Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Part XV All Negro Plaintiff Black African Americans 6 Trillion Dollars Asset Freeze vs. United States of America No. 00808

(Negro) Black Plaintiff African Americans descendant refugees

And (All) (Negro) Black Plaintiff(s) African Americans descendant refugees herein state, status, shape and testify respectful before the “Honorable Justice”

“The Defendant (The United States of America) herein in collusion with the “elite” White Ruling Class”, royal federation

Systematic criminal (RICO) fraud scheme of things perpetrated by Defendants (USA) herein provides before the “Honorable Justice”

Prima facie standing of corrupted past motivation, opportunity, and completely demonstrates that Defendants (USA) herein having gone to great lengths to disguise

 The actual identities of their paramilitary (KKK) official finical state-run sponsorship,

Disbursement, payroll, employees, and all acting physical past agents, past Companies, past industry(s) and all past Corporations

Described herein whom all having made illegal monetary funds gains from the imposed Genocide slavery and crimes against (Negro) races humanity for 100% monetary profit.
Before the Honorable Justice prima facie just cause of action in Past, and present motivation, opportunity, and completely demonstrates

 That Defendants (USA) herein having gone to great lengths in plan, design, blueprint,

 To rely upon all of the (All) (Negro) Black Plaintiff(s) African Americans descendant refugees herein

Financial condition to be under a state-run down oppression, domination, and absolute train wreck in a continue genocide statehood throughout infinity,

Before the Honorable Justice prima facie just cause of action By Defendant (The United States of America) herein past and present

Criminal and civil conduct of the “white ruling class” direct premeditated wrongful death destruction in the population ratio control of the (Negro) Blood Heritage races

 From ever “blossoming”, “exceed in actual growth”, “fully increase”, and or expansion over 12% of the overall total population within the Defendant (The United States of America)

When the maxim factual ratios was at best in the past a 19% overall (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) after the “Blood Heritage” refugee descendants population reached

However herein and now living within the Defendant (USA) 2011-2012 era all (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) “Blood Heritage” of African American refugee descendants population

On a steady forced premeditated wrongful deaths ratio in deteriorate massive genocide destructive of (Negro) races abortion babies decline death campaign.                      
Accompany Defendants (The United States of America) herein have engaged years in providing direct decay of humanity by the
Government sponsor of many “Billions” of U.S. Dollars fully withheld, misappropriation, embezzlement through among others things
A “poll taxation” scheme of things, against all of the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African American refugees “Blood Heritage” herein between 1865 and January 23rd 1964, with a compounded lost interest of 6%.  
And Defendant (The United States of America) herein continue to engage in the same such white ruling class corruption,
in a Congressmen criminal ploy under criminal (RICO) statues involving Defendant (The United States of America)
“National Treasury Fund” scheme, designed to deprive among others refugees (Americans)
This depreciation was race motivated base against all of the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African American refugees “Blood Heritage” herein
Before the Honorable Justice prima facie just cause of action (Negro) races plight from having any large or small chance of improvement, upgrade, getting well chance under the
 “Leadership” of a current (Negro) race President throughout the end of 2012
By major crooked devise in many collective, combine, united refusal of “The ultra white ruling majority Class” of the Defendant
 (USA) 212th Congress corrupted “flat out” in a “Professional congressmen sworn duty capacity
by simply closed hostile white ruling class majority society voting in rejection to accomplish grave massive destruction of 7 pass Job Bills
For the advancement of (Negro) well beings, to inflate poverty, dismay, oppression, and the already advance (Negro) Plague “Genocide Statehood”
With the bias enhance performance provided before “public affirmation” of the “White Ruling Class” of the Defendant (USA) herein 212th Congress
Flat out rejection, to supply a (Tea Party Political motivated Coup), causing to include “World shared dismay, and monetary losses
With the “White Ruling Class” of the Defendant (USA) herein 212th Congress bias
A/k/a “wreck future Defendant (The United States of America) financial Treasury fund havoc” on such further job bill before it is even in official print form.
Thus continue causing “mutable innocents (Americans) humans” within an important demographic voting make up group of
“person or persons” from the past voters for the sided election one political “Elite”
Namely the 44th President of the United States of America (Obama) being current in his standing position.
To suffer substantial control amounts of money losses, infliction of current unnecessary excessive poverty, hardship, destitution, indigence
Extract extra “white ruling class elite” voting punishment and future voting intimidation to the “middle white class” (now over) an estimation of in excess of a easy 32 Million strong herein 2011
Fully “Distress Deprivation, domination, imitation racket over “White American” fully now a Defendant the United States of America acting
“Government” in collusion with white ruling class elite imposed such destitution, upon poor innocents (“white refugees”) steady growing into 2012 for an election Big Fix.
 Through this Actual (RICO) fraud, deceit, imitation, racket, scheme, political con,
and destructive crooked snake oil counterfeit U.S. Treasury Fund deception design “Extortion plan by “Public Officers”.
Before the “Honorable Justice” herein this is not artificial but a  “honest” prima facie case of “Past, and very present motivation, opportunity,

And completely demonstrates that Defendants (USA) herein having gone to great lengths and blueprint design as described fully herein above and in the Amend complaint in the Systemically,

Make government sponsor assurances in collection, agreement and direction with smoke and mirrors, swindle scoundrels killer (KKK) of the “white ruling class corrupted elite” from the past

That all (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black “Blood Heritage” of “African Americans descendants of refugees herein clean throughout the future

 Are the only “truly despicable” poverty stricken ethnic group in the Defendant (The United States of America) 2011-2012 time frame.

For a now “Global rank smelling” obvious funky political hostile artificial greedy gains & racial imitation, oppression, domination

 To inflict physical injuries and harm, loss of wrongful little lives, hardship, mock, scoff at, deride, ridicule, poke fun agenda of a single ethic group within the United States of America, untimely causing the same unjust “Slavery Brand”

 Upon many other being “wrongfully infested” with a curse of reproduce “Black Codes” and “Jim Crow Laws” by the described Defendant herein (The United States of America in a time frame now present “2011-2012”
Inflicted on a different kind of “humanity set of natural dignity possession Americans lives similarly poor, deprived, force into “poverty stricken”

 Oppression, complete domination over, thus untimely exactly the same for others human races suffrage being now force feed the dog cruel replicate same sorry garbage gutless loser crap as

 The actual (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) “Blood Heritage” of a Black African American “capture & conquered”

Fully En-Slaved worked fully to death do you depart “Negro refugee” our descendants described herein”.

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