Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Part III Pro Se Plaintiff "Sherlock Holmes Case of: "The Crooked Mormon" “Maureen Blackburn Jennings Esq.”U.S. No.00240

Before the Honorable Justice herein they made me even “Cry” (we got serious problems) and
These particular “Crooked” Corporation Confederate Co-Defendant herein
United Parcel Services (UPS) through a retain Counsel of Record
“Maureen Blackburn Jennings” (Attorney at Law), Texas Bar No. 02385280, Federal ID No.:09523
700 Louisiana Street, Suite 2600, Houston Texas 77002
Unholy Seeks a Dismissal for the “Sherlock Holmes” Case of “The Crooked Mormon” J
And very (Really) quite serious too  J
Give me back my (2) “Dead Daughters” Chandra D. Hamilton and Natasha C. Hamilton 1994 (Salt Lake City) Utah Home Move Video
And dismissal your “Crooked Motherfucking Collective (UPS) et al Corporation Greedy Asses on out the fu=king door.
No Movie well (we got majors bitch problems ya crooks)
Attorney of record that be you “Maureen Blackburn Jennings” (Attorney at Law),
Respectfully can tell your “Crooked Corporation High Dollar End CEO Freaks of Sorry Ass Client(s)
*See Plaintiff exhibit (A) their receipt for a lost video tape that they abducted,
(The Dummies) while conducted their (UPS)“investigation” called the Number on Pro Se Plaintiff exhibit (A)
 With my name next to it no less and thought they were talking to CVS/Caremark “Houston Texas” store,
(Anyway) well during our very deep depth phone conversation I just let the (Bitch) on the other end
Explain how I was robe in (house) transit on the way to the “Film Production Studio” by a rolling “Fort Knox” 100% Safe proof on “Crooked  Thievery Driving Wheels”
The (Bitch) conducting the investigation went on further in details as to how the box container
 I personally closed for transport with the CVS/Caremark store staff is now busted into when it arrived at the unknown “Film Production Studio”
  Everybody on earth including especially at United Parcel Services (UPS) is keeping
“Special State Secrete” in regards to my 2 dead missing daughters (now) missing Utah home video Movie
Now all requiring filing of said “Civil Action” absolutely needing Extra Heavy Duty Judicial Honorable Justice “Dynamite”
 To now get the fucking straight answers out of your Clown Low down dog ass crooked Clients A/k/a United Parcel Services (UPS).

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