Thursday, August 25, 2011

Part XVIII All Negro Plaintiff Black African Americans 6 Trillion Dollars Asset Freeze vs. United States of America No. 00808

1619-1865 The United States of America for 246 years of free “Slave Labor” refuse to pay off a “Private Debit” instead keep to the road of Corporation, Business, Company, Firm, conglomerate greed,

keep the 246 years of free (Negro) Slave Free labor & continue on burrowing on the original loan.

1865- to April 8th 1966 when a Federal Panel in Jackson Mississippi the last Defendant (State) made “poll taxes”

Illegal which theft monetary fund of $2.00 per (Negro) then equal (to $13.53 today) imposed upon the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African American,

And hijacked into the managed “Billions” of “Billions” of (Negro) stolen poll taxes through the U.S. Treasury System for another (156) years

Through The United States of America fraud, deception, scam, racket, and swindle scheme of things

 “Yet” once again for said (156) years while “white ruling crooked class”  Corporation, Business, Company, Firm, Conglomerate greed progress in Building “IVY Top Dollar League Schools”,

“High Dollar End” resorts, golf oasis, Super High Rise Condo, Beach front homes, Locomotives,
And every gadget, toys, and “Shinny Blinks” of outstanding contraptions of amazement for “Lilly White Ruling Class Only”

With (all) of the force imposed poverty stricken poor (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African American refugees races “poll taxes”,

To include but not limited to the actual forcing the (Negro) under a (RICO) labor price fixing scheme of things to build, such creations to booth,

While the United States of America herein fully furtherance’s provide usage of all of the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans refugee descendants herein races ill-gotten gain monetary “poll taxes” from 1865- to April 8th 1966
For another (101) more years of “White Ruling Crooked Class” control, expensive, funding

To fully institute, support, furnish, provide, establish and maintain “The United States of America” Government
Directive, sponsorship of the “Klu Klux Klan” (KKK) to provide intimidation, pressure, fear, terrorization, bullying and coercion

With (all) of the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African American refugees descendants herein
“Poll taxes investments”  to finances creation, manufacture, the full productions of “Massive Wrongful Deaths”

 Associated with premeditated Deaths manly (Lynches, Fire Squads, Bombing & Burning down homes with (Negro) occupants, massive race riots, beat down robbery, imposed poverty, oppression, and “Genocide Statehood” (among other cruel tactics)

And the United States of America continue on 1865- 8th Day of April 1966 in the flat out refuse to pay off fully a “Private Debit”

Instead keep to the road of crooked “White Ruling Class Corporation, Company, firm, conglomerate selfish greed, keep the (101) years of theft of all (Negro) “poll taxes”

And manipulation of labor through the United States of America Slick, Untrustworthy, sly, insincere price fixing labor scheme of things

 Against the all of the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African America refugee descendants herein & flat out refuse to pay off fully a “Private Debit”

Continue on burrowing on the original loan keep to the road of Crooked “White Ruling Class Corporation, Company, firm, conglomerate selfish greed from 8th Day of April 1966 to (Now) August of 2011.
45 more additional underhanded, devious, crafty, crooked “White Ruling Class Corporation, Company, firm, conglomerate selfish greed,

 misusage of the entire Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans refugees here Defendant  “National Treasury Funds”

Against the entire (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans refugees “Blood Heritages” races herein while the United States of America still in (2011)
Cunning, and very crooked extracting from (all) (Negro) “Blood Heritages” races here in their every moving moment F==king “Taxes”  

& The United States of America still boldly “flat out” refuse to pay off their own fully  “Private Debit” Just Crooked Continue on burrowing on the original loan

Keep to the road of Crooked “White Ruling Class Corporation, Company, firm, conglomerate selfish greed from 2011-2012.

 Refuse (all) of the (Negros) “Blood Heritages refugees” a well being, and established working income in 2011 with a added bonus

Congress financial 2011 Coup (against) the Negro President (Obama) with profession conducts of flat out refusal of simple passage of 1of any 7 (Americans) Job Bills by the Defendant (The United States of America) herein “White Ruling Majority Class 212th Congress.

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