Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Part II (All) Negro African American herein file "Default Motion" Docket No.1:2010-CV-00808 vs. Defendant (The United States of America et al)

The Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) respectfully assert before the “Honorable Court Justice” (CVS/Caremark et al) herein 917 Main Street Houston Texas 77002 #6834 KODAK Picture Kiosk Computer production (Gadget)
And its order ID Number and Tracking No. system use for the precise over the counter commercial shopping transaction was compromise fully indeed in advance at the very exact (sorry ass) tenth second of a split hair precise moment in past time
Pro Se Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) herein operated the (CVS/Caremark et al) Computer rise touch screen for “KODAK Picture Kiosk” and the attaching “Key Board” system
And enter the Plaintiff Naval Call Sign: (Cmdr. Bluefin) and I.D. the Video (Mr. Mom) to include secure with the full entry of the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein full exact name which was then
 Forward, pass on, redirect, dispatch to Defendants (The  United States of America) agents United States Attorney, “Eric H. Holder Jr.”, United States Attorney, “John M. Bales”
And Assistant United States Attorney, “Andrea L. Parker” to acceleration further advance collusion, conspiring with Confederate (UPS) United Parcel Service and their tracking system #1ZW881789044632784 for the final phase by providing a (UPS) delivery safe, secure, confident, self-assured, transfer, of the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) 1994 home video
For 100% complete destruction of the Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II personal property namely 1994 home video “Utah” movie of Daughters “Chandra & Natasha Hamilton” movie
And “Moreover” forever sealing in favor of the Defendant (The United States of America)
and their “Utah” LDS Mormon Nation Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saints serious vulnerable insecure civil damages in the (among other things)
“Special Imagery release” of the Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) “most beautiful daughters” (Chandra and Natasha Hamilton) pretty baby physical Identities’
Their “Mother” (Rachel Ann Hamilton) really did favors (Madonna) & Quite extra Sexy Odd (Goldie Hawn) at the same very time
 Whom I search for exact pretty (twin) of (Madonna) but found the pair……in (Utah)…..xoxoox
Significance special meaning I was “Extra Lucky Twice Happy Over” and our very own (two) daughters were so very, very beautiful (Dutch, English, Cajun French, (Negro) African & Indian American) racial mixture,
To the point my Daughter “Chandra D. Hamilton” threw a “baby fit” and cried herself silly in the store @ age 1 year and 1 month old playing me like a fool………
Next thing I know  “Salt Lake City” “Tactical” police had done really swarmed SAFEWAY” place wanting to know
“Why” that beautifully “blue eye” light golden, blond hair “pure white” pretty looking baby in that “Niggers” arm is crying…….
I had to put her crying pretty self down between my legs, look at all of them (Police) and all them weapons looking at me head on…..
And I told them straight out to their face and her’ too (Again)……
(No)…..she can’t have no “Dam Candy”….I am her Dad………No means No….
She can cry her “pretty self silly” all she wants’ too…….
She isn’t getting it”
Now would you all Salt Lake City (Police) care to take all of them “dam big guns” and really like make nice and get out of my face……………
(Scaring the crap out of me & pissing me off)……
That’s How Pretty “Chandra D. Hamilton” was…..her sister “Natasha C. Hamilton” was only (2) months old and @ Home …
Lucky I left her (Natasha Hamilton) at home (I) probably would have gotten f—king shot” with the pair.   J
The Defendant (The United States of America) agents United States Attorney offices et al…done all their sorry legal advance research as described in the sick complaint dealing of “Crooked Utah” LDS Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saints Mormon Rule Class Nation,
The Defendant (The United States of America) agents United States Attorney offices et al now know fully understand the real crooked Mormon facts, concerning my Plaintiff (Hamilton II) lost entire family,
And Defendant (The United States of America) agents (U.S. Attorneys offices et al) there legal “smart” civil road to the “Federal Courthouse” in taking the “low dirt road”
in this Federal Civil matter into continue deprecation, desecration, vandalism, violations, of the Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II,
Peace, will, humane dignity and especially moral civil patience’s
And committing to United States federal employment as “Mummy Ghost Busters” for the wrongful legal shield protection of “Utah” LDS Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saints Mormon Nation
And there criminal despoliation crypt creeping coffin LDS nation crooks “combining together” for such  precise sacrilege gruesome mummified acts and actions,
 And very “unholy Christian defilement” of my Plaintiff (Hamilton II) basic civil (American) rights
As a “humane married husband” and proud father of 2 little special children whom having his entire family destroyed in Death.

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