Thursday, August 18, 2011

"Sherlock Holmes" Final Conclusion 140 years of extreme “race motive” infliction of “premeditated wrongful deaths” and hardship vs. (USA) 00808

Defendant (The United States of America) Northern merchants profited from the importation of (Negro) Plaintiff Black African American
And (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans descendants refugees “slaves” herein, while Defendant (The United States of America)
“White ruling class Southern planters profited from the continued enslavement of (Negro) Plaintiff Black African American and (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans descendants refugees “slaves”
The Defendant United States of America, Congressman John Conyers of the State of Michigan introduced H.R. 40 in 1997 which, if enacted,
Would having past establish a commission to examine the possibility of payment of reparations to persons of African ancestry in the United States.
A proposal that some type of compensation should be provided to the (Negro) Plaintiff Black African American
And (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans descendants refugees of enslaved people in the United States,
In consideration of the massive coerced and uncompensated labor the(Negro) Plaintiff Black African American
And (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans descendants refugees ancestors performed over several centuries.
This compensation has been proposed in a variety of forms, from individual monetary payments to land-based compensation schemes related to independence.
The idea remains highly controversial and no broad consensus exists as to how it could be implemented.
                        The Problems of Pass Peace
All rebel (Confederate) leaders were pardoned by Co-Defendant President Andrew Johnson in 1868.

Freedmen Define Freedom
Emancipation took effect unevenly in different parts of the conquered Confederacy. 
Some slaves resisted the liberating Union armies due to their loyalty to their masters. 

The church became the focus of (Negro) black African American refugee descendant community life in the years following emancipation. 

(Negro) Plaintiff Black African American and All (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans and their refugee descendants herein Blacks formed their own churches pastured by their own ministers. 

Education also arose for the (Negro) Plaintiff(s) black refugee descendants due to the emancipation proclamation. 

All (Negro) Black Plaintiff(s) African American refugee descendants now had the opportunity to learn to read and write. 

The Freedmen's Bureau

Because many (Negro) Plaintiff Black African American and All (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans and their refugee descendants herein

      Freedmen (those who were freed from slavery) were unskilled, unlettered, without property or money, and with little knowledge of how to survive as free people,

Defendant (The United States of America) Congress created the Freedmen's Bureau on March 3, 1865

It was intended to provide clothing, medical care, food, and education to both freedmen and white refugees. 

 Union general Oliver O. Howard led the bureau. 

 The bureau's greatest success was teaching (Negro) Plaintiff Black African American and All (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans and their refugee descendants herein blacks to read. 

 Because it was despised by the Co-Defendant President Andrew Johnson and by “White Ruling Class Southerners,

The Freedmen's Bureau was in all viewpoint, characteristic, aspect, and phase completely wrongfully destroyed, demolished and shattered and fully expired in 1872 with funding to keep it from such out of business.

Negro) Plaintiff Black African American and (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans descendant refugees herein
Assert, declare very respectful before the “Honorable Justice Defendant in the time frame of 1865-2011

Defendant (The United States of America), Co-Defendant President Andrew Johnson, “White Ruling Class, and Current U.S. House of Representatives having a lasting legacy of

140 years of extreme “race motive” infliction of “premeditated wrongful deaths” associated with “mass murder” by their paramilitary (KKK),

  Lasting furtherance’s legacy of 140 years of extreme infliction of gross medical and health neglect, theft of poll taxes, extortion, shake down, obtain by threat, trickery
Iron clad dealing in oppression, cruelty, tyranny, domination, defamation, religious prosecution & religious imposed genocide

 Into a continue hostile *212th Republicans (Tea Party) screams for “more” undue infliction of “poor & misery” for the (Negros) races

Accompany with “ignorant disgusting mass murder device of unborn (Negro) babies abortions, crass imposed homelessness,

Gross medical and awful health neglect, Iron clad oppression, uncouth cruelty, uncivilized screams for tyranny, dreadful domination, Nasty (Negro) Prison Boom Town USA,

Congressmen manmade treasury campaign computation of “National State” of ruin, destruction and damage tidal wave of “criminal (RICO) syndicate obstructionism
Has come into the Defendant (The United States of America) U.S. House of Representatives

All (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African American refugee descendants herein making very clear before the “Honorable Justice”

 (We) clear that (We) understood where the criminal (RICO) syndicate obstruction

lays in the Defendant (The United States of America) herein Government right now

As the 44th Executive Branch President (Obama) encourage for appeals for dealing in civil eradicating racial discrimination, from (Professional) congressmen sworn duties to put country first before (Political Party of personal selfish greed)

Directly solely at the Defendant (USA) (Negro) races population to be finish off in annihilation fashion of
The poorest of the poorest living on a future economy of imposed discourage dismay and Genocide Statehood. 

All (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African American refugee descendants herein making very clear before the “Honorable Justice”

The Defendant (The United States of America) House of Representatives passed a resolution apologizing to African-Americans for slavery and the era of Jim Crow.
The nonbinding resolution, which passed on a voice vote, was introduced by Rep. Steve Cohen, a white lawmaker who represents a majority black district in Memphis, Tennessee.
While many states of the Defendant (USA) herein have apologized for slavery, it is the first time a branch of the federal government has done so, an aide to Cohen said.
In passing the resolution, the House also acknowledged the "injustice, cruelty, brutality and inhumanity of slavery and Jim Crow."
The resolution states that "the vestiges of Jim Crow continue to this day."

"African-Americans continue to suffer from the consequences of slavery and Jim Crow -- long after both systems were formally abolished -- through enormous damage and loss,
Both tangible and intangible, including the loss of human dignity and liberty, the frustration of careers and professional lives, and the long-term loss of income and opportunity," the resolution states.
The resolution does not address the controversial issue of reparations. Some members of the African-American community have called on lawmakers
To give cash payments or other financial benefits to descendents of slaves as compensation for the suffering caused by slavery.
The Defendant (The United State of America) House of Representatives in 2008 also committed itself to stopping "the occurrence of human rights violations in the future."

And said House of Representatives (Peacefully) did too……

In 2011 The Infamous *212 U.S. House of Representatives (Tea Party) Premeditated, calculation, computation and Killed off All Poor (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African American refugee descendants herein
40 Billion “Job Bill” (among others self-aid National bills) and adopted the instituted of the old same non-changing “misery”, “gloom”, “oppression” “desolation”, “wretchedness”,
“Agony”, “suffering”, “poverty-stricken”, “destitution”, and “loss of massive lives in a (USA) Government sponsor “Genocide Statehood”
To include but not limited to the legal assurance, assertion, and guarantee of *212th Republican (Tea Party) oath of any kind of apology or equivalent future to the “white supremacy ruling class” shall never, ever be forth coming.

All (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African American refugee descendants herein making very clear before the “Honorable Justice”

A resolution apologizing to (All) (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African-American refugee descendant herein for slavery and the era of Jim Crow

Never (puzzling) made it official to the Defendant U.S. Senate voting floor on Defendant (The United States of America) Capitol Hill.


The words of Justice Louis Brandeis:

"Decency, security and liberty alike demand that government officials shall be subjected to the rules of conduct that are commands to the citizen.

In a government of laws, existence of the government will be imperiled if it fails to observe the law scrupulously. Our government is the potent, omnipresent teacher.

 For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious.

 If the government becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for the law, it invites every man to come a law unto himself. It invites anarchy. (United States v. Olmstead, 277 U.S. 438 (1928).


(We) All (Negro) Plaintiff Black African American

And (We) All (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans and their refugee “Blood Heritage” descendants herein

Moves respectful before the “Honorable Justice for the following

1. To denied the Defendant motion to dismiss in full or in part(s) with prejudice

2.  Implemented and put into operation Union general Oliver O. Howard

3. The 2011-2012 (National) re-established Freedmen's Bureau with all monetary damages awards for said) re-established Freedmen's Bureau provision in the establishment for the guarantee “decency, security, and liberty All (Negro) Plaintiff Black African American

4. And all (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans and their refugee “Blood Heritage” descendants herein.

For the full legal behalf of all (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African American refugee descendants herein
And Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) family

(I) present before the United States of America. Honorable Justice’

“Sherlock Holmes” Grand Mystery Case of:

            “The Crooked Dead President”

Respectfully submitted by:  
Louis Charles Hamilton II  
 Pro Se Plaintiff
Cmdr. Bluefin (United States Navy)

Dated this ______ day in our lord 2011         

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