Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Execution & Genocide against All “Mulatto” races (Negros) vs. LDS Mormon Utah Nation Defendant (USA) Docket No. 00808

All (Negro) Plaintiff Black African Americans and all Plaintiff(s) (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans Refugees herein state before the Honorable Justice

(Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African American refugee descendants Child-bearing amongst slaves started around the age of thirteen,
And by twenty the women would be expected to have four or five children.

To encourage child-bearing some Defendant (The United States of America) cruel, callous, pitiless “white ruling class” population owners of the Defendant (The United States of America) promised

(Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African American refugee women slaves their freedom after they had produced *”fifteen children”. (15)

The fathers of these children were sometimes the slave-owner or his white friends.
 As slaves were the property of the plantation owner, the crime against humanity of rape against all (Negro) Plaintiff Black African American

 And all (Negro) Plaintiff Black African American refugee descendants herein by (Any) of the Defendant (The United States of America)

 “Whites Supremacy ruling class” was not considered a crime at all in the (USA) “New World”.
 First-generation children of mixed race were called mulattoes.

Some of the most important (Negro) Plaintiff Black African American and (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African American descendants refugees slave narratives were written by mulattoes.

All (Negro) Plaintiff Black African Americans and all Plaintiff(s) (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans Refugees herein assert respectful before the “Honorable Justice” in the Defendant (The United States of America) state namely In Louisiana,

 The term Creole came to represent children of black or racially mixed parents as well as children of French and Spanish descent with no racial mixing.
Persons of “French and Spanish” descent in New Orleans and St. Louis began referring to themselves

As Creoles after the Defendant (The United States of America) Louisiana Purchase to set themselves apart from the Anglo-Americans who moved into the area.

         Janice Hayes-Williams. “Our legacy”: “Mulatto children often kept as slaves despite the Defendant (The United States of America laws at time.”Maryland Gazette. 2006.

(All) Negros Plaintiff Black African American and Plaintiff(s) Black African American refugees herein, state, declare, and affirm respectful before the “Honorable Justice”
On February 12th, 1912

“Mulatto Axe Murders in Louisiana and Texas being an unidentified Killer (or Killers) “Slaughtered (49) “victims
In each case the dead were “Mulattos or members of families with “Mulatto Children, the “Crimes” was on the basis of mixed races.

(All) Negros Plaintiff Black African American and Plaintiff(s) Black African American refugees herein, state, declare, and affirm respectful before the “Honorable Justice”

“Malicious”, “nasty”, “mean” and “very ungodly” “ruthless crimes” against the “humanity”, will, dignity, civil rights, peace, and rights for life being committed against (All) the “Mulatto” races (Negro) Plaintiff Black African American

And (All) (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African American refugees descendants herein is a direct cause for action before the “Honorable Justice”

 To include but not limited to the legal establish (Negro) Plaintiff Black African American and (All) (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African American refugees descendants herein


“Moreover Prima Facie Case” against the Defendant (The United States of America) herein and in full collusion, sponsor, direction, plan with “White Supremacy Ruling Class

Full intent on “ruthless crimes” infliction of premeditated wrongful deaths, associated with mass murder, slaughter, hangings, and killing of sorts

 Against the “humanity”, will, dignity, civil rights, peace, and “rights for human life” being criminally committed and directed against (All) the “Mulatto” races within the Defendant (USA) to include

“Absolute Genocide Execution” and religious extermination” of all Human Mulattoes races (Negro) Plaintiff Black African American and (All) (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African American refugees descendants herein from the time frame of 1852 throughout 1877

 Within the Defendant (The United States of America) “Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saints Mormon LDC “Utah Nation” under circumstances, evidences, conformation, facts, verification,
Brigham Young preached that God's Law demanded that:

“Interracial couples should be "killed on the spot" along with their children by having their throats cut, and their blood spilling upon the ground.

"Blood Atonement" was regularly practiced, religiously prosecuted and enforced fully a execution of “Death

In Defendant (The United States of America) “Church of Jesus Christ” of Ladder Day Saints Mormon LDS Mormon Utah Nation


1852 until 1877 fully wrongfully enforced against the peace, rights, will, and dignity of (All) Negros Plaintiff Black African American

 And Plaintiff(s) Black African American refugees’ interracial family herein and their “Mulattoes races off spring babies”.

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