Tuesday, August 16, 2011

All 2011 Negro Plaintiff(s) (Black American) refugee "Conclusion" Part XV vs. The United States of America Docket No.00808

(All) Negros Plaintiff Black African American and Plaintiff(s) Black African American refugees herein,
state, declare, and affirm respectful before the “Honorable Justice”
In 1829, David Walker published the first of four articles that he called “Walker’s Appeal.”  In it he encouraged all slaves to become free by killing their masters.  
The South exploded in anger and offered a reward for Walker of $10,000 dead or alive. 
Defendant (The United States of America) once again passing “Sovereign Immunity Laws” were threatening to hang anyone with “Walker’s Appeal” in their possession. 
 Anti-slavery leaders of both races in the North and South of the Defendant (The United States of America) rejected the violence advocated in Walker’s publication and forced him to circulate it at his own risk and expense.
David Walker proclaimed to the slaves: “…it is no more harm for you to kill the man who is trying to kill you than it is for you to take a drink of water.”
Walker hated slavery despite the fact that he was born free as the product of a free mother and slave father.  Afraid that his stirring publication meant eminent danger,
Walker’s wife and friends urged him to flee to Canada but he refused.  Walker said: “I will stand my ground. Somebody must die in this cause. 
I may be doomed to the “stake and the fire” or to the “scaffold tree”, but it is not in me to falter if I can promote the work of emancipation.”
Despite the great efforts of both the North and South to stop its publication, “Walker’s Appeal” became one of the most widely read and circulated books ever written by a black person. 
 David Walker was considered a hero by most abolitionists, who considered his book the boldest attack ever written against slavery.
Although the violent aspects of Walker’s Appeal are most emphasized, he also offered whites an olive branch if they would end slavery:
“Treat us like men, and there is no danger but we will all live in peace and happiness together. 
 For we are not like you: “hard hearted”, “unmerciful”, and “unforgiving”. 
What a happy country this will be if “Whites will listen.”
  Walker viewed his publication as a religious document giving blacks an obligation from God to eradicate the evils of slavery.  Walker said:
“…answer God Almighty, had you not rather be killed than to be a slave to a tyrant who takes the life of your mother, wife, and children?”
He told the white slaveholders: “You may do your best to keep us in “wretchedness” and “misery” to enrich “you and your children”, but “God will deliver us from under you.” 
David Walker was born in Wilmington, North Carolina on September 28, 1785.  He was self-taught and read extensively the literature on slavery - especially on the history of resistance and oppression. 
 In 1820, he moved to Boston, Massachusetts where he opened a secondhand clothing store.  He began writing for a black newspaper called “The Freedom Journal” in 1827.
David Walker’s Appeal was published “Walker’s Appeal” on September 28, 1829.  The full title is “Walker’s Appeal in Four Articles:
Together with a Preamble, to the Coloured Citizens of the World, but in Particular, and Very Expressly, to Those of the United States of America". 
 Walker created such fear among slaveholding states that governors and city officials alike held emergency meetings to deal with its obvious implications. 
True to his word, Walker did not flee the country and was murdered in 1830.  The “Appeal” was the inspiration for several slave rebellions including the terrifying slave rebellion of Nat Turner about one year after Walker’s death.
David Walker’s selfless devotion to the liberation of his people and his revolutionary spirit also served as an important model for future militants like
 Henry Highland Garnet who published Walker’s “Appeal” and his own work entitled “Address to the Slaves of the United States” in a single volume in 1848.

From David Walker's Appeal


Our Wretchedness in Consequence of Slavery


My beloved brethren:-The Indians of North and of South America-the Greeks-the Irish, subjected under the king of Great Britain-

the Jews, that ancient people of the Lord-the inhabitants of the islands of the sea-in fine,

all the inhabitants of the earth, (except however, the sons of Africa) are called men, and of course are, and ought to be free. But we, (coloured people) and our children are brutes!!

and of course are, and ought to be Slaves to the American people and their children forever!!

 to dig their mines and work their farms; and thus go on enriching them, from one generation to another with our “blood and our tears”!!!!

I promised in a preceding page to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the most incredulous,

that we, (coloured people of these United States of America) are the most wretched,

degraded and abject set of beings that ever lived since the world began, and that the white Americans having reduced us to the wretched state of slavery,

treat us in that condition more cruel (they being an enlightened and Christian people,)
than any heathen nation did any people whom it had reduced to our condition.

These affirmations are so well confirmed in the minds of all unprejudiced men, who have taken the trouble to read histories,

that they need no elucidation from me. But to put them beyond all doubt, I refer you in the first place to the children of [Old Testament Hebrew patriarch]

Jacob, or of Israel in Egypt, under [Egyptian king] Pharaoh and his people.
Some of my brethren do not know who Pharaoh and the Egyptians were
-I know it to be a fact,

that some of them take the Egyptians to have been a gang of devils, not knowing any better,
and that they (Egyptians) having got possession of the Lord's people,

treated them nearly as cruel as Christian Americans do us,
at the present day. For the information of such, I would only mention that the Egyptians,

were Africans or coloured people, such as we are-some of them yellow and others dark-a mixture of Ethiopians

and the natives of Egypt-about the same as you see the coloured people of the United States at the present day.
-I say, I call your attention then, to the children of Jacob, while I point out particularly to you his son Joseph, among the rest, in Egypt……..
(All) Negros Plaintiff Black African American and Plaintiff(s) Black African American refugees herein, state, declare, and affirm further respectful before the “Honorable Justice”

 The Defendant (The United States of America) “White Ruling Class” herein a very small window 2011-2012 Election time frame no less official

“Enterprise government aim”, “intend”, “plan”, “blueprint”, and outline in solely coercion infliction of “extreme gross poverty”, oppression, finances domination, tyranny, associated with (USA) sponsor “Genocide Deaths”.

 Strategy Supremacy, rule, command, power, control, and “legal Authority” best keeping (us) namely all (Negros) Plaintiff Black African American and all (Negros) Plaintiff(s) Black African American refugees herein

 In absolute “wretchedness” and “misery” to enrich “white ruling class and white ruling class children rich future only”,

Being handed down effectively from pass corrupted crude “white rule class legacy” target time frame of an exactly traced timeline back to
“1829” as described by David Walker’s a “Black African American” descendant Refugee (Hero) above

Being certified in print and publish” before the Defendant (The United States of America) control scheme, sham, and price fixing labor control devices of
“Black Codes”, And “Jim Crow Laws” disguised misrepresentations under the Declaration of supposed Defendant (USA) freedom of Independence gains
For all (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americas refugee descendants “Blood Heritages” races of 1865,

 That no future 2012 outlook for “equal opportunity” “fairness intention”, “simple goals”, “strategy rule provision of “absolute freedom end”,

In achievements of equality, impartiality peace,
Shall never, ever, being cometh forth to any of the “Conquered (Negros) inhabits within “infinity”.

regardless of any “rank”, “status”, “position”, “level, “professional stage” or “monetary standing”.

 Namely all (Negro) Plaintiff Black African Americans and all Plaintiff(s) (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans Refugees herein status this undersign date within the year of our lord 2011

 Full significance, equivalence, and uniformity with this Superiority “White Rule Class” and the Defendant (USA) Superiority “White Rule Class” Republican Government is absolute

“Wretchedness” and “misery” (Negros) lives to enrich “white ruling class and “white ruling class children” rich future only”,

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