Sunday, August 14, 2011

All 2011 Negro Plaintiff(s) (Black American) refugee "Conclusion" “Presidential Executive Orders Decree''s U.S. Docket 00808

(Negro) Plaintiff Black African American and All (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans and their descendants herein fully state, declare, and affirm respectful before the “Honorable Justice”
 The strategic primary challenge of the Defendant (The United State of America) conspire congressmen fiduciary function duty, direction, plan, “hunt down target”, “bearing and collusion” with
 “White Supremacy Ruling Class Americans” endless tyrannies, and their “official sponsors” at this time the,
”Extreme Hostile” Republican Party”& and “Extreme Hostile” “Tea Party” controlling white supremacy ruling 212th congress class
 Having in their now 2011 “Legal Profession of Congressmen no less “ungodly focus” and pursuit with a “sinful viciousness” destructive “greedy monetary political self-destructive course” all being in legal official every day duties no less
“Author”, provide production, planning to “illegally direct aid” in the expedited “Massive Time Table Genocide Progression Campaign” against the human (Negro) race “Humane existences” within the Defendant (The United States of America)
To include but not limited to (all) described “bad actors” (above) having “full conscious knowledge”, “precise calculations”, “government control data”,
 And access to all the needed figures,
“Yet” decide to “pirate” overwhelming mast a “Hostile Majority” rule to further supply, provide, endow with a very “distressing”, “crushing”, “overpowering”, “burdensome” and “depressing refusal”
To bigotry get out of the “muggy racial divided past” and consider the “physical dire faith” of the Conquered Subjects namely
 (Negro) Plaintiff Black African American, and All (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans refugees,
And their current 2011 “off spring”, refugee’s descendants herein.
(Negro) Plaintiff Black African American and All (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans refugees and their 2011 refugees “off springs” descendants herein fully state, declare, and affirm respectful before the “Honorable Justice”
The present complete current iniquity of a deadly hoist of wrongful
2011 MADTV Awards 212th Congressmen(s) “gone badly”
 In bestows of extreme infliction” on the full behalf of the Defendant (The United States of America)
Endow with “White Supremacy rule class” to continue “forever and a day” being fully acquired in  past, present “Congressman Government” sponsor position of imposed “Genocide Statehood” and supply with the complementary “domineering oppressive”, unfair tyrannies acts and actions direct and author with “congressmen seal government authority”
Fully against all of the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans refugees “conquered subjects” herein peace, civil rights, will, dignity, liberty, and humanity
Supplying with Defendant (The United States of America) “quick precise extreme finical restrictive sanctions achievements in failing in deployment expenditures
 of the already “Treasury Own” taxes of the “Genocide Statehood” oppressive poverty stricken (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African American refugees herein “Own Federal Obtain,
Acquired, Get a Hold of, Gain, Procured Taxes since first such deduction occurred after the “Infamous Impropriety”,
 “Poll Taxes Abduction” mutable (RICO) Treasury Funds indiscretions sham, scam, “misdeeds”, and impropriety financial rip off’s from the past Legacy of Defendant (The United States of America) “Greed”
Now being accompanied by the congress criminally insane and civilly lack of discretion “abducted”, “kidnap”, “make off with”, “seize from” and “misappropriated from”
By all such *Four Star Outstanding Professional” “current 212th congress conduct” of “iniquity”, “immorality” “crude extreme rip off dealings in absolute greed” directed fully in a “straightforward”, “plainspoken”  
In every language around the entire blasted “World” the *212th Congress quite blunt “Political War” against the entire (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) African American refugees rightful human “Blood Heritage” races
Within the Defendant (USA) in 2011 Defendant “New World”
 Base such destructive force solely upon a simple factor control over an “political elite” opponent being (American Negro Race Plaintiffs herein)
*See Plaintiff Exhibit (B) Birth Certificate of the Defendant, (The United States of America) herein 44th President Namely President Barack Obama of the United States of America “filed herein”
(Negro) Plaintiff Black African American and All (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans and their descendants herein fully state, declare, and affirm respectful before the “Honorable Justice”
 The *212th Congress Assault on an single “political elite” opponent solely being (Negro Race Plaintiffs President herein) to simply undermined, damaged, destabilized,
And dilute any practical logical present and or future “achievement” being namely “in full or in part” for future sponsor government advancement, quite fully sounding in providing “National” economic stabilization
To include all of Americans inhabitants “not just the (Negro) Plaintiff Black African American and All (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans and their descendants refugees herein regardless of their standing physical in whole population at
 Dire knocking at “Death Door”, fully current exposure to a “Genocide Statehood” situation, position, condition, and “Legal State of Mess Up Deadly Affairs”.
(Negro) Plaintiff Black African American and All (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans and their descendants herein fully furtherance’s state, declare, and affirms respectful before the “Honorable Justice”
*212th Congress fully tactlessness “sabotage and incapacitate”
All of which is “extreme tasteless corruption”, and quite both “civil and criminal” wrongdoings,
 Directly malicious heartless to kill off the “Negro unborn off springs babies” of over 48.9 million to 51.0 million (Negro) Plaintiff Black African American and Plaintiff(s) Black African American refugees herein
Now living in current imposed Defendant (USA) continue sponsor Genocide Statehood.
“Dog Sorry White Rule Class Political Congress” interruption, impropriety, way far and beyond over the flipping edge” for any regularly normalcy within the Defendant (The United States of America) justification for the (Negro) Human Blood Heritage Races,
Have bless fairness, share equally, evenly, just as, likewise, in the same way, by the same token of the white supremacy ruling class in congressmen administrative “over all” functions for their favor white subjects,
To include all (Negro) races escape from “The Genocide Statehood”, continue (USA) long imposed road of purgatory in poverty
And now official “Sovereign Immunity Waiver” for a direct causes of action before the “Honorable Justice” herein “Probing attention, concentration for all of the “direct immoral” points, and greedy treachery objectives, deceitfulness being fully the direct causing oppressive “Genocide Statehood” continue injury(s)
 To include but not limited to all of the *212th congressmen actions in the coup in 2011 by the current preventable extreme deception enrollment “wrongful direct deaths” associated in now the extra political monetary refusal imposed progression in fatal unborn mortality rate
Of all (Negro) Plaintiff and all (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African American (Females) refugees herein for “extinct premeditated deaths” associated with massive wrongful Abortions rates due in the now simple dishonesty interest in the 2011iniquity campaign quest for the “Oval Office”
Moreover being “major combine congressmen corrupted failures to just pass a simple  “job bill” which would have “created (Negro) races jobs” in the “National Welfare”
 Behalf support for all (Negro) Plaintiff Black African American
And Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans Refugees herein extreme 2011 dire needed (American) based “refugees aids” among other Defendant (The United States of America) “living citizens”.
(Negro) Plaintiff Black African American and All (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans and their descendants herein fully state, declare, and affirm respectful before the “Honorable Justice” Defendant (USA)
“White Supremacy Ruling Class Political “Abuse of Power” and recklessness over the edge” for a election in 2012 is a direct cause of civil action before the “Honorable Justice” herein
Probing attention, concentration for all of the “direct immoral”, “political wrong points achievement”, and greedy hostage objectives, in the unwillingness of the
“White ruling Republican class control *212th congress “special honesty needs” in passing a series of proposals from the (Obama) Administration regardless of “personal racial bias”,
Thus the dim witted blockage by recent majority “Hostile “White Ruling Class Republican Senators blocking the (among many others) approximately (40) Billions in “job bill”
Which would have “created all of (Americans) jobs” and kept “all of (Americans) unemployment benefits”
 And at the same timing sequences a “direct tool”, constructive device in slowing the progressive destruction of the (Negro) Blood Heritage race annulations within the Defendant (The United States of America) from advancing into complete squarely instinct
(Negro) Plaintiff Black African American and All (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans and their descendants herein fully state, declare, and affirm respectful before the “Honorable Justice”
Defendant (The United States of America) “White Supremacy Ruling Class Americans”, and”Hostile” 212th Republican Congress & and “Hostile” “212th Tea Party Congress” controlling white ruling class
Having provide quite a “public display” and very “factual legally” herein 2011 for all of the (Negro) Plaintiff(s) and all (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans refugees having civil legal standing in suit in common law and civil “Honorable” standing consideration before the “Honorable Court a “Prima Facie Case”
Against  Defendant (USA) government “deception for the “Lives” of the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African American refugees “Blood Heritages” races being “legally sponsor” under “absolute oppression” poverty stricken,
 Forever domination life living in exile of soon expected detonation by the imposed “Genocide Statehood” direction, path, and control by the Defendant (USA) deceitfulness herein
(Negro) Plaintiff Black African American and All (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans and their descendants herein fully state, declare, and affirm respectful before the “Honorable Justice”
With a continue sever infliction of “Extremely Wrongful massive premeditated murder of all (Negro) baby “Blood Heritage” races and progressive recent deaths”
Fully associated with Abortions due in “grand gesture interest” of strict imposed poverty conditions in the 2011”iniquity”, sham campaign quest for the Oval Office
Complemented with the Defendant (The United States of America) complete already torrent devastation, demolition and excess obliteration of all the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) “Blood Heritage” races and their (Negro) refugees descendants herein
 In the massive “Judicial Factories” providing their added fraud in the “factual genocide ruin statehood” in the absolute cheating in complete supply-n-demand (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) refugees duplicity for a
“Prison Boom Town” (USA) “inundation population” more than any other living races within the Defendant (The United States of America).
 For the hardest already (Negro) excess trickery in unemployed,
(Negro) excessive trickery uneducated, and excessive saturated years living (Negro) refugees of homelessness,
Destitute Killer oppression and sham impoverished legacy of a “Chattel free labor” system imposed by the  Defendant (The United States of America) “Hostile” solely “in the money” , “in the chips”, in the black, “Imposed on all (Negros) for Life “Hidden Slavery”.  
 (Negro) Plaintiff Black African American and All (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans and their descendants herein fully state, declare, and affirm respectful before the “Honorable Justice” not only is the Defendant (USA) Congressmen herein respect, character, make up, nature and “Sovereign Immunity Waiver” destroyed
(All) Negros Plaintiff Black African American and Plaintiff(s) Black African American refugees herein having complete legal civil standing,
and just civil causes of legal action before (Any) Honorable USDA Federal District Court of the (American) land
In all current hostile corrupted collusions of the *212th congress unjust finical coup acts and actions, combine with paragraph 320, 321, 322, 323, and 234 above describing, depicting, and showing the current “dire hopeless living (Negro) races herein poor, poverty stricken, oppressive conditions.
The present 2011-2012 depressing deception, con, pretext, trickery, ruse, and “criminal and civil (RICO) non-monetary treasury transactions actions to officially government control causing extreme direct hardship
Directed solely to one entire class of people namely the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans races of Refugees,
with the now disgraceful extra exposure added “unnecessary unholy losses” of Human (Negro) Babies refugees Lives.
 Warrant not “only an “Honorable Judicial Federal Courthouse to institute safety for the (Negro) races from continue inhumane criminal congressmen actions
To include but not limited to a “Very conscious 44th President of the United States of America Plaintiff(s) herein Namely (Barack Obama)
To (Activate) fully with legal acting “Presidential Authority”, their after all current U.S. Docket No. 00808 ongoing judicial legal means having herein been wrongfully finish
And total utter exhausted against the best civil, legal and humane interest over all of the (Negro) races within the Defendant (The United States of America) providing
Justifiable 2011-2012 “Presidential Executive Orders” Authority” legal survival standing, humane reasoning to fully “Honorably” Presidential instituting a “Direct declaration of “Executive Orders”
Placing the “absolute humane protection” for the legal (American) behalf on all (Negro) races within the Defendant (The United States of America) being under unadulterated “Marshall Laws,
“Presidential Executive Authority” in All Criminal and Civil Judiciary proceeding against any (Negro) races subject being fully legally conducted by (JAG) Judge Advocated General,
All monetary taxes and assets abducted from the (Negro) races subjects being diverted fully from the Defendant (USA) treasury funds,
Furtherance’s held fully in a separate (American) banking system in full 100% support provisions for the (Negro) refugees races complete plight, escape, flight, break away from, and flee from
“All imposed (USA) Government sponsor present and future “Genocide Statehood” directed solely at (only) all of the (Negro) Plaintiff Black African American herein “Blood Heritages races from future existences of imposed wrongful premeditated population annulations.
To include but not limited to a series of “Presidential Executive Orders Authority” in complete protection from any Defendant (USA) total imposed “Genocide Statehood directed solely at (only) all (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans refugees races,
 And their current 2011 poverty stricken, especially surviving (Negro) refugees, “minor off spring’s babies” “Blood Heritages races from future existences of imposed wrongful premeditated population annulations.

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