Thursday, August 18, 2011

Plaintiff(s) “Sovereign Immunity Waver” “for "White Ruling Class” (Republican) Hostile Tea Party *212th Congressmen 00808

(Negro) Plaintiff Black African American and All (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans and their descendants herein fully state, declare, and affirm respectful before the “Honorable Justice”
“All (Negro) Plaintiff Black African American and All (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans and their refugee descendants herein having legal standing “Prima Facie Case” against the Defendant (USA)
 For the 2011 corruption of the “Pirate Congressmen(s)” hostile fiscal one sided operations of the Defendant (The United States of America) “Treasury”
And the “unfair visible distribution” by the Defendant (The United States of America) “White Ruling Class” (Republican) Hostile 212th Congress
 Malicious, extreme spiteful, mean and nasty attack of the fiscal budget operations to cause direct oppression, cruelty, domination, tyranny, poorness, hardship
 And massive premeditated “wrongful deaths” associated with “Genocide imposed Abortions fully directed
Against the races of (All) of the (Negro) Plaintiff(s) “Blood Heritage” races future population and human existences standing herein the Defendant (The United States of America)
Being (All) “unkind”, “callous”, “despicable” and quite “shameful unpleasant” & “uncaring” in that said  
 “White Ruling Class” (Republican) Hostile *212th Congressmen malicious, spiteful, mean and nasty acts and actions fully significance in purpose and publicly “World” known of a unprovoked
 “Intend”, “aim”, “wish”, “ungodly crooked direction” and “criminal concentration” was to attack the
“2011 fiscal budget operations” of the Defendant (The United States of America) “Treasury” in a criminal (RICO) syndicate way
 Disfavored, and disadvantage way, device against the “peace”, “will”, “civil rights”, “dignity”, “rights for life” and “humanity” of said (All) (Negros) Plaintiff(s) Black African American descendants refugees herein
With the relevance, importance, cause and consequence before the “Honorable Justice” of the
*212th criminal republican congressmen (RICO) syndicate outcome acts and actions by such the (Professional) promotion of
“Horrid”, “vile”, “unspeakable”, and “beastly” hostile pirate voting treasury abductions conduct(s) by the Defendant (The United States of America)  
Said “All White Ruling Class” (Republican) Hostile *212th Congress effect and achievement (only)
Was to, burn rubber, speediness, zoom, and provide promptness in dealing “Big Business” commerce  “Genocide Statehood unborn (Negro) races innocent babies Deaths ”
While distribution oppression “misery”, “wretchedness”, “grief”, “sorrow”, “distress”, “agony”, “gloom, and misfortune”  
“All (Negro) Plaintiff Black African American and All (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans and their descendants herein further state before the “Honorable Justice”
Civil legal standing “Prima Facie Case” against the Defendant (USA)
In that such unkind, callous, despicable and quite shameful unpleasant & uncaring in that said   “White Ruling Class” (Republican) Hostile 212th Congress malicious, spiteful, mean and nasty acts and actions
Publicly known against the well interest of the (Negro) Plaintiff(s) descendants refugees races
Was fully publicly know to intend, aim, wish, and concentration to hideous provoke a attack
Of the “2011-2012 fiscal budget operations” of the Defendant (The United States of America) “Treasury”
Fully knowledgeable (Professional) “hostile  majority of (Republican) “White Ruling Class” Congressmen knowing the outcome of “direct crooked pirate infliction”
 Of more continue “financial hardship” against (All) of the (Negros) Plaintiff(s) Black African American descendant refugees
 *212th Congress continue conspire, collusion, provide sponsorship, direction, plans, fully prepare,
Arrange, and stimulate engagements with the already the Defendant (The United States of America)
“Absolutely White Supremacy “Sketchy Greedy Crooked” Ruling Class bring about continue “Hardship”
Over the already poor, deprived, underprivileged, poverty-stricken “Conquered and Captured” (All) (Negro) Plaintiff Black African American herein
And (All) of the (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans descendant’s refugees “Oppressed Slaves Subjects” herein
Being furtherance’s Defendant (USA) herein “Government blueprint” design, device, tool, to materially imposed undue (Negro) races
To further meager hardship loss well being of lives, and absolute undue unborn fatal babies death consequence  
The Defendant (The United States of America) “Sovereign Immunity waver” is fully clear, legal precise standing, having apparent understandable, evident facts and circumstances,
Such Defendant (USA) privilege “”Sovereign Immunity” is recognizable in suit in (American) common law being absolute surrender, and relinquish fully by (All) the quite shameful unpleasant & uncaring
“White Ruling Class” (Republican) Hostile *212th Conspiring Congressmen malicious, spiteful, mean and nasty acts and actions
Directed at the” 2011-2012 fiscal operations of the Defendant (The United States of America) “U.S. Treasury”

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