Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Sherlock Holmes” Case of: “The Talking Treasure Box” by Louis Charles Hamilton II (Cmdr. Bluefin) Part II

            In The United States District Court
              For the Eastern District of Texas
                           Beaumont Division    

Louis Charles Hamilton II
(Negro African American)

            Vs.                         Civil No. 4:10-CV-2709

United States of America et al

State of Texas et al

Harris County et al

To: United States Federal Judge Marcia A. Crone
To: United States Magistrate Judge Keith F. Giblin

“You’re Honor(s)” I file this memorandum
In the above entitled matter pursuant to I have no exact ideal what Fed. R. of Civil Procedures  exist, J

I respectfully request a “Holy few days in delay” to file a reply to a pending motion to dismiss complaint of (Plaintiff)

This request should be consider respectful in Honor of giving the

Defendant United States of America et al, State of Texas et al, and Harris County et al herein

A legal further fair “Chance”

Through their Attorney of Records
(The United States Attorney office et al)

Assistant United States Attorney Andrea L. Parker

      To legally consider “factors” events and soon very real circumstances surrounding the factual allegations made by me in the Complaint against (2) USDA Judges,

And the extreme reply with XXX proof soon I shall be filing in opposition to (USA) motion to dismiss complaint with all of Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) supporting evidence

I shall be filing in the very near future before the “Honorable Court”


In light of I have now also obtains the (Actual) physical deposition of Attorney at Law “Harry C. Arthur”
A/k/a Houston Scrooge Attorney Harry C. Arthur Church thieving Bastard and his crime partners

“The Hole in the wall gang of (Pirate Attorneys at Law).

*See Plaintiff attached exhibit (A) Letter from (Andy Vickery) Attorney at Law dated August 15th 2011 whom represented “Christ Church Cathedral et al” in the past against (Harry C. Arthur Esq.),

Everything I (Hamilton II) criminal and civil described, portray, depict, in very specific detail since 2009-2011 should have a chance in this particular civil action be given consideration

 By the Defendant (USA) herein acting agents (Attorneys at Law) that this really should not be made public at all.

 It is to XXX “Precise Really Unholy Crooked” while faith involving the whole “Judicial System” on both “State and Federal” Level wrongfully against too many poor homeless folks

With the “white ruling class” supporting Millions of dollars Corporation crimes, and disgusting Judicial discrimination factors treatment,

 That the (USA Nation) as a whole need not be expose to any more of this kind of corruption @ this exact 2011 time

Regardless of Assistant United States Attorney Andrea L. Parker making rude comment direct at the Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) being some sort of “Freak” who having the ability to wreck havoc in tie up the Court(s) “Honorable time”,

First she is very confused and should eat breakfast”

And she is also completely having very “sticky crooked fingers” to booth, regardless of her current hostile legal position direct at the Pro Se Plaintiff,

Once I file the (real) deposition of Harry C. Arthur Attorney at Law, and all of his crooked supporting mountain of legal documents, exhibits and my “hostile” brief

 (There is no taking Back), and I always draft legal brief’s live on the Internet

Helps Stops (Scoundrels people from keep stealing) my laptop, files ect.

To win in Court against me…..Duh”.  J

The “Whole Entire World” is going to go like (OMG) & why did this go on so long

The President of (USA) is going to be even more F==king piss off.  (Then he already is now)   J

 And the “Honorable Court” herein having after read my brief, and examines all exhibits

Especially the (Deposition) of “Harry C. Arthur” and realized the full damage the “Honorable Justice” is going to first freak out, then move

 To be even more “F==king piss off” then the “President of the United States of America”.

(Trust me) I do really want Justice

But not that bad, J

So everybody that’s a “Judicial Defendant” et al respectfully herein get a “stay of execution” 

Their (USA) defendant legal (Agents) herein better wave the “White Flag”   (ASAP) and have slow crooked greedy “Harry C. Arthur Esq. better retrieve his dam deposition (ASAP) from me
with the rest of his clients criminal files, civil files and medical, banking, & divorce records

I think I got a VAMC date for a few days with a pretty nurse,
Need to ask the VAMC Shrink Doctor why my boogers are so dry and extra hard   J

 Need to also really try and find, beg, or steal me some clean dry socks, take a bath, and get this hair growing off my face, (looking like Old Grady on Sanford and Son Show)  J

 And I heard down by the “Houston Harbor” their a “Tramp Spot” where your homeless self can drink beer, have puff of “good smoke” without HPD giving out tickets or jail time

…That should take a week to hike too and check out (alone)…

I had not taken a break in a few years since 2009 from this crazy (legal stuff) anyway,

Plus I lost my only favored signature ink pen, now I got to go and scrap for some empty cans an buy me a new one, J

With a 6 piece chicken snack, 40 oz cold beer with the extra change, and a stamp to get ready to mail you the “Honorable Justice” my soon reply

That should give (USA) and their Dream Legal Attorney Team” especially in Washington D.C.

Time to consider, reflect & do their dumb “homework” and see if they want what fixing to happen next   J

By then September 15th something is here

 No news, no “white flag” but the same ignorant “white ruling class cracker ass cover up arrogant crap” and Abuse of power” no settlement offer

And I will definite file an Honest 100% Reply that you wish before the “Judicial System” never appeared and that your “Justice” eyes

Had never even having to read such cover up crooked unholy conduct being committed by another bunch of (Crooked Judges)

For now my name is “Sergeant Schulz”, off the T.V. show “Hogan Hero’s”   (I Know Nothing)

I am just crazy as fly green pea soup, stupid with Dirt Breath, on strong drink & pills, and in the sun way too dam much,

 That’s the excuse that works for me if you guys need a legal one…xoxoox   J

But once I write this “legal brief” before the “Honorable Justices”   and the “Internet World”

It’s a Sherlock Holmes Grand Mystery original. J


No taking back (Sorry) its Live on the “Internet” and filed with full legal proof to the tilt in the Clerk of Court Office,

(USA) defendant “Attorney Team” is going to need some “strong explosive” to disturb the “Internet”   Da  J

And I should warn the “Justice” and get ready for an attempt to knock off the “Clerk of Court” office for the deposition (alone), J

(Bunch of previously U.S. Attorney et al Crooks) in the night having already hi-jack “UPS and CVS/Caremark”
For my last material physical exhibits and personal property of my dead (2) daughters in their 1994 “Utah home movie to win in another “Federal Case”.


In Honor of my Honorable Law Professor  J

  The Honorable Magistrate Judge Karen K. Klein,

(All ways driving in the middle of the road) & whom I respect 100% and learn from greatly,
And it paying off in ten folds   J

She I know for sure (Respectfully) would consider this to be a fair just cause for a little few more days of delay of the undersign “Magistrate” Honorable Time.   J

Respectfully Submitted

By: Louis Charles Hamilton II
      Pro Se Plaintiff

Certificate of Mailing Services
        Comes Now the Pro Se Plaintiff, Louis Charles Hamilton II, Appearing in this Cause No. hereby certify and state against penalty of perjury that the following documents:
Plaintiff “Memorandum” was mail to the Defendant
(The United States of America et al) Attorney of Record (United States Assistant Attorney)

Andrea L. Parker
350 Magnolia Avenue, Suite 150
Beaumont, Texas 77701-2237
As address is indicated on file with the U.S. Clerk of Court Office in regards to Civil No. 4:10-CV-2709
Plaintiff (Hamilton II) further states regular first class mail having been received at the correct address

Dated the _______ day of __________, 2011

Louis Charles Hamilton II
Pro Se Plaintiff
P.O. Box 20126
Houston Texas 77225

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