Monday, August 22, 2011

Part IVX All Negro Plaintiff Black African Americans 6 Trillion Dollars Asset Freeze vs. United States of America No. 00808

Harper's Magazine has created an estimate that the total of reparations due to the (Negro) Plaintiff Black African Americans refugee descendants
 Herein and (All) (Negro) Plaintiff Black African Americans refugee descendants
Is over “100” trillion dollars”, based on 222,505,049 hours of forced labor between 1619 and 1865, with a compounded interest of 6%.

Accumulated wealth

In 2008 the American Humanist Association published an article which argued that if emancipated slaves had been allowed to possess and retain the profits of their labor,

Their descendants might now control a much larger share of American social and monetary wealth.
Not only did the (All) (Negro) Black Plaintiff African Americans descendant refugee

And (All) (Negro) Black Plaintiff(s) African Americans descendant refugee freedmen and -women not receive a share of these profits,

 But they were stripped by the Co-Defendant President Andrew Johnson of the small amounts of compensation paid to some of them during Reconstruction.

To include but not limited to Massive Wrongful Deaths due to “White Ruling Class"

 Imposed voting disfranchisement associated with the Defendant (The United States of America) herein

Paramilitary (KKK) premeditated government sponsor “acts and actions” of “Mass Murder”
The wealth of the United States, they say, was greatly enhanced by the exploitation of (All) (Negro) Black Plaintiff African Americans descendant refugee

And (All) (Negro) Black Plaintiff(s) African Americans descendant refugee “slave labor.

According to this view, reparations would be valuable primarily as a way of correcting modern economic imbalance.

The Defendant (The United States of America) “The US Department of Commerce” has calculated that in modern US dollars calculated for inflation

 And interest, slavery imposed “Genocide” of (All) of the (Negro) Black Plaintiff African Americans descendant refugees

And (All) (Negro) Black Plaintiff(s) African Americans descendant refugees generated (Big) trillions of dollars for the Defendant (The United States of America) US economy.

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