Thursday, August 4, 2011

Conclusion (All) Negro African American herein file "Default Motion" Docket No.1:2010-CV-00808 vs. Defendant (The United States of America et al)

The Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II, further declare before the “Honorable Justice” Defendant (The United State of America) acting agents
(The United States of America) Namely, United States Attorney, “Eric H. Holder Jr.”, United States Attorney, “John M. Bales”, and Assistant United States Attorney “Andrea Parker”
Further supply complete criminal (RICO) mail abduction of Certified Mail Delivery in Washington D.C. at 10: am on May 9th 2011 (Zip) 20530 Delivery conformation No. #70110110000109060227
 Namely (1) Federal Amend Complaint & Civil Summons in the Matter Docket No.1:10-CV-00808
All (Negros) Black African Americans and their descendants in and for the Entire United States of America vs. The United States of America et al, President Andrew Johnson, and President Rutherford B. Hayes,
 Charging Defendant (The United States of America) collectively with (Among other mutable serious charges)
“Mass Murder”, “Genocide”, “Mutable Civil Rights Violations”, all being crimes against the (Negro) Humanity, to include ”Theft of Taxes”,
 To further include the complete criminal and civil “Death & Destruction” of the Pro Se Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) herein very on “entire family” in the Defendant “Utah” Mormon Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saints LDS Nation
With (Negro) Pro Se Plaintiff Black African American and All (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans herein declare, assert and seeking “actual damages” in excess of (Six) Trillion, (80) Million Dollars alone.
To include but not limited to Defendant Namely, United States Attorney, “Eric H. Holder Jr.”, United States Attorney, “John M. Bales”, and Assistant United States Attorney “Andrea Parker” further scam-n-supply to the complete (RICO) criminal abduction “High jacking” acts and actions again against another
(2) Additional First class fully already made Mail Delivery in Washington D.C. at 10: am on May 9th 2011 @ 4:37 am 2011 (Zip) 20530
And @ 10:55am on May 9th 2011 (Zip) 20530
Delivery conformation numbers:
Namely several further United States Federal Court Mail docket No. 1:10-CV-00808 from the Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II, herein behalf and
Also Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein appearing for the full behalf and complete legal civil interest in suit in common law for all of the United States of America Entire Black African Americans races and their Negro (Blood heritage descendants) ,
Being all past, present, and future vs. The United States of America et al, as fully described in said civil filed complaint,
Being on file with the Clerk of Court office before the “Honorable Justice” entertainment U.S. Docket No.1:10-CV-00808.
*See Plaintiff (Hamilton II) attached exhibit (A), (B) and (C) showing all out going “Mail to the Defendant (The United States of America) agents (The United States Attorney office.
*See Plaintiff (Hamilton II) attached exhibit (D) The Assistant United States Attorney Andrea L. Parker, foot note (1) fully bogus in complete denial of official U.S. Federal United States District Court Mailing activates between the parties for docket no. 00808
With the obvious “kidnapping, abduction and destruction” of the Defendant (The United States of America) “very own” U.S. Mail contain a Federal “Summons and Complaint Docket No. 00808
 *See Pro Se Plaintiff exhibit (A), (B), and (C) United States Postal Office tracking numbers, paid receipts and return certified documentations
Plaintiff sound standing 100% legal proof all services of process for a Civil Summons and Complaint was completed upon (The United States of America) agents The United States Attorney offices in both
Washington D. C. and Beaumont Texas as required by the rules of Fed. Rules of Civil Procedures.
And the Defendant(s) (The United States of America) acting agents, (The United States Attorney) “Eric H. Holder Jr.”,
United States Attorney “John M. Bales”, and Assistant United States Attorney “Andrea Parker” mutable violations of (Among other things) USA PATRIOT Act (H. R. 3162)
 To wrongfully control, deal with, direct, handle, supervise and “fully” attempting to civilly train wreck manage”
The Pro Se (Negro) Plaintiff (Hamilton II) and All (Negros) Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans and descendants “Civil Negro Class Action suit in common law” by committing:
(1). Theft of Plaintiff personal property & “Civil Federal Evidence for filing” Namely a 1994 Utah (Home Video) of Plaintiff (Hamilton II) two missing since 1994 minor daughters, Chandra and Natasha Hamilton
(2) Theft of the United States Mail, at 10: am on May 9th 2011 (Zip) 20530 Delivery conformation No. #70110110000109060227
Namely (1) Civil Complaint & Summons for the Defendant (The United States of America), Co-Defendant President Andrew Johnson and Co-Defendant President Rutherford B. Hayes Docket No 00808 fully past post date and “Indeed mail to Washington D.C.
All Defendant(s) herein being The United States Attorney “Eric H. Holder Jr.”, United States Attorney “John M. Bales”, and Assistant United States Attorney “Andrea Parker”
(3) Theft of the United States Mail further scam-n-supply to the complete (RICO) criminal abduction “High jacking” acts and actions again against another additional First class fully already made Mail Delivery in Washington D.C. at 10: am on May 9th 2011 @ 4:37 am 2011 (Zip) 20530
And @ 10:55am on May 9th 2011 (Zip) 20530
Delivery conformation numbers:
Namely “theft” of additional several further United States Federal Court Mail docket No. 1:10-CV-00808 from the Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II, herein behalf and
Also Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein appearing for the full behalf and complete legal civil interest in suit in common law for all of the United States of America Entire Black African Americans races and their Negro (Blood heritage descendants) mail was intended for their full legal interest being made to suffer from such criminal  as corruption as fully described herein.
To include but not limited to Defendant(s) (The United States of America) agents (The United States Attorney Office et al)
And United Parcel Services, and CVS/Caremark Corporation et al as described in Amend Complaint U.S. District Court docket No. CV-000240 collectively in concert in Violations of Title 18 U.S.C. § 1346 Honest Services Fraud
 (The Federal Mail Fraud and Wire Statue) Title 18, United States Code, Section 1014,

To include Defendant(s) (The United States of America) agents United States Attorney, “Eric H. Holder Jr.”, United States Attorney, “John M. Bales” and Assistant United States Attorney, “Andrea Parker”
And (UPS) United Parcel Services (UPS) and CVS/Caremark Corporation et al collectively concert in violations of Title 18 U.S.C. § 1341, 1343 and 1349 “Mail and Wire Fraud
To include but not limited to Defendant (The United States of America) agents supervision, direction and collusion over the (UPS et al) and (CVS/Pharmacy et al) usage of their “Public services” as described herein to act very in a manner “wicked”, “delinquent”, “villain” “scandalous”, “senseless” “excessive”, “illicit”, and “outlandish” “racial” with “criminal immoral conduct”
“Fully Intent” and “directed against” the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) by usage of (2) Central processing unit “Computer tracking system devices”
 Defendants herein (The United States of America) agents (The United States Attorney Office et al) Serious premeditated Plotting, scheming, maneuvering against all of the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) entire civil suit in common law, political, Christian religion, movements.
With confederate (UPS et al) and CVS/Pharmacy et al “Fully Intent” and “actions directed against” the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) peace will, civil rights, and dignity, personal property in (among other things) suit “in common civil law” for the scheming in the insurance of “total destruction” of both “personal property” and “physical evidence” for a “Federal Civil Court of Law Trial” prosecuted by the Plaintiff herein “Louis Charles Hamilton II
And to

To include but not limited to Defendant (The United States of America) agents United States Attorney, “Eric H. Holder Jr.”, United States Attorney, “John M. Bales” and Assistant United States Attorney, “Andrea Parker” further supervision, direction and collusion over:
1.   USA PATRIOT Act (H. R. 3162)
2.   United States Mail, at 10: am on May 9th 2011 (Zip) 20530 Delivery conformation No. #70110110000109060227
3.  United States Mail Delivery in Washington D.C. at 10: am on May 9th 2011 @ 4:37 am 2011 (Zip) 20530  And @ 10:55am on May 9th 2011 (Zip) 20530 Delivery conformation numbers:

Defendant (The United States of America) agents collectively committing to obstruction of Justice @ two counts United States Attorney “Eric H. Holder Jr.”, United States Attorney “John M. Bales” and Assistant United States Attorney “Andrea Parker”.
1. For the direct straightforward abduction & destruction of (Plaintiff) personal property a 1994 “Home Utah Video” being physical evidences in process for a Live Federal Civil suit in Common Law in the custody and control of the CVS/Caremark Corporation and (UPS) United Parcel Services.
2.  Aid and abetting and conspire in the “Obstruction of Justice For the direct straightforward abduction & destruction of United States Mail, at 10: am on May 9th 2011 (Zip) 20530 Delivery conformation No. #70110110000109060227 Namely (1) Summons and Complaint for Docket No. CV00808 All (Negros) Black African Americans in and for the United States of America vs. United States of America et al, President Andrew Johnson, and President Rutherford B. Hayes.
3. Aid and abetting and conspire in the “Obstruction of Justice For the direct straightforward abduction & destruction of United States Mail Delivery in Washington D.C. at 10: am on May 9th 2011 @ 4:37 am 2011 (Zip) 20530  And @ 10:55am on May 9th 2011 (Zip) 20530 Delivery conformation numbers:
03103490000156145703 and 03103490000156145710
While Defendant (The United States of America) agents collectively committing maintain to (among other criminal crooked things) namely
Obstruction of Justice @ two counts by United States Attorney “Eric H. Holder Jr.”, United States Attorney “John M. Bales”
And Assistant United States Attorney “Andrea Parker”, identical harmonizing together with extreme fraud upon the “Honorable Justice” Judicial United States Federal Court.

Wherefore the Pro Se (Negro) Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II Black African American herein and
All full behalf of all (Negro) Black African Americans and their descendants herein respectfully moves the above entitled Honorable U.S. District Federal Court for entry of Default Judgment against the Defendant (The United States of America)
And being through their agents (The United States Attorney office) said entry be standing before honest suit in common law
For all of the full committed crooked, corrupted failure to file with the “Clerk of Court” a simple reply to the “Summons and Complaint” served upon them docket No Cv-00808                       
Certificate of Mailing Services
          Comes Now the Pro Se Plaintiff, Louis Charles Hamilton II, Appearing in this Cause No. CV-00808 hereby certify and state against penalty of perjury that the following documents:
1.    Plaintiff Motion to Amend Complaint.
Plaintiff further states regular mail having been received at the address indicated for the Defendant(s) (The United States of America) through attorney of records which is on file with the Clerk Office, Assistant United States of America Attorney Andrea. L. Parker Beaumont Texas (Office) and the United States Attorney Eric H. Holder Jr. Washington D.C.

 Dated the _______ day of __________, 2011

          By, ____________________________
                   Louis Charles Hamilton II
                   Pro Se Plaintiff
                   P.O. Box 20126
                Houston Texas 77225

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