Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Part IV Pro Se Plaintiff "Sherlock Holmes Case of: "The Crooked Mormon" “Maureen Blackburn Jennings Esq.”U.S. No.00240

So it’s no extra complicated long and drawn out Slow Halloween mystery for you “Maureen Blackburn Jennings” (Attorney at Law),
a quick “short story “up date”
Assistant U.S. Attorney Andrea L. Parker in her (Hostile) pursuit to outsmart the “Sherlock Holmes” Mystery Write
and Especially Pro Se Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) herein
Went for the big brass crooked bitch balls in the direct cause of the Unholy Train wreck
Believing in U.S. Assistant Attorney Andrea L. Parker of America abuse of power and Mutable Corporation plots in high tech wire thievery thus landing (Stupid Herself)
And the Entire United States of America U.S. Attorney office et al in this matter now before the “Honorable Justice”.
You’re Crooked Partner in A/k/a “High Tech Thievery Corporation Crime” (against) the Pro Se Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) herein
 Co-staring that being Crooked CVS/Caremark Corporation et al “Worthless Band of Pirate Dogs”.
And why is all of the curious triple dancing twisted underhanded scheming of (RICO) “Wire mail fraud criminal events and circumstances
"You wonder your (Attorney) brains what would bring such a XXX grand display of
 “High Tech Corporation Espionage Thievery against a little old simple
(1) Real Dirty Extra White Ashy Ankles Homeless (Negro) warranting your Professional High Dollar Services

(Crooked Mormon Simple Answer)
1. My Dead wife they (Crooked Mormons) dump her into an unknown grave somewhere under another assume (name) other than her marriage name of (Hamilton)
    to continue keep  her from (Husband) being me after she took her (own life) to be free finally in a what I figure “liberty or death” from years of all of the Crooked Mormons stealing 4 of her children and killing 2 other of her babies, and driving us Fu=king crazy.
2.  The (Crooked Mormons) killed “our” First Unborn Baby to destroy our own family life too and attempt to stop our marriage.

3. The (Crooked Mormons) Kidnap my own 2 daughters after the “Death of their Mother my Wife”
whom my 2 daughters are very much dead to me from my (own) natural life over (17) some plus years since 1994.

4. The (Crooked Mormons) kidnap my step daughters so many controlling times in this long twisted sorry road of a LDS Mormon Nation train wreck.

5.  The (Crooked Mormons) declare me the (actual) “Evil and very much the Devil” “So Live in Court records to further finish off kidnap my 2 step daughters under Mormon Religious practices to make my wife step daughter (half negro and half white babies) possession of Ladder Day Saints Church
 (Wife was actually change into Christian women after her first marriage to the step daughter (Negro) father all of which very much took place before she even met me (Rachel) wanting to be free from her Mormon family).

6. The (Crooked Mormons) even arrange the (KKK) to come destroy my home in the middle of a Utah Winter and attempt to seriously “freeze” me and (family) out of our home in order to arrange a kidnap family plot attempt of my 2 step daughters from their “mother and me.

7. Me (Now) Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein Very Pissed Off and Exile over (17) years now living far away from my “dam own home” in (Salt Lake City) Utah with a legacy of an “Entire Dead Family”.
To include but not limited to a bunch of straight out of the HOLY HELL Tell from the “Crypt of Mummy Mormon Tomb”
Crazy LDS Utah Nation Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saints unholy Church religious prosecution sorry ass events,
 Which led to the “stupid abduction” of the personal property of the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein 2 dead daughters’ Home (2) special treasury movies on a video, to include but not limited to
Because the other partner in this long (RICO) “Wire” crime being Co-Defendant CVS/Caremark Crooked Corporation et al herein
“Main computer tracking system” in their every day commercial business operation(s) is very much “configuration”
And compromise in advantage of the Defendant (The United States of America) herein “All Government surveillances wire agency’s 
And (now) you “Maureen Blackburn Jennings” (Attorney at Law), having also a
 “Star role” in the “New Sherlock Holmes” case of “The Crooked Mormon” (Congratulations) J
With a role of a Professional (Attorney et al) to now figure how in the hell to help cover all of this (UPS) loser sorry ass crap up,
Along with the (Many) U.S. Attorneys Agents for the Defendant (The United States of America) cover up loser ass crap in U.S. Federal Docket No.CV-00808
 Also that Case filed in Beaumont Texas or as better known as The Sherlock Holmes Grand Case of “The Crooked Dead President”
If it help everything is on the “Internet”. And Federal Court Files J
Which the only question of real need (important now) in your extra understanding (Attorney Brains)
I figure is now how in the hell and why this is particular “Sherlock Holmes” Case of “The Crooked Mormon” your involved in Federal Action is not filed in a Houston Texas Federal USDA Courthouse
Since all of the “Crooked Mormon Tomb Robbing” events took place within the Jurisdiction of the Bob Casey Federal Court House herein in Houston Texas.
(Simple Answer)
“Conflict of Interest”
The Bob Casey Federal Courthouse and The Texas Harris County District Courthouse (Both) are in a (RICO) charged civil case price fixing scheme of things involved with
Houston Texas Scrooge Attorney (1) Harry C. Arthur Esq. and the Infamous “Hole in the Wall gang” U.S. Federal Civil No. 1:2011-CV-00122 A/k/a
“Sherlock Holmes” Grand Case of:
 “The Talking Treasure Box”, It’s all on the “Internet and the Federal Courthouse files  J    K.
And finally your wonder how in the Freaking Hell some (Obviously) crazy ass “Fu=king Nigger is running (all) lose on the “Internet” writing Sherlock Holmes Grand Mystery Stories  J
(Simple Answer)
All Sherlock Holmes Mystery Stories their (really) Non-Fiction J
And Second
Your Dog Ass Greedy (UPS) “United Parcel Services” Extra Slow Special Ed. Corporation Greedy sell out bunch of scank snake cookie nuts crooked sorry ass are real Corrupted
Very unholy Clueless when Duh”
Decide to take a walk on the (RICO) crooked wrong wild side of things with their Greedy Corporation power
and hand over my personal property to the Crooked United States of America U.S. Attorney office et al.
And I guess they thought me was going to take it in the “slow rectum”
 To include but not limited to somebody should have told them (UPS Bastards)
Before they decide to go Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz Flying Lost Stolen Cabin with the “High Tech Thievery-n-Thangs
That I am also “Cmdr. Bluefin” United States “Navy Ninja”
 (Sort of keep it on the wraps kind of 80s Thang) J
(He is sort of XXX Crazy I heard) and The CEO of Bluefin Inc. (if that helps) J
They (United Parcel Services) UPS Corporation XXX Crooks should have done their thievery crooked “Simple Special Ed. Home work”.
And not stole my 2 dead Babies home (Utah) move in the “dam crooked thievery” first place,
Seem Big Powerful Corporations keep on with jester grand thoughts of all of us (Black Negro African American are still slow after the slavery beating too) ….
Now I have to “legally hunt” the CEO of (UPS)  asphalt breath sticky fingers four pig eyes, shark teeth, frog nuts and  
 The Crooked Killer Mormons life totally down, slap the legal crap also out of the United States of America Attorney office et al
And legally pimp smack the rest of you “all” legally down in your unholy crypts before the “Honorable Justice” in serious regards to the High Tech Thievery
of my Dead Babies Movie and the aid and abet in cover up my Dead Wife, and my (sorry)exile life from my home in Salt lake City Utah
Till we get it all “Grand Polish” –n- legally fu=king straight about this well devise premeditated abduction plot
Via (Also) United Parcel Services (UPS) sorry hide and through their now retain High Dollar End
 “legal mouth piece hide” (Attorney at Law Esq.) which is you “Maureen Blackburn Jennings”   J     

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