (Wife was actually change into Christian women after her first marriage to the step daughter (Negro) father all of which very much took place before she even met me (Rachel) wanting to be free from her Mormon family).

6. The (Crooked Mormons) even arrange the (KKK) to come destroy my home in the middle of a Utah Winter and attempt to seriously “freeze” me and (family) out of our home in order to arrange a kidnap family plot attempt of my 2 step daughters from their “mother and me.

7. Me (Now) Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein Very Pissed Off and Exile over (17) years now living far away from my “dam own home” in (Salt Lake City) Utah with a legacy of an “Entire Dead Family”.
To include but not limited to a bunch of straight out of the HOLY HELL Tell from the “Crypt of Mummy Mormon Tomb”
Crazy LDS Utah Nation Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saints unholy Church religious prosecution sorry ass events,
 Which led to the “stupid abduction” of the personal property of the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein 2 dead daughters’ Home (2) special treasury movies on a video, to include but not limited to
Because the other partner in this long (RICO) “Wire” crime being Co-Defendant CVS/Caremark Crooked Corporation et al herein
“Main computer tracking system” in their every day commercial business operation(s) is very much “configuration”
And compromise in advantage of the Defendant (The United States of America) herein “All Government surveillances wire agency’s 
And (now) you “Maureen Blackburn Jennings” (Attorney at Law), having also a
 “Star role” in the “New Sherlock Holmes” case of “The Crooked Mormon” (Congratulations) J
With a role of a Professional (Attorney et al) to now figure how in the hell to help cover all of this (UPS) loser sorry ass crap up,
Along with the (Many) U.S. Attorneys Agents for the Defendant (The United States of America) cover up loser ass crap in U.S. Federal Docket No.CV-00808
 Also that Case filed in Beaumont Texas or as better known as The Sherlock Holmes Grand Case of “The Crooked Dead President”
If it help everything is on the “Internet”. And Federal Court Files J
Which the only question of real need (important now) in your extra understanding (Attorney Brains)
I figure is now how in the hell and why this is particular “Sherlock Holmes” Case of “The Crooked Mormon” your involved in Federal Action is not filed in a Houston Texas Federal USDA Courthouse
Since all of the “Crooked Mormon Tomb Robbing” events took place within the Jurisdiction of the Bob Casey Federal Court House herein in Houston Texas.
(Simple Answer)
“Conflict of Interest”
The Bob Casey Federal Courthouse and The Texas Harris County District Courthouse (Both) are in a (RICO) charged civil case price fixing scheme of things involved with
Houston Texas Scrooge Attorney (1) Harry C. Arthur Esq. and the Infamous “Hole in the Wall gang” U.S. Federal Civil No. 1:2011-CV-00122 A/k/a
“Sherlock Holmes” Grand Case of:
 “The Talking Treasure Box”, It’s all on the “Internet and the Federal Courthouse files  J    K.
And finally your wonder how in the Freaking Hell some (Obviously) crazy ass “Fu=king Nigger is running (all) lose on the “Internet” writing Sherlock Holmes Grand Mystery Stories  J
(Simple Answer)
All Sherlock Holmes Mystery Stories their (really) Non-Fiction J
And Second
Your Dog Ass Greedy (UPS) “United Parcel Services” Extra Slow Special Ed. Corporation Greedy sell out bunch of scank snake cookie nuts crooked sorry ass are real Corrupted
Very unholy Clueless when Duh”
Decide to take a walk on the (RICO) crooked wrong wild side of things with their Greedy Corporation power
and hand over my personal property to the Crooked United States of America U.S. Attorney office et al.
And I guess they thought me was going to take it in the “slow rectum”
 To include but not limited to somebody should have told them (UPS Bastards)
Before they decide to go Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz Flying Lost Stolen Cabin with the “High Tech Thievery-n-Thangs
That I am also “Cmdr. Bluefin” United States “Navy Ninja”
 (Sort of keep it on the wraps kind of 80s Thang) J
(He is sort of XXX Crazy I heard) and The CEO of Bluefin Inc. (if that helps) J
They (United Parcel Services) UPS Corporation XXX Crooks should have done their thievery crooked “Simple Special Ed. Home work”.
And not stole my 2 dead Babies home (Utah) move in the “dam crooked thievery” first place,
Seem Big Powerful Corporations keep on with jester grand thoughts of all of us (Black Negro African American are still slow after the slavery beating too) ….
Now I have to “legally hunt” the CEO of (UPS)  asphalt breath sticky fingers four pig eyes, shark teeth, frog nuts and  
 The Crooked Killer Mormons life totally down, slap the legal crap also out of the United States of America Attorney office et al
And legally pimp smack the rest of you “all” legally down in your unholy crypts before the “Honorable Justice” in serious regards to the High Tech Thievery
of my Dead Babies Movie and the aid and abet in cover up my Dead Wife, and my (sorry)exile life from my home in Salt lake City Utah
Till we get it all “Grand Polish” –n- legally fu=king straight about this well devise premeditated abduction plot
Via (Also) United Parcel Services (UPS) sorry hide and through their now retain High Dollar End
 “legal mouth piece hide” (Attorney at Law Esq.) which is you “Maureen Blackburn Jennings”   J     

Part III Pro Se Plaintiff "Sherlock Holmes Case of: "The Crooked Mormon" “Maureen Blackburn Jennings Esq.”U.S. No.00240

Before the Honorable Justice herein they made me even “Cry” (we got serious problems) and
These particular “Crooked” Corporation Confederate Co-Defendant herein
United Parcel Services (UPS) through a retain Counsel of Record
“Maureen Blackburn Jennings” (Attorney at Law), Texas Bar No. 02385280, Federal ID No.:09523
700 Louisiana Street, Suite 2600, Houston Texas 77002
Unholy Seeks a Dismissal for the “Sherlock Holmes” Case of “The Crooked Mormon” J
And very (Really) quite serious too  J
Give me back my (2) “Dead Daughters” Chandra D. Hamilton and Natasha C. Hamilton 1994 (Salt Lake City) Utah Home Move Video
And dismissal your “Crooked Motherfucking Collective (UPS) et al Corporation Greedy Asses on out the fu=king door.
No Movie well (we got majors bitch problems ya crooks)
Attorney of record that be you “Maureen Blackburn Jennings” (Attorney at Law),
Respectfully can tell your “Crooked Corporation High Dollar End CEO Freaks of Sorry Ass Client(s)
*See Plaintiff exhibit (A) their receipt for a lost video tape that they abducted,
(The Dummies) while conducted their (UPS)“investigation” called the Number on Pro Se Plaintiff exhibit (A)
 With my name next to it no less and thought they were talking to CVS/Caremark “Houston Texas” store,
(Anyway) well during our very deep depth phone conversation I just let the (Bitch) on the other end
Explain how I was robe in (house) transit on the way to the “Film Production Studio” by a rolling “Fort Knox” 100% Safe proof on “Crooked  Thievery Driving Wheels”
The (Bitch) conducting the investigation went on further in details as to how the box container
 I personally closed for transport with the CVS/Caremark store staff is now busted into when it arrived at the unknown “Film Production Studio”
  Everybody on earth including especially at United Parcel Services (UPS) is keeping
“Special State Secrete” in regards to my 2 dead missing daughters (now) missing Utah home video Movie
Now all requiring filing of said “Civil Action” absolutely needing Extra Heavy Duty Judicial Honorable Justice “Dynamite”
 To now get the fucking straight answers out of your Clown Low down dog ass crooked Clients A/k/a United Parcel Services (UPS).

Monday, August 29, 2011

Part II Pro Se Plaintiff vs. (UPS) “Maureen Blackburn Jennings” (Attorney at Law), Motion in opposition dismiss U.S. No.00240

Defendant (The United States of America) “Agents” Namely, United States Attorney, “Eric H. Holder Jr.”,
United States Attorney, “John M. Bales”, and Assistant United States Attorney “Andrea L. Parker”
Clear back during the exact time frame from the Broadcast and posting by: “Cmdr. Bluefin” said described defendants agents
Namely, United States Attorney, “Eric H. Holder Jr.”, United States Attorney, “John M. Bales”, and Assistant United States Attorney “Andrea Parker”
Already were well in place by the numerous established “Patriot Acts production” of mutable wire surveillance placements upon the Pro Se Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) herein,
To include but not limited to factual circumstance, events completely now showing Defendant (The United States of America) herein having imposed special hidden provisions with (All) of their
Government surveillances agencies having “absolute access”, “admission”, “entrée”, “retrieve”, fully being undisclosed to or “without any of” the “Customer complete conscious Knowledge”
Rightful of log on due, just privileges access into (all) the Confederate Co-Defendant CVS/Caremark Corporation herein high tech
 “Photographic” “computerized” “reproduction”, “duplicate”, “photocopy”, “replicate copy”, “printed of every disc”, “publication”, picture, movie” item”, version
Fully obtain upon and or provided on the Computer rise touch screen for “KODAK Picture Kiosk”
Defendant (The United States of America) herein having unfetter, set free, unshackle, release, open access to scrutinize, examine, search,
Examination, read quickly glance at, skim through, check, make a copy, duplication,
 Reproduction of (any and all) just completely scan of any and (all) walk-in customers within the “United States of America”
Future entire “privacy” “photographs”, “pictures”, “DVD”, “Home Movies”, “motion pictures”, “film”, and “private shows”
In (All) of the Computerized touch screen for “KODAK Picture Kiosk”, computer system(s), at (all) CVS/Caremark Corporation et al stores, within the entire United States of America.
With the complete “without any written, oral, or formal notice” the Defendant (The United States of America) herein having complete legal standing salvage, recoup, pick up  
Abduction, kidnap, seizure, confiscation, capture, removal, “commandeering rights” of any(s) “U.S. Customers” configuration in the commercial Business operation within
Any CVS/Caremark Corporation et al stores “Nationwide” providing their customer own
“Personal privacy” “photographs”, “pictures”, “DVD”, “Home Movies”, “motion pictures”, “film”,
And “private shows” for whatever any customers copy(s) or duplications purchase reasoning maybe.

United Parcel Services, (UPS) “Maureen Blackburn Jennings” (Attorney at Law), Motion in opposition to dismiss U.S. No.00240

In The United States District Court
For the Eastern District of Texas
Beaumont Division
Louis Charles Hamilton II
(Negro African American)   Docket No. 1:2011 CV-OO240
                     Plaintiff            Motion in opposition of
       Vs.                                       United Parcel Services
United States of America              (UPS) to Dismiss
United States Attorney, “Eric H. Holder Jr.”
United States Attorney, “John M. Bales”
Assistant United States Attorney, “Andrea Parker”
UPS (United Parcel Services et al) 
CVS/Caremark Corporation et al
Are (actually physically),
Confederate-Co-Defendant(s) Herein.

Comes now the Plaintiff herein “Louis Charles Hamilton II”, appearing Pro Se (again) J
Files Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) Motion and exhibit(s) herein fully in “Opposition of Confederate Co-Defendant (United Parcel Services) (UPS) herein Motion to dismiss through retain Counsel of Record
“Maureen Blackburn Jennings” (Attorney at Law), Texas Bar No. 02385280, Federal ID No.:09523
700 Louisiana Street, Suite 2600, Houston Texas 77002
With the above Honorable United States Federal Court Justice” and for Just cause Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II here respectful out of the occult happen come about to,
Come to pass, and become known everything “truthful quite factual and (sorry) having to emerge (now) before The Honorable Justice” with a continue involving Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) at the Eastern District of Texas “Beaumont Division” as follows:
Pro Se Plaintiff
Louis Charles Hamilton II, African American Male, Currently (Still) Homeless U.S. Navy Veteran, Permanently Disable Citizen protected under: (ADA) American with Disability Act;
And also minorities persons cover under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Domiciliary State of Texas, P.O. Box 20126 Houston, Texas 77225
(United States of America et al)
“United States Attorney” “Eric H. Holder Jr.”
“United States Attorney” “John M. Bales”
*(Assistant United States Attorney) “Andrea Parker”
Are all above-Attorney(s) at Law in and for the United States of America and directly 100% in command, control, rule, manipulation, and domination jurisdiction Defendant (s) et al herein
UPS (United Parcel Services et al)
Founded in 1907 as a messenger company in the United States, UPS has grown into a multi-billion-dollar corporation
The world's largest package delivery company and a leading global provider of specialized transportation and logistics services.
55 Glenlake Parkway NE Atlanta, GA 30328
(UPS) Crooked, Cunning, Shrewdness, Sneaky Back Stabbing Bastards, Devious Doggy Scank Nuts Co-Confederate,
Ally, partner in wicked grave robbery crime, “thievery maggot breath” Co-conspirator “Big Billions” Corporation faith in unholy Greedy vile Corrupted Crime Co-Defendant(s) herein
CVS/Caremark Corporation et al
CVS Caremark Corporation (NYSECVS) headquartered in Woonsocket, Rhode Island, where its pharmacy business is also headquartered.
 CVS/pharmacy is one of the nation's largest retail pharmacy chains, with over 7,000 stores across 41 states.
“Loathsome monstrous worm scank nuts”, malicious scandalous rat pack of puke bark breaths,
Underhanded dirty skid mark nut scratching, very unscrupulous thievery band of “Benedict Arnold” gutless leaking fart face,
 Sorry Ass Crooked Broken Back Snake yoke crawling snails pirates Co-Defendant(s) herein
Said United States Attorney(s) at Law defendant(s) et al  administer & supervise hostile (RICO) acts and actions in the real theft and misusage of all follow tactics “singularly on in combination” of all “USA PATRIOT ACT”:
Sec. 201. Authority to intercept wire, oral, and electronic communications relating to terrorism
Sec. 202.  Authority to intercept wire, oral, and electronic communications relating to computer fraud and abuse offenses.
Sec. 203. Authority to share criminal investigative information.
Sec. 204 Clarification of intelligence exceptions from limitations on interception and disclosure of wire, oral and electronic communications.
To include Defendant(s) and Co-defendant(s) collectively in concert in Violations of Title 18 U.S.C. § 1346 Honest Services Fraud
 (The Federal Mail Fraud and Wire Statue) Title 18, United States Code, Section 1014,
To include Defendant(s) and Co-Defendant(s) collectively in concert in violations of Title 18 U.S.C. § 1341, 1343 and 1349 “Mail and Wire Fraud

Committed by all described above United States Attorney(s) et al Defendant(s), and in full collusion, conspiracy
 and compliances by each Co-Defendants described herein all being fully in knowledge criminal collusion for the criminal aid with Co-Defendant (UPS et al), And Co-Defendant(s) (CVS/Caremark et al)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sherlock Holmes Case: "The Crooked Dead President" The End By: Louis Charles Hamilton II Docket No.00808

The “Honorable Justice” Fully having (Authority) for the behalf of all (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African American Refugee Descendants herein

(We) respectfully furtherance asserts before the “Honorable Justice”

Issue of a further “Honorable Court Justice Orders” “injunction embargo” further imposed that requiring the immediate,
Frozen Assets of exactly 4.2 Trillion US Dollars
To necessary fully protect this Honorable Court Justice” ability to award all rightful equitable relief sought of all assets,
Moneys and property held directly or indirectly by the Defendant (The United States of America) And;
 Or by others for Defendant (United States of America et al) direct and indirect beneficial interest is necessary
To effectuate and ensure compliance with the freeze imposed on the Defendant (United States of America)
Assets, preserve the books, records, property and documents of Defendant (United States of America et al),
This Honorable Court Justices” having the full ability to determine during any further hearing if required to the extent to which the freeze
 should be lifted as to certain assets in the custody of Defendant (The United States of America) and
Immediate forfeiture from the Defendants (The United States of America $80 Billion US Dollars;
Is necessary, just and proper in light of all the
“Now provided clear and convicting, condemn and villain evidence of a very knowledgeable extremes and outrageous, conduct with
Actions, of a total harmful continual “deadly genocide and crimes against humanity nature”
Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Negro Refugee descendants Respectfully before the “Honorable Justice” requirements of an
additional order Prohibiting the Defendant (The United States of America et al )
From further destruction, concealment, or alteration of any and all documents by defendant in relationship to this civil action; and a
Preliminarily enjoying of Defendant (The United States of America et al) and their “Congressmen”, partners, owners, agents, employees, attorneys,
Or other Professional, confederates of anyone acting in concert with them, and any third party from filing a bankruptcy, default on any
 “National Treasury Debts” legal proceeding in regards to the (actual) assets of the Defendant (The United States of America) herein
Without filing a motion on at least three (3) day’s notice to the Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) and approval of this “Honorable Court Justice” after hearing;
All Plaintiff and Plaintiff (s) (Negro) Blood Heritages African American refugee descendants here in state with great certain beliefs
Of the quick corruption the Defendant (The United States of America)
 and its “white ruling supremacy class can muster, assemble, rally, marshal, congregate on any given second
Notice after over 300 years of (KKK) device theft of (Negro) voting rights in the controlling past and present interest
Over all of the Plaintiff and Plaintiff (s) (Negro) Blood Heritages Black African American refugee descendants
“National Treasury funding with absolute over 300 hundreds (plus) years of mismanage, abuse, gross neglect, abduction, embezzlement, make a hash of, mess up, rip off,  
a restraining order is not enjoyed at this time on behalf of Plaintiff and Plaintiff (s) (Negro) "Blood Heritages"
Black African American refugee descendants and the Pro Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II
For an enforcement of all rightful freezes of all assets as described for proper inspection, studies and examination for evidences for all monetary Judgments in this action
Plaintiff and Plaintiff (s) (Negro) Blood Heritages Black African American refugee descendants herein seeks; without the Honorable Court Justices” enforcement;
Plaintiff and Plaintiff (s) (Negro) Blood Heritages Black African American refugee descendants herein and Pro Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II is (all) at further “great risk”,
In large part of Defendant (The United States of America)
Multi-ability to provide oppression, poverty stricken, control, domination by white ruling class enforcement of Government Sponsor Genocide Statehood,
Massive for a period of over 300 years directly at the Plaintiff and Plaintiff (s) (Negro) Blood Heritages Black African American refugee descendants herein
Of absolute financial devastating corruption, fraud, dishonesty, sleazy human destruction,
Mutable (RICO) scheme, racket , deception, smoke and mirrors, deceit, trickery, cheating, treachery,
Crimes against Humanity for Wrongful Deaths associated with (Racial) mass premeditated murders, slaughters,
 Massacres, riots, carnages, butchery, overwhelm, overpower, kidnapping(s),
 And or alter, hiding, deposal, refusal of, and or transferring of all of the described Assets, property and “National Treasury” herein collectively of the Defendant (The United States of America).
The Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Negro Black African American refugee descendants herein Respectfully strongly, declare, state, emphasize, affirm, contend, defend, maintain, uphold,

Assert of having no legal ability at this current time frame to correctly obtain all correct and truthful knowledge of the Assets of the defendant (USA) herein
Base upon the evidence filed herein and the Defendants (The United States of America) collective continue desire in the destruction of material records,, concealment  

Providing mutable false fiancé’s allegations in connection to fraud of The Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Negro Black African American refugee descendants past “Blood Heritages” out of “Billions”

Of monetary U.S. Treasury funds in regards to long history of thievery of poll taxes (among other sham), criminal (RICO) pattern and practices of force cheap labor price fixing racket 1865-1968

To the now very crude “white ruling class supremacy overpower of the “U.S. National Treasury Fund” of the Defendants (The United States of America) herein 2011 time frame

To finish, conclude, crush, beat, engulf, impose poverty, joblessness, mass prison intake, famine, oppression, strife, excel force abortion genocide statehood,

Still ongoing hidden 2011-2012 “Black Codes and Jim Crow Laws White Ruling Supremacy Elite Society”

Forever continue uncouth inhumane infliction of mass misery and mass terminate executions of deaths upon the already devastated Slavery abused legacy history of

 All (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African American refugee descendants herein

This discouraging, unpromising, bleak, impossible, doomed to fore ever failure, pathetic hopeless continue undersign time frame date.

 All of (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African American refugee descendants herein and Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II
at this time frame respectfully moves the Honorable U.S. District Court Justice”
After due consider, deliberate, take into account, ponder, mull over, contemplate, bear in mind and respectfully confer with “Lady Justice”
expedite for an Order on the Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African American refugee descendants herein
and Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II behalf to:
Asking Defendant (The United States of America et al) herein to appear through counsel of record
 (The United Sates Attorney Eric H. Holder Jr. and (all) United States Assistant Attorney(s) et al)
Before the “Honorable Court Justice”
 At a hearing date fully set in concrete in this matter preset to show cause why a Temporary order freezes all 5.2 Trillion US Dollars
Of described asset(s) herein of Defendant (The United States of America) through both pre-post proceedings
 And further asking Defendants (The United States of America) to show caused why an Order to Secure Issue of an “Honorable Court Justice Orders” further that requiring

Any further Abortions of (Any) Negro Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African American refugee descendants “Blood Heritage” herein

and to include but not limited to the Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein own family (members)

Require a Full Doctor Order(s) fully base upon emergency and extenuation case by case extreme serious of nature circumstances for a abortion.

With the (Already) New Fully Funded Freeman Bureau $80 Billion US Dollars & “Agency Social Services” family planning & prenatal program(s).
And further asking Defendants (The United States of America) to show “Just serious caused why an Order to Secure Issue of an “Honorable Court Justice Orders”
Further that requiring immediate instantaneous high priority forfeiture of $80 Billion US Dollars of the Defendant (The United States of America) herein
 Into the “New” 2011-2012, Freeman Bureau Federal Reserve Bank.
 All Defendants records, documents and assets of (The United States of America), not being granted in Negro Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African American refugee descendants “Blood Heritage” herein
Favor and enforced on the Negro Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African American refugee descendants “Blood Heritage” herein
Behalf throughout both pre-post proceedings by the Honorable Court Justice”
With Negro Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African American refugee descendants “Blood Heritage” herein further enjoying
 The Honorable Court further protected Orders: Prohibiting Defendants (The United States of America et al)
Engaging in the destruction, concealment, or alteration of all documents, papers, records, credentials, assets, books,
and property(s) owned by defendants (The United States of America);
And With further orders of this Honorable Court: requirement(s) directing Defendant (The United States of America)
To provide a verified accounting immediately, including, but not limited to,
A verified written accounting of (The United States of America) interests in all entities owned,
 In whole or in part, or controlled by, related to, or associated or affiliated with (The United States of America) in the United States of America.
With a Preliminarily enjoying all of the Defendants herein described above in (The United States of America) and their partners, owners, agents,
Employees, attorneys, or other Professional, anyone acting in concert with them, and any third party from filing a bankruptcy default of
“U.S. National Treasury” proceeding in regards to the assets of the Defendants in (The United States of America)
Without filing a motion on at least three (3) day’s notice to the Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein and approval of this Honorable Court Justice after hearing;
Definition: “Assets” In financial accounting, assets are economic resources. Anything tangible or intangible that is capable of being owned or controlled to produce value and that is held to have positive economic value is considered an asset. Simply stated,

Assets represent ownership of value that can be converted into cash (although cash itself is also considered an asset).

The balance sheet of a firm records the monetary value of the assets owned by the firm. It is money and other valuables belonging to an individual or business.

      Two major asset classes are tangible assets and intangible assets. Tangible assets contain various subclasses, including current assets
and fixed assets.

Current assets include inventory, while fixed assets include such items as buildings and equipment.

Intangible assets are nonphysical resources and rights that have a value to the firm because they give the firm some kind of advantage in the market place.

Examples of intangible assets are goodwill, copyrights, trademarks, patents and computer programs,
And financial assets, including such items as accounts receivable, bonds and stocks.

Current assets are cash and other assets expected to be converted to cash, sold, or consumed either in a year or in the operating cycle (whichever is longer),

Without disturbing the normal operations of a business. These assets are continually turned over in the course of a business during normal business activity.
There are 5 major items included into current assets:
1. Cash and cash equivalents — it is the most liquid asset, which includes currency, deposit accounts, and negotiable instruments (e.g., money orders, cheque, bank drafts).
2. Short-term investments — include securities bought and held for sale in the near future to generate income on short-term price differences (trading securities).
3. Receivables — usually reported as net of allowance for uncollectable accounts.
4. Inventory — trading these assets is a normal business of a company. The inventory value reported on the balance sheet is usually the historical cost or fair market value, whichever is lower. This is known as the "lower of cost or market" rule.
5. Prepaid expenses — these are expenses paid in cash and recorded as assets before they are used or consumed (a common example is insurance). See also adjusting entries.
Long-term investments
Often referred to simply as "investments". Long-term investments are to be held for many years and are not intended to be disposed of in the near future. This group usually consists of four types of investments:

1. Investments in securities such as bonds, common stock, or long-term notes.
2. Investments in fixed assets not used in operations (e.g., land held for sale).
3. Investments in special funds (e.g. sinking funds or pension funds).
Different forms of insurance may also be treated as long term investments.

Fixed assets

Also referred to as PPE (property, plant, and equipment), these are purchased for continued and long-term use in earning profit in a business. This group includes as an asset land, buildings,

machinery, furniture, tools, and certain wasting resources e.g., timberland and minerals. They are written off against profits over their anticipated life by charging depreciation expenses (with exception of land assets).

 Accumulated depreciation is shown in the face of the balance sheet or in the notes.
These are also called capital assets in management accounting.

 Intangible assets

 They include patents, copyrights, franchises, goodwill, trademarks, trade names, etc. These assets are (according to US GAAP) amortized to expense over 5 to 40 years with the exception of goodwill.

 Tangible assets

Tangible assets are those that have a physical substance and can be touched, such as currencies, buildings, real estate, vehicles, inventories, equipment, and precious metals.

      With all commercial records, banking records both personal & business, all documents, rent receipts and all other documents relating

To the Business records of this action and all defendant herein collective personal records.

And for any other reasoning this Honorable U.S. District Court in and For the Southern Eastern District of Texas, Beaumont Division,
Deems Just Honorable and proper on the behalf of (All) Negro Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African American refugee descendants “Blood Heritage” herein
And “The Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II.

 Respectfully submitted and
      Dated On the ______,

Day of our Lord
 __________, 2011

 “Sherlock Holmes”
 Case of the Crooked Dead President  J

      By, ____________________________
            Louis Charles Hamilton II
            Pro Se Plaintiff
            P.O. Box 20126
                   Houston, Texas 77225