Sunday, August 7, 2011

Conclusion Part III All (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans Motion oppostion to "Stay Discovery request Docket No. 00808

       The Defendant (The United States of America) having completely Conquer, “get the better”, “surmount”, “defeat”, “over power”, and just planed old “Rule over” the (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African American “Entire Living and Dead Blood Heritage”
Since the begin time frame of 1619-1865, then O.K. move onto (Negro) freedom on to  “Black Codes” and “Jim Crow Laws” move onto  the Defendant (The United States of America) 1865-1968 (Negro) Civil Rights Movement
 During throughout all time frames of absolute Conquering “oppression genocide periods” sponsor by the Defendant (The United States of America) against All (Negro) Black African American Americans and their most recent past descendant as fully described herein.
 Defendant United States of America) Having fully set in place  “USA Special Sovereignty rights” and “Abuse of power privileges under American Sovereignty rights” for the forever rule advantage of the United States of America” from having any legal fault for crimes against (Negro) humanity,
Furtherance’s defendant self imposed “USA Special Sovereignty” and “Abuse of power privileges” self-government rule legal design mechanism  continue to impose oppression, tyranny, repression, and domination through the Defendant (The United States of America) “White Rule Class” Judicial Court System over its conquer “Money Makers” subjects
Being officially in 2011 approximately 51.8 Million (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African American Refugees herein
All of which still struggling from the “American Civil War” of the Defendant (The United States of America) conflict of “Power of Slavery” for free labor in a controlled independence, self-(USA) government.
All the (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans in and for the “Entire United States of America” legal standing before any legal Defendant (USA) Honorable Court Criminal/Civil Judicial System is that of a descendant of capture 2nd Class Slave Refugees.
March 3rd 1865 Defendant (The United States of America) “Congress” passes the bill that forms the Freedman’s Bureau to aid approximately 4 Million (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African American Refugees from the Defendant (The United States of America) “Civil War”,
“However” Co-Defendant President Andrew Johnson and his confederates (KKK) among other “white ruling class” (Killers) herein completely “Blew up” the entire “physical foundation”, and “congress funding” of the (Negro) Freedman’s Bureau within 3 simple years
 Programming a further legal design mechanism for the Defendant (The United States of America) forever continue impose oppression, tyranny, repression, and domination over
4 Million Now during this time frame “Half Naked”, “famine imposed starving”, “struggling”, “homeless” crying to the “Holy Heaven” for real “help”
The same lost (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African American human Refugees from the Defendant (The United States of America) “Civil War”, of the Defendant (The United States of America) conflict of “Power of Slavery” for free labor in a controlled independence, self-(USA) government,
 Which has time come to pass “Civil War torn” All (Negro) Plaintiff Black African American human refugees living still in a oppression cocoon,
 Growing over time into present 2011 neglected of now approximately “Civil War torn” 51.8 Million (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African American Refugees.
The under signed Pro Se (Negro) Plaintiff (Hamilton II) official “refuge herein” of the Defendant (The United States of America) continue rule in cruelty, tyranny, oppression and gross neglect
Officially appearing before the “Honorable Justice” now in 2011 bring these “Legal” wrong issues (among many others) to include
Namely the absolute entire “Death & Destruction” of the Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) “Entire Own Utah Family”
 1 lovely “Wife”, 2 beautiful “Daughters”, and 1 “unborn baby”,
 to include with the illegal “Theft” of my wife other 2 daughters.
Before the Defendant (USA) supposable respectable Honorable Judicial Federal Court system, in a suit filed in common law no less, and the Defendant (The United States of America) having now through their “Legal Acting Agents”
 The United States of America U.S. Attorney Office et al, having zany ran madcap crazy with imposing furtherance’s “scuttle oppression”, “tyranny”, “repression”, “selective civil denial” and absolute domination over the
Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) physical evidence namely committing to theft, abduction, and scuttling
One 1994 “Utah” Home Movie Video personal property, of daughters “Chandra and Natasha Hamilton”  
To include (RICO) criminal control over (Hamilton II) personal official Federal Court U.S. Mail, to uniformity provide defendant (The United States of America) herein a legal standing defense in further assuming Plaintiff (Hamilton II) cannot prove his case, to you “Your Honor Justice”….
 (The United States of America) “Agents” with covert crooked confederates, (UPS et al) and CVS/Caremark Corporation et al, having completely “Hijack” and cruelty in stolen Plaintiff (Hamilton II) Civil damaging daughters “Utah” home 1994 video, and apply many other covert wrongful interferences  directed to the (Negro) Pro Se Plaintiff (Himself) as described fully herein
And now Defendant (The United States of America) through there acting “Third string” agent Assistant U.S. Attorney “Andrea L. Parker” herein now furtherance’s after committing to all her role as described herein
Seeks safety, security, protection, shelter, wellbeing and full “stay” from all (Negro) Plaintiffs “Heart at the serious Matter” stay on all (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans herein Motion for complete Discovery Request.
Wherefore Pro Se (Negro) Plaintiff (Hamilton II) and All (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans and “Our” descendants herein
We “indicate”,
Before the “Honorable Justice”
 Do you “Sir Judge” not absolutely come to the legal understanding and further feel that Defendant (The United States of America) fully identified herein
Having had enough in counting over Hundreds of plus years of “continue advantages”
 Over the entire (Negro blood heritages ) races “intelligence”, “Civil Rights”, “Equality for Peace”, “Impartiality in suit in common law”,
 “Equal opportunity monetary distributions of congress,
And especially “fairness” in being fully imposed by the Defendant (USA) to be “Slum Dirt Poor”
While all (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans masking “Happiness” in some sort of “lost lasting liberty living” within the Defendant (The United States of America)…?
We “indicate”,
Before the “Honorable Justice”
Defendant Motion Stay Discovery Request” against the Defendant (The United States of America et al), Co-Defendant (President Andrew Johnson),
And Co-Defendant (President Rutherford B. Hayes) is fully denied with prejudice.
We “indicate”,
Before the “Honorable Justice”
“To include but not limited” Your Honor’
We “indicate”
Respectfully to Please gives” Assistant United States Attorney”
Andrea L. Parker something like “Honest” and “Very Historic fulfilling” to “legally occupy” her very abundant (USA) assistant free time
By just submitting a “simple well behaved reply” to all of the (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans simple straight forward “discovery request”
We all so seek said discovery
 “Till this “hot legal disputed matter” is brought before “The Honorable Justice” as described in the “Amend Complaint” against the Defendant (The United States of America et al) in U.S. Docket No CV-00808     

Respectfully submitted by:

Pro Se Plaintiff
Louis Charles Hamilton II  
Certificate of Mailing Services
       Comes Now the Pro Se Plaintiff, Louis Charles Hamilton II, Appearing in this Cause No. CV-00808 hereby certifies and state against penalty of perjury that the following documents:
1.  Plaintiff Motion in opposition to “Stay Discovery Request.
Plaintiff further states regular mail having been received at the address indicated for the Defendant(s) (The United States of America) through attorney of records which is on file with the Clerk Office,
Assistant United States of America Attorney Andrea. L. Parker Beaumont Texas (Office).

 Dated the _______ day of __________, 2011

       By, ____________________________
              Louis Charles Hamilton II
              Pro Se Plaintiff
              P.O. Box 20126
                Houston Texas 77225

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